Search Results for “Kim”

November 5, 2012

Kelly Brook Puts On A Show; Looks Fantastic.

I have never made my love for Kelly Brook a secret. I think this lady is fantastic. These pictures of Kelly in “Forever Crazy” in London just drive my point home. She’s sexy but she clearly doesn’t take herself so seriously she can’t have a little fun. This looks like such a fun, entertaining show. I like the fact that despite near constant criticism of her body type, Kelly isn’t afraid to get up on the stage wearing a skimpy costume. That confidence and that courage is a big part of what makes Kelly so attractive to me. Of course the fact that she’s smoking hot doesn’t hurt in the least.

August 1, 2012
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Jennifer Nicole Lee Is Showing Off Her Body Again.

I will never give Jennifer Nicole Lee a hard time for wearing a teeny tiny bikini in the brightest possible colors to the beach because this is a woman who has earned the right to flaunt her body. I would likely be doing the same thing if I looked half as good as her. Not saying I couldn’t be nice and toned if I was willing to put in the time and effort because I probably could be. I’m just far too lazy for that sort of thing. A while back, I did give Jennifer a bit of a hard time for wearing a skimpy outfit shopping but that had nothing to do with Jennifer and everything to do with the fact that I think there is a time and place for skimpy clothing and the grocery store isn’t it. Whatever though. These photos are incredibly hot and so is Jennifer. Kudos to her for having the guts to change her life for the better.

July 18, 2012

Kendall Jenner Looks Beautiful In New Bikini Pics From Malibu

I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m not a big fan of reality stars. I like Kim Kardashian’s style but I don’t like her. Kendall Jenner is a bit different to me for some reason. I think she’s just a normal teenage girl, famous family aside, and she’s having a little fun playing with the attention she gets. I don’t know I would behave much differently if I were her. Her family is famous. To her, fame and maybe even fame whoring is just a normal part of life. What I like about Kendall most though is that when she isn’t posing for a photographer, she actually looks like she’s pretty normal. These pictures of Kendall in Malibu could be of any girl her age at the beach. She’s having fun and wearing a fairly age-appropriate bikini complete with a fun, ocean themed print. I think these pics are great. I hope she sticks with this more relaxed attitude about fame and doesn’t become too attention-whorey. That would be a shame, although it wouldn’t entirely be unexpected.

July 10, 2012
Comments Off on Paris Hilton Living The Paris Hilton Lifestyle.

Paris Hilton Living The Paris Hilton Lifestyle.

I really don’t know why I like Paris Hilton as much as I do. I really shouldn’t. She’s pretty much everything I hate in a celebrity. She’s arrogant, shallow and famous for being famous. Even so, I like her. I don’t think she’s actually all that attractive when compared to some of her contemporaries. Some could say she’s in the same class of celebrity as Kim Kardashian and I find Kim much more attractive. I also like Kim a lot less than Paris. So what gives? I don’t know. I guess I’m just complicated like that. Anyway, on to the photos. Here in Sao Paulo, Paris looks adorable. I love the two piece swim suit she’s wearing and I love the fact that she seems to be having a typically ‘Paris Hilton’ good time. While I don’t think I’d enjoy spending time with her, it is kind of fascinating to watch Paris being Paris and I suppose that appeals to me in a very strange way.

November 30, 2011

Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Shows Us How Classy She Is

By now, most of you have heard of Courtney Stodden or, as she is more widely known, the ‘Teen Bride’. For those of you who haven’t, here’s the whole disgusting story. Doug Hutchison (“The Green Mile, Lost), 51, married Courtney Stodden, 16, a few months back after Courtney’s mother signed a consent form allowing it to happen. First, I don’t believe for a second that this woman is sixteen. She looks to be at least in her late twenties. I credit that to the layers of makeup she has on her face. When you see pictures of her without all that makeup who looks far younger. Anywho, so naturally, the press ate this story up for the first week or two. Now Doug and Courtney are sort of fading into the background so what better way to get those cameras snapping away again that to slip Courtney into the skimpiest outfit possible for a little ‘holiday shopping’. Where did they choose to do their shopping? Why at known paparazzi hang out, The Grove, of course. As if that’s not enough, Mom decided to tag along as her daughter shopped at Victoria’s Secret. This whole situation is just so insane to me. Then again, who am I to judge. Maybe Doug and Courtney are really and truly in love. I doubt it but I suppose it’s possible. After all, no one thought Demi and Ashton would last and… okay, bad example.

November 15, 2011

Sophie Monk Catches Up On Her Reading

With a copy of US Weekly in hand, the cover screaming of Kim K’s big mistake, Sophie Monk heads out for the day in LA. Suddenly, something compels Ms. Monk to squat her cute self down right in the middle of the parking lot to read. Surely there must be better places for her to catch up on her gossip. The way she’s looking up at the camera leads me to believe someone has just told her something disturbing was contained in the pages of that magazine. Something that just couldn’t wait.
My guesses:
“There’s a picture of you in there picking your nose!”
“There’s a picture of your undies when you were getting out of a car!”
“World peace has been declared!”
The first two are most likely. Or maybe she just felt like reading. Regardless, Sophie looks pretty cute and at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }