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December 30, 2012

Rihanna And Chris Brown Take In A Basketball Game.

I don’t even know what to say about these pictures. I really don’t. Rihanna looks as gorgeous as ever and she looks like she’s having a great time but the Chris Brown of it all makes me feel a little weird. I think it’s admirable that Rihanna could find it in her heart to forgive Chris for what he did. Forgiveness is something few people can truly give and I think it’s takes great strength of character. Forgiving is not the same as forgetting though and it’s not the same as putting yourself back in a potentially dangerous situation. At the same time, it’s really none of my business. Rihanna is a grown woman. She’s also a strong, confident woman. This is her decision. She shouldn’t be thinking about the message she’s sending to her young fans because no one should ever live their life for someone else. At the New York Knicks vs. Los Angeles Lakers in Los Angeles, Rihanna looks happy and that is good to see. I still worry this story will have a tragic ending but as someone who has been in Rihanna’s shoes (without the world watching of course), I know how hard it can be to walk away from someone you really believe you love regardless of what they do. I eventually decided I couldn’t allow myself to stay in the situation and walked away. With that said, I do believe people can change and maybe Chris has. Most of what he says and does makes me think otherwise but I’m sure Rihanna sees a side of Chris none of us do – maybe that side is the real Chris. No one knows except Chris himself – not even Rihanna. As much as we like to think we can, there is no way to ever really know what someone else is thinking. We can only do what we feel is best for ourselves. That’s what Rihanna is doing. I just hope she’s making the right choice.

December 29, 2012
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Ashlee Simpson Hangs Out With Her Son In Hawaii

I think Ashlee Simpson gets a raw deal sometimes. She’s never really released an album that could set the world on fire but she’s put out some decent pop music. Her biggest mistake was getting caught lip syncing, something many, many singers do in this day and age. I don’t know that she really deserved the backlash she got over that one. That was a long time ago though and while her career has never really recovered from it, she certainly seems to have moved past it. In these photos from Hawaii, Ashlee looks fantastic. I’ve always thought she was pretty and I don’t think she’s lost that at all. She also looks like she’s having a great time. I enjoy these pictures. They might not be the sexiest beach pictures ever posted here but they make me smile and that counts for something, to me at least.

December 29, 2012

Kim Kardashian In Her Workout Clothes

By now you’ve probably heard the rumors that Kim Kardashian is carrying a mini Kanye in her womb but I’ve never been one to listen to rumors, especially rumors about celebrity pregnancy. If I bought into that sort of thing, Jennifer Aniston would have several children by now. Even so, these photos of Kim do make one wonder. In some of the photos, she seems to be taking care to hide her belly. Or, perhaps, I’m just reading way too much into it. In any event, it’s always nice to see photos like these of Kim – the less glamorous photos that show what Kim probably looks like when she’s just strolling around the house with no cameras pointed at her. I think Kim is a beautiful woman and while I also think she’s an indication of everything that’s wrong with celebrity culture in this day and age, I have to give credit where credit is due. Hey, remember when you actually had to be good at something to be famous? I miss those days.

December 21, 2012
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Photos Of Kesha I Don’t Hate.

Heez, maybe the world really is ending because here we have a set of photos of Kesha that she doesn’t look terrible in. Who would’ve guessed? I know there are people out there who think Kesha is a stunning woman who gets more and more gorgeous all the time, but I don’t happen to be one of them. She bugs me. I don’t think she’s all that attractive but more than that, her recent lyrics scandal has made me think she’s also spineless. After a tragedy like the one at Newton, Connecticut, songs that once barely raised eyebrows suddenly seem offensive or at least insensitive. Such is the case with Kesha’s “Die Young” which was pulled from radio stations across the US following the elementary school shooting tragedy. The song features the lyrics “Let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young/We’re gonna die young/We’re gonna die young” which probably wasn’t considered insensitive at all until twenty children were murdered in their classrooms. Even so, in light of the tragedy, they came across that way and it was decided it was best to pull the single from radio stations for a while. Other artists had their singles pulled as well. None of those artists responded the way Kesha did. She took to Twitter and said she was “forced” to sing the lyrics, odd considering only a short time earlier, she said she was proud of writing her own lyrics and said she would never sing something she didn’t believe in. She’s since backtracked, saying her Tweets were the result of feeling emotional about the tragedy. I don’t believe her. I think she was faced with a tough situation and decided to be a coward, trying to pin the blame on someone else. Here’s the deal though. If that shooting hadn’t happened, no one would’ve batted an eyelash at those lyrics. It would’ve been better for Kesha to choose not to comment or to try to understand where radio stations were coming from. After something like Newton happens, there is a lot of shock, anger and sadness. Try to understand that and handle the situation with grace instead of coming off like an insensitive, whiny brat. Anyway, that’s my rant for the day.

December 21, 2012

Jennifer Nicole Lee Is Nearly Nude On South Beach

Once again, Jennifer Nicole Lee has opted to show off the results of all her hard work by wearing next to nothing for a little time in the sun on South Beach. I can’t get mad at her for that. This is a woman who wasn’t happy with the way she looked and made a concentrated effort to change, working hard to get herself in killer shape. I have to give her serious credit for that. I sometimes don’t like how she chooses to show off her body (wearing as little as possible to head out for groceries, for example) but all is fair at the beach. These photos are great. I love absolutely everything about them, even if the bikini bottoms do look astronomically uncomfortable.

December 20, 2012
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Claudia Galanti Spends A Little More Bikini Time On The Beach

I love it when women like Claudia Galanti go on vacation. While it’s nice to see them having a good time and relaxing, I’m really more of a fan because it means lots and lots of bikini shots like these ones. This is a woman that knows how to rock a bikini. She doesn’t exactly seem to be loving the attention she’s getting from the photographers in some of the shots here but it doesn’t look like it’s getting her down too much. Needless to say, I’m a big fan of these photos and I’m a big fan of this lady. I look forward to even more pictures of a bikini clad Claudia in the near future. Fingers crossed!

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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