Search Results for “CANDID”

June 26, 2012
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Rihanna Hits The Stage So You Know She’s Wearing Something Crazy.

I really do like Rihanna. I like her music. I like her personality and I love her style. It takes a special kind of woman to rock an outfit like the one Rihanna is wearing in these photos from BBC Radio 1 Hackney Weekend in London. I don’t care about what the critics say. I think she looks great. The thing I admire most about Rihanna is her ability to keep her style feeling fresh and new. I also really appreciate the fact that she doesn’t always have to wear elaborate costumes on stage. I could imagine seeing her in candid shots wearing an outfit similar to this one without her even batting an eyelash. She’s just that kind of girl. Love her.

May 11, 2012
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New Sexy Jessica Jane Clement Photo Shoot

Jessica Jane Clement is an incredibly beautiful women but there’s something about these pictures that I like even more than all of the other photo sets of her I’ve written about here. Problem is I’m not quite sure what that something is. It’s not really the clothing or the poses. Perhaps its the lighting and the almost grungy feel of the photos. They look professional but still candid somehow. I’ve always been a big fan of the way Jessica stares into a camera. She just has a natural sort of magnetism about her. When she’s in front of a camera, she just seems comfortable. I like that, I like Jessica and I love these photos.

April 25, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Bares Her Belly While Walking Her Dog

It seems like it’s been a while now since the world has gotten a good Miley Cyrus scandal and I’m pretty happy about that. I think a lot of the scandals she’s been involved in have been way over played. The whole weed thing? Who cares. There are a lot of people her age that like to indulge in the stuff from time to time and if that’s the worst thing she’s doing, I’m fine with it. I don’t buy into the “weed is a gateway drug” hype. I know a lot of people who have smoked pot for years yet have never moved on to harder stuff. It’s all about the decisions you make. I personally don’t like weed. I don’t like the smell, I don’t like the taste and I don’t like the way it makes me feel, but if Miley wants to take a puff off a joint or take a hit from a bong, that’s her business. As for these photos, I gotta say I’m a fan. I’ve always been a fan of Miley’s candid pictures because they give us the chance to see a bit of who Miley really is. I’d also like to state for the record that I don’t believe for a minute that Miley is anorexic. Maybe she’s lost weight, but we’ve also seen pictures of her going into Pilates classes. Stands to reason that she might slim down with the whole working out thing. I think she looks healthy in these pictures. She might look a little slimmer than she used to be but not in an unhealthy way. Also, her dog is freaking adorable. Love these photos and wish Miley nothing but the best.

April 8, 2012

Pretty Miley Cyrus At Pilates

I often say I prefer the more casual, candid pics of Miley Cyrus to her more glammed up shots but these pictures taken outside Miley’s Pilates class in Hollywood are a nice compromise. She looks a little more dressed up than she has looked in other Pilates class pictures we’ve seen but to be honest, I can’t imagine this is what she’ll actually be wearing in class. I know some people have been giving Miley a hard time for hitting the street looking a little less than put together. I hope that’s not why she chose to dress it up a little here. I guess in the end it doesn’t matter. She still looks comfortable and happy. I have no problem with that.

April 4, 2012

Sexy Georgia Salpa Eats Ice Cream In The Park

I wasn’t terribly familiar with gorgeous Greek-Irish model Georgia Salpa until I saw the pictures for this post. I knew her from the various controversies she’s been involved in and for her time on “Celebrity Big Brother” but that was pretty much the extent of my experience with this particular model. With that said, based on what I know, I’m a fan. I’m not typically into supposed candid pictures that look like a photo shoot but I’ll make an exception here. I think Georgia looks beautiful in these pictures taken in London and I love that she’s enjoying a nice ice cream. I like the clothes she’s wearing here but not just because they show off her body. She looks comfortable and casual and that’s always nice to see.

December 31, 2011

Hot Bikini Shots Of Miley Cyrus In Hawaii

Miley Cyrus is like a scandal magnet but I don’t think that’s entirely fair. She’s a young girl doing the things most young girls do. It just so happens she’s doing them in front of the whole world. I honestly couldn’t care less if she likes to smoke weed on occasion. I also like the fact that she mostly tries to keep it under wraps. A lot of people look up to her but what she does behind closed doors is really her business and hey, there are a lot worse things out there she could get sticking her nose in. I’ve been pretty hard on Miley but always about what she chooses to wear on stage or what she chooses to do or say in public. These pictures from Hawaii are some of the best pictures I’ve ever seen of Miley. She looks gorgeous and I’m certainly not going to get on her back for flashing a lot of skin at the beach. I’ve always liked candid shots of Miley far more than her publicity photos. It’s nice to see Miley just being Miley instead of trying to be the girl her publicity team wants her to be. I’m not her biggest fan – or even really a fan at all – but I am interested to see what she does with her career from here.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }