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July 29, 2012

Katy Perry Has Some Drinks By The Pool.

I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live a day in the life of Katy Perry. I know she works hard and I don’t envy that but I do like the idea of spending my off time by a pool in Miami sipping drinks with friends. I spend my off time pretty much the way I spend my working time – sitting in front of my computer being bombarded from all angles by kitten affection. How cool would it be to be instead spending my time by the pool, sipping a drink as I’m being bombarded from all angles by kitten affection? Pretty sweet. Granted, I wouldn’t look nearly as good as Ms. Perry does in these photos. I love seeing Katy without makeup and some sort of crazy costume. I think she’s naturally such a beautiful woman. It’s nice to see that natural beauty shining though. It’s in photos like these that she looks happiest and I appreciate that as well. I love Katy, even if she does make me a little, tiny bit jealous.

July 27, 2012
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Joss Stone’s Bare Feet On This Morning Show

There was a time when I was obsessed with Joss Stone. I hated her cover of “Fell In Love With a Girl” by the White Stripes but somehow I was still obsessed with her. I’m not really all that into her now. It was a one album fixation, I suppose. She is incredibly talented of course and a beautiful girl. I guess I just sort of lost track of her and never bothered to catch up. All the same, I think she looks pretty in these pictures from This Morning Show, London. It doesn’t look to me like she’s changed all that much. She always seemed like a bit of a hippy to me and she still looks like a bit of a hippy. That appeals to me. I might have to check out her recent work, see what she’s been up to. She had a lot of potential.

July 27, 2012

Gwen Stefani Doesn’t Age.

I remember when No Doubt first hit it big. I was obsessed – and I mean obsessed – with Gwen Stefani. The strange thing is, it’s been years – maybe even a decade – and I’m still just as obsessed. She’s freaking stunning but in such a very unique kind of way. There just isn’t another woman in the entertainment industry that has her style. She pushes the boundaries but never too far. She dances that fine line between just the right amount of flair and completely over the top. The fact that this woman still looks the same as she did when I was a teenager makes me feel both old and encouraged. Maybe I can dip into the fountain of youth too. Doubt it, but the hope is there. In these photos from the Teen Choice Awards at Gibson Amphitheatre, Gwen mixes up the new, more mature style we’ve seen from her since No Doubt went on hiatus with the fun, punky retro Gwen style from when No Doubt was first breaking out. I love this woman. Can’t say enough nice things about her.

July 27, 2012

Rita Ora Is A Babe And All But …

I have to be honest. I’m not feeling these pictures. I don’t know what it is. Perhaps it’s what appears to be stubbly armpits in the first photo or the fact that she looks sleepy in some of the photos but these snaps just aren’t doing anything for me. Sure some of them are fun and flirty but some of them just aren’t really all that flattering. Perhaps my standards are just too high when it comes to Rita. I’m used to seeing her as an out of this world beauty and while she’s super hot in these pictures, they’re just a little short of what I would usually expect from her. Here’s something though. I do like the tiger bathing suit. That has to count for something.

July 26, 2012

Imogen Thomas, A Bikini And A Popsicle.

Not sure what else really needs to be said about this one, folks. There is little more alluring in this world than a gorgeous woman in a bikini sucking on a Popsicle. I’m sure Imogen Thomas is well aware of that. This woman just seems to know what sexy is. With that said, I do find the other woman in the photos a little more attractive. She might not have as much upstairs as Imogen does but there’s something about her I find more appealing. I can’t put my finger on it. I suppose it’s just a matter of taste. In any event, I think Imogen looks super cute in these photos. I just happen to think her friend looks cuter.

July 26, 2012
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Rihanna Is Gorgeous With Makeup Or Without It.

Rihanna is a babe. I know some people disagree with me but I look at her and I see a gorgeous woman. In these photos from her vacation in St. Tropez, Rihanna has decided to slip into a bikini, braid her hair and go without makeup for a little relaxation and I think she looks fantastic. I’m a big fan of the natural look on a woman and I think Rihanna pulls it off well. She has fantastic bone structure and a smile that lights me up to the very core. And that body? Please. This is a hard working woman who knows how to enjoy her downtime and I love seeing that. Rihanna is just spectacular and these photos only make me love her more.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }