Search Results for “Jennifer”

January 15, 2012

Jennifer Morrison And Maria Menounos At The Grove

Now this set is a real treat for me. Jennifer Morrison and Maria Menounos together. Yes, this is a treat indeed. Taken on the set of Extra at The Grove in LA, these pictures show both women looking absolutely beautiful. I’m not quite sure how I feel about Jennifer’s dress but that’s really just a matter of personal taste. It looks nice on her but I’m not a huge fan of the print. I would’ve liked to see something a little less busy or perhaps just a solid color. Maria’s dress, on the other hand, is perfect – classy, elegant and sexy. All the same, Jennifer still looks absolutely stunning, even if I don’t love the print. It’s a small detail but one I felt I should mention.

January 5, 2012

Gorgeous Jennifer Morrison In A Bikini

The fall television season was an especially good one in 2011. A lot of great new shows premiered and one of my absolute favorites, “Once Upon a Time”, stars none other than the beautiful woman in these pictures, Jennifer Morrison. I would feel pretty confident saying Jennifer is one of my favorite actresses on television today. She’s sexy, talented and doesn’t seem obsessed with her looks. She’s fine with hitting the beach for a little relaxation with her hair a little messy and a makeup free face. I both respect and admire that. It doesn’t hurt, of course, that she’s just as stunningly beautiful without makeup as she is with it. She’s a natural beauty and a very talented actress. I hope to see big things in her future both on television and beyond.

December 30, 2011

Gorgeous Jennifer Nicole Lee Works Out In The Park

Not only is fitness guru Jennifer Nicole Lee (or JNL, if you prefer) an incredibly beautiful woman, she’s also an inspiration to anyone who’s ever wanted to take control of their life. For those who aren’t familiar with JNL’s back story, here’s a quick recap. After giving birth to her two children, Jennifer lost control of her weight, hitting nearly 200 lbs. She wasn’t happy with the way she looked and decided to make a change. She started working out and watching her weight, dropping 70 lbs and becoming the fitness guru she is today. I love this woman. I love what she’s done with her life and I hope she inspires women everywhere to take control of their lives and make changes for the better.

December 25, 2011

Busty Jennifer ‘Jwoww’ Farley In Bikini Photoshoot

Here’s the thing about me and “Jersey Shore”. I was among the many, many “Jersey Shore” haters before I’d actually watched the show. I think that’s pretty typical honestly. This show gets so much bad press it’s hard to be objective. The exploits of the cast are pretty common knowledge whether you’ve even turned in to a single episode. I doubt I ever would’ve bothered giving the show a chance had I not been asked to write season three episode recaps for another website I write for. I like to be as informed as possible so I checked out the first two seasons before diving into three. To my surprise, I kind of enjoyed the show. It was definitely a guilty pleasure but I found that I was interested in what these crazy kids got up to. There was one real strong point for me – Jennifer “Jwoww” Farley. This is one strong, confident babe. She doesn’t take crap and I respect that. Is she a shining example of morality? No, of course not, but she’s on “Jersey Shore”. No one expects that of her. By the time season four rolled around, I was kind of excited but every guilty pleasure has it’s breaking point and that point came surprisingly early in season four for me. All of the ridiculous drama got old. I got tired of listening to all the fighting. Sammi and Ronnie, Snooki and her man, The Situation and, well, everyone. Nope. Done. Still, we had a good run and my affection for Jwoww lives on.

December 6, 2011

Hot Jennifer Lopez Filming In Peru

I know I’ve said it time and time again, but I really do love Jennifer Lopez. I don’t care about her personal life and all of that drama. Sure it’s interesting to read about but there are far more intriguing things about Jennifer to talk about. Her movies are nearly always panned by critics but to be honest, I actually like a good romantic comedy from time to time and she’s definitely made some good ones. As much as I hate admitting it in public, “Monster-In-Law” is one of my all time favorite movies in the rom-com genre. Her music has always been somewhat hit or miss with me but that can be said for just about every pop star out there. I’m just not a big fan of pop music but she’s released a few songs that I crank up and dance to in my living room when I’m feeling down. Here, Jennifer films “Q Viva! The Chosen” in Peru. The show will be a talent competition that I imagine will be similar to “American Idol”. Perhaps not, but I’ll be watching regardless. I’ll be watching for the same reason I watched “American Idol” this year – Jennifer. Okay, that’s not entirely true. I tuned in to AI for Steven Tyler but Jennifer was a wonderful bonus.

December 1, 2011

Jennifer Lopez In Hawaii With Her New Boyfriend

So Jennifer Lopez is dating Casper, one of her backup dancers. Are they getting serious? Who knows for sure but these shots were taken as they frolicked on the beach together in Hawaii with Jennifer’s kids which is probably a pretty good sign that they are. I would love to know what it is with pop superstars and their backup dancers. We went down that road with Britney Spears and Kevin Federline and, come to think of it, hasn’t Jennifer Lopez already gone down this road with ex-husband, Chris Judd. Anyway, I wish nothing but the best for Jennifer and Casper. Jennifer has had a rough go of it with the men in her life. I’d like to see her get it right. I love the woman. She deserves happiness and I’m hoping Casper can help her find it.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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