Search Results for “Se”

February 22, 2012

Curvaceous Kim Kardashian Hits The Beach

So, I keep having this recurring dream that I’m Kim Kardashian’s personal assistant which is weird for two reasons. One: I’m not a big Kim Kardashian fan. Two: I’ve never personally assisted anyone or had the desire to do so. Still, that’s what my subconscious mind is coming up with. Perhaps that’s my career in some alternate reality. Perhaps I just read online gossip before bed far too often. Regardless, my sleeping self’s boss looks fabulous in these pictures from Miami. Like Jennifer Lopez, Christina Hendrix and Beyonce, Kim has always showed that it’s perfectly fine for a woman to be curvy and entirely possible for a curvy women to look sexy. While I think there are people out there more deserving of the name recognition Kim has, she definitely knows how to rock a bikini and in today’s celebrity culture, that’s all some women really need to do. At least she looks healthy while she does it.

February 21, 2012

Gorgeous Lindsay Lohan Pics By Terry Richardson

I know I talked a bit about Terry Richardson the other day when I wrote about his work with Lady Gaga but everything I said in that post is worth repeating here. Terry Richardson is a genius with his camera. He really is. These photos he’s taken of Lindsay Lohan are absolutely stunning. They’re on par with Lindsay’s Tyler Shields shots from a while back which were, until now, my favorite Lohan pictures of all time. Linsday is such a beautiful young woman. I know there are rumors about her partying again but I don’t pay much attention to that sort of thing. There will always be rumors about Lindsay. To me, she looks healthy and happier than she has in a while. As for Terry? Check out his shoots with Jared Leto. Brilliant.

February 20, 2012

Behind The Scenes Pics Of Doutzen Kroes Photo Shoot

I don’t like Michael Bay. I have no idea why. Just a thing I have about him, I guess. When I heard he would be shooting one of my favorite Victoria’s Secret models for a new VS photo shoot, I was a little unsure of how I felt. I love Doutzen Kroes. She’s beautiful and always seems to look so natural in her photos. Even so, the whole Michael Bay thing kind of made me hesitate. If these photos from the set of that Victoria’s Secret spread (taken in Miami, Florida) are any indication though, I’m definitely not hesitating any longer. Besides, maybe I’m being a bit too harsh on old Michael Bay. He can’t be as bad as I imagine him to be.

February 20, 2012

More Stunning Bikini Pics Of Jennifer Nicole Lee

Health and fitness guru Jennifer Nicole Lee definitely has everything it takes to pull off a bikini. Her body is absolutely incredible as well it should. The girl clearly works hard to stay in shape. She’s made a career out of it, after all. After hitting nearly 200 lbs. after giving birth to her second child, Jennifer decided she wasn’t happy with the way she looked and did something not a lot of people do – she worked hard to change that. Her story is an absolute inspiration. She turned that determination into a health and fitness empire and I can’t hate on the girl for that at all. Love her, love her story and love the way she can rock a bikini.

February 20, 2012

Adorable Jessica Alba Gets Her Nails Done In New York

I’m not always a big fan of the things Jessica Alba has to say but I’ve always been a big fan of the fact that she has the guts to say them. I also happen to think she’s absolutely stunning. She’s one of the very few women in the entertainment industry that can pull off the ultra-sexy vixen look in one photoshoot or movie role and be the adorable girl next door in the next. In these photos taken while Jessica gets her nails done in New York, we’re treated to something rare – Jessica smiling. Over the last few years, Jessica really seems to have found a lot of happiness in her life and that’s so great to see. I love this girl.

February 16, 2012

Stunning Alexandra Stan In Gorgeous New Photo Shoot

I am not afraid to admit when I have no idea what I’m talking about. I went into today’s assignments and saw Alexandra Stan’s name on my list of posts and thought this would be one of those posts. I looked at the pictures and was absolutely stricken by how beautiful this woman is. Her eyes nearly stopped my heart. I have a thing for eyes. A nice body is a nice body but beautiful eyes really grab my attention. I also love the fact that these pictures have an interesting, unique feel to them – a real retro sort of vibe and that really speaks to me too. In other words, Alexandra really sparked my interest so I decided to take a moment or two to learn more about her. Turns out, I actually do know what I’m talking about with this one. In August 2011, Alexandra – a Romanian born musician – released an album called “Saxobeats”. A friend gave me the album and told me to listen to it and I fell in love. For whatever reason though, I didn’t connect the name with the music. Gorgeous and talented? Yes please! Love Alexandra!

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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