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July 4, 2012
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Jessica Alba Is A Babe. Also, The Sky Is Blue.

Sometimes I have a hard time writing about women like Jessica Alba because really, how many different ways can I say Jessica Alba is a smoking hot babe? That doesn’t mean I don’t absolutely adore her, of course because I definitely do. It just means I can’t really write anything about her that isn’t just really stating the obvious. Here at the Versace Haute Couture fashion show in Paris, Jessica is just as gorgeous as one expects her to be. I love her eyes. I love her hair. I love her body. I just love her in general. I don’t always agree with some of the things she says but I always respect the fact that she speaks her mind. While I’m not the biggest fan of Jessica’s acting, as a celebrity, I really enjoy her and for me, that counts for a lot. She was fantastic in “Machete” though, wasn’t she?

July 3, 2012
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Erin Andrews Enjoys A Little Time In The Sun

It’s hard to see Erin Andrews without thinking about the massive “peeping tom” scandal that brought her to the attention of the general public. While she had some level of fame before someone filmed her walking around naked in her hotel room without her knowledge, that invasion of privacy really put her name on the map to those who aren’t big sports buffs (like myself, for example). Even so, in the years that have followed, Erin has really tried hard to distance herself from that scandal while still staying relevant. I think she’s done a great job. Here in Miami, she doesn’t seem terribly worried that one chapter of her career is ending, probably because she knows it just means a new chapter is just beginning.

July 3, 2012
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Maria Fowler Has A Blast On The Beach

If you’ve been reading my posts for any length of time, you probably know I’m not Maria Fowler’s biggest fan. Sure she’s cute and some might say talented, but her general lack of class has bugged me in the past. I don’t have a problem with trashy women, in theory. I just don’t think it’s necessary for a girl to hike up her skirt outside of a club to get attention. Since that set of pictures appeared on my screen a few months back though, Maria has been changing my mind. Perhaps she was just having a panty flashing sort of night. She just seems like a girl that likes to have fun and these pictures taken in Marbella really back that up. I’m still not sure I love her, but I am sure I like her more than I did the first time I posted about her. That has to count for something.

July 3, 2012
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Paris Hilton Is A DJ Now … Or Something.

Oh Paris Hilton – always searching for new ways to keep her name in the headlines. This time, she’s decided to be a DJ. I can’t really say much about it. I am one of the few people that actually liked Paris’ foray into the music business. She has been to enough parties to know what the average party goer likes so maybe this is actually something she’ll be good at. Maybe not. Here at the Pop Music Festival in Sao Paulo, Paris takes her place on stage and does her best to keep the crowd entertained. Did it work? No idea, but she looks cute. That has to count for something. I like Paris. She might be a self centered brat who has never had to work a day in her life but she owns that. She is who she is. I guess in some weird kind of way, I respect that. It can’t be easy being as hated as Paris is in many social circles but she doesn’t let it get her down. Kudos to her and I wish her nothing but good things with her new career.

June 30, 2012
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Blake Lively Looks Gorgeous At Good Morning America

I haven’t always been a big fan of Blake Lively’s look. I just didn’t get what all the fuss was about. Some folks talked about her like she was the most beautiful woman to ever grace Planet Earth, but I just didn’t see it. Lately though, I’m starting to sing a different tune. These pictures from Good Morning America in NYC only serve to further convince me that I was wrong. I love the pants suit. There aren’t many women out there who can make a pants suit look fabulous but apparently Blake is one of those women. It looks classy, sophisticated and mature, but the color is fun and flirty. This look is a major hit in my books. Well done, Miss Lively.

June 29, 2012
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Katy Perry Wears Fake Film Reels On Her Boobs

I have a general rule of thumb. If you can ignore something, choose not to buy it, choose not to watch it or choose to change the channel, you shouldn’t waste your breath complaining about it. I love Katy Perry. I share this rule because I had an argument with a friend the other night over whether or not this new Katy Perry movie is a sign the end of the world really is coming. My opinion? Of course it doesn’t and getting so bent out of shape about something as silly as a pop star’s movie seems a little ridiculous. I think the movie looks terrible but I’ll watch anyway because I like Katy. If you don’t like Katy, don’t watch. Seems pretty simple to me. Here at the “Katy Perry Part of Me” Premiere in Hollywood, Katy is her usual adorable self and she looks like she’s having a great time. I look forward to seeing her first movie even if I’m not expecting a whole lot.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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