Search Results for “Jennifer”

May 11, 2011

Is Jennifer Love Hewitt Fat?

No! Jennifer Love Hewitt is not fat, people! Come on! Leave the poor girl alone. Do you know why we have super skinny models and anorexic actresses that look more lollipop than woman? Because people like Jennifer Love Hewitt are called fat in this ridiculous industry. J-love definitely has a little extra weight, but what in the world is wrong with that? She’s sexy. She’s confident and, more importantly, she has a real woman’s body. Real women have boobs and curves. You can’t put your hand around a real woman’s waist and touch fingers on the other side. Here in Toluca Lake, Jennifer is stunning in a simple black dress with a cinched waist, but you just know some tool is going to say she’s getting fat. Ugh. Now I’m angry.

May 7, 2011

Sexy Pictures Of Jennifer Ellison Working Out

I don’t really know much about Jennifer Ellison other than the fact that I loved her in ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. She’s a lovely girl and quite talented but for some reason, she just didn’t keep my attention after Phantom. That first picture of her stretching though… I don’t know. It just looks weird to me. Am I the only one? Anyway, I like these pictures (aside from the weird first one) because this is a girl that genuinely looks like she’s having a good time. In most pictures of celebs working out, they don’t look like they’re actually enjoying themselves but Jennifer really does. I would imagine that’s how she manages to keep her body in such great shape.

May 4, 2011

Jennifer Lopez Makes Her Epic Comeback

Only a few short months before the tenth season of ‘American Idol’ hit the airwaves, you’d be hard pressed to find someone that would say Jennifer Lopez wasn’t washed up. Her last single was a giant flop. The same can be said for her latest movie, “The Back Up Plan” (which I actually really liked, by the way). Then along comes “Idol” and Jennifer Lopez is back in the limelight. One can’t blame the girl for capitalizing on that. She showed a kinder side of herself that flew in the face of the cold-hearted diva some would have us believe she was. Shown here filming her new music video, it’s pretty obvious that Lopez hasn’t gone completely soft. She still has that fire that made everyone love her in the first place and she’s still smoking hot. I’m officially back on Team Jennifer.

April 15, 2011

Jennifer Lopez Is Back On Top

Did “American Idol” save Jennifer Lopez or did Jennifer Lopez save “American Idol”? This is the question a lot of people have been asking since Lopez was named the “most beautiful woman in the world” by People Magazine. Think back just a little bit to where Lopez was before being a new AI judge. Her singles were barely charting and her movie career was pretty much stalled (to be fair, I really liked “The Backup Plan”). Now she’s back on top and I think she deserves it. Here in LA, Jennifer shows off her body but in a way that doesn’t really come across as exploitive or slutty. She’s just having fun with the photo shoot and I like that. She’s a sexy woman and not nearly the diva I thought she was. I’m a fan all over again.

February 5, 2011

Jennifer Lopez Is Still A Knockout

I’ll admit I was one of the many people out there who sort of forgot Jennifer Lopez existed. Every now and then she’d be in some new movie I wouldn’t watch or release a new song that I wouldn’t listen to. Sometimes she’d fall in stage while performing her brand new song about expensive shoes us normal folk can’t afford and yeah, I’d YouTube that. When she was announced as a judge for American Idol, I rolled my eyes and pitied anyone that had to work with the notorious diva. Then I heard Steven Tyler was going to be a judge and hated life. I love Steven Tyler but watching him on AI would mean I’d have to put up with J-lo. I tuned in because, well, Steven Tyler! Lo and behold, Lopez is actually pretty good for the show. I think it shows a human side of her many people didn’t believe existed. It doesn’t hurt that she’s still a fox. Check out these pictures from the Venus Goddess Fund for Education launch Press Conference, New York. The woman still knows how to strike a pose. I take back every bad word I’ve said about her. Love the Lopez!

January 4, 2011
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Jennifer Love Hewitt In Her Hawaiian Finest

Now, J-Love, I will admit, you and I have had our problems. I haven’t always been your biggest fan when it comes to your fashion choices but I am fully behind this one. A grass skirt and a white bikini top? I can’t see much wrong with that. These pictures from Maui show the fun, playful side I love so much about you – that Jennifer Love Hewitt charm I fell in love with back when ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ was in theaters and the whole weight was still way off in the distant future. What I love most about you, though, is that you don’t have the perfect body and you genuinely don’t seem to care. Most women in Hollywood would starve themselves to look stick thin if they were planning to leave the house wearing so little but you, on the other hand, look healthy. You don’t look chubby or chunky. You look like you don’t scream and run when confronted with food. That’s pretty sexy in and of itself.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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