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March 26, 2011
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Taylor Momsen Almost Covers Up

Taylor Momsen. For those that frequent this site, you’re probably familiar with Taylor’s usual rather risqué attire. It’s been said that Taylor choose her clothes to make a statement – to be edgy and daring. I wish I could have five minutes with this girl to tell her dressing like a skank doesn’t make her look cool. It just makes her look like a skank. Sad but true. She doesn’t need to do it. She’s a beautiful and talented girl. When I saw her name come up on my screen, I expected her to be in her underwear on stage somewhere doing her normal slut-rock thing, but instead, I saw her wearing clothes that could almost pass for normal. Hell, I was just shocked to see her wearing clothes at all. While certainly not age appropriate considering you can probably see up her dress (I refuse to look that close), the fact that she’s wearing a dress at all is fairly impressive. Maybe she’s starting to realize she doesn’t need to show off her body to get attention. Nah. It was probably just a little cold out.

March 24, 2011

Serena Williams And Kelly Rowland Hit The Town

Serena Williams and Kelly Rowland in tight black pants. Those are two nice asses. Every time I see Serena though, I can’t help thinking about her episode of Punk’d. I loved how she handled the prank. She came out of the whole thing looking really good – like a good sport and a good person. I like that in a celebrity. If you haven’t seen the episode, I would recommend checking it out. It’s good for a laugh. I think it was sometime in the second season. Anyway, I love that Serena and Kelly are such good friends. I always thought Kelly got a raw deal in the whole Destiny’s Child situation. She’s talented but, like Michelle Williams, was completely over shadowed by Beyonce. Regardless, both ladies look hot and look like they’re having a pretty good time. Always nice to see attractive women enjoying themselves.

March 23, 2011

Amanda Seyfried Without Makeup

Amanda Seyfried is my favorite young actress working in Hollywood today – perhaps tied with Mila Kunis. She’s beautiful, talented and not afraid to just be herself. In my ever so humble opinion, the true test of an actress or model’s beauty is how they look without makeup. It isn’t hard to be beautiful if you have a team of makeup artists and hair stylists making sure everything looks perfect. When you see someone like Amanda just going about their day with no makeup on and they still look incredible, you know their beauty isn’t all smoke and mirrors. Here in LA, Amanda is just her natural, beautiful self and I love her even more for it.

March 21, 2011

Stephanie Seymour Hits The Beach Again

I was going to take the moral high road and not mention the last pictures we saw of Stephanie Seymour on the beach, but I honestly don’t have much to say about her so I’m gonna go there. The last time we saw Stephanie on the beach she was sparking rumors that she might be just a little too close with her son. While some people didn’t really see a problem with them, I was among the majority of this one. Those pictures were seriously creepy. Having a close relationship with your son is one thing – a nice thing – but when you’re looking like it’s about to turn into a full on make out session, its another thing entirely. Anyway, these pictures are a pleasant change from the last, much more disturbing set. I’m actually a pretty big Stephanie Seymour fan. I have been since the Guns N’ Roses “November Rain” video. She looks pretty hot still even if she doesn’t have the best body on the beach.

March 18, 2011

Minka Kelly Sexy Lady In Red

Minka Kelly is, in my humble opinion, one of the sexiest young actresses in Hollywood. I loved her on “Friday Night Lights” and even liked her in “The Roommate” even though I didn’t care much for the movie although my favorite role of hers to date is Gaby on the tragically underrated “Parenthood”. I’m haven’t really been a big fan of all of the remakes hitting the airwaves over the last little while, but I’m looking forward to seeing “Charlie’s Angels” – Minka’s upcoming TV movie remake of the classic TV show. Will it be anywhere near as fun and campy as the series it’s based on? Only time will tell, but I definitely hope so.

March 18, 2011

Sexy Kelly Brook Works Out

I like Kelly Brook. It seems as if every time we see her she’s in her workout gear doing something athletic. Sure that’s sort of her job as the female face of Reebok, but it’s pretty obvious when you look at her body that she spends a decent amount of time working out. She admits that she works for her body which is a refreshing change from the stick thin models who insist they’re just naturally slim. I also like that Kelly is fit without looking masculine. There is a fine line there and Kelly stays on the right side of it. She looks sexy, shapely and toned without looking too muscular. Love this girl.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }