Search Results for “Ups”

April 30, 2011

Recent Kate Middleton Upskirt

I didn’t watch the Royal Wedding. I looked at a few pictures of Kate Middleton in her wedding dress (stunning!) but that was the extent of my interest in the wedding. Sure it was a sort of fairytale – grand and romantic – but that’s just really not my thing. With that said… I feel a little dirty about this post. Kate isn’t really a celebrity is she? I mean, she is but she’s definitely not the same kind of celebrity as Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and those sort of people. Kate’s a celeb because she full in love with Prince William and he fell in love with her. Posting upskirt pics of her… just feels wrong. That said, it’s not my call, so here they are. I don’t care though. She’s still a classy babe.

April 24, 2011

Christina Aguilera Upskirt

I’m taking a stand on this one. I don’t care what she forgot the words to and where. I don’t care how much weight she’s gained. I don’t care what a drunken mess she’s become. Christina Aguilera still has one of the best voices in the business and I absolutely adore her. Aside from that, a few extra pounds or not, I still think she’s gorgeous. I love the sort of old Hollywood glamor feel she’s going for and I think she pulls it off – when she’s not falling down drunk, that is. I hope she pulls herself together. I can’t wait to see her on “The Voice”.

March 29, 2011

Taylor Momsen Upskirt… Again

When last I spoke of Taylor Momsen I said she was looking almost normal. I had high hopes when I saw her name come up again. I hoped for maybe a pair of jeans and a tank top or hey, even just a skirt with a hemline lower than mid-thigh. I opened this photo set and rolled my eyes. Again with the lingerie on stage. Again with the underwear showing. Again with the raccoon eyes. It’s all getting a bit old now, isn’t it? It isn’t shocking anymore. It’s boring. Her performance at the VIP Room in Paris show more of the same old Taylor. Shock us all, Taylor! Make our jaws drop! Put on some real clothes, wash off the Courtney Love makeup and act your age. Now that would be shocking.

February 16, 2011

Emma Watson Upskirt Shots

Congratulations paparazzi of London. You managed to get upskirt shots of Emma Watson despite the fact she’s clearly trying pretty hard to avoid letting that happen. I feel bad for her. I really do. Getting in and out of a car in a short dress isn’t easy to do without flashing a little bit of panty. I can’t imagine how awful it would be to have a flock of photographers waiting for it to happen. I don’t think I’d ever wear anything but long dresses and pants. Anyway, Emma looks as adorable as always. I loved the short hair from the beginning and I love it more every time I see it. It really compliments her and makes her delicate features stand out even more. This girl is one of my favorite young actresses in Hollywood. I can’t wait to see where life takes her.

February 8, 2011
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Paulina Rubio Upskirt

I know a lot of people say women looking for a little publicity boost will flash their panties ‘on purpose’. I don’t think that’s always the case. Wearing a short skirt and getting in a car can be a little difficult without flashing a little something. I really think that was the case with Paulina Rubio. She doesn’t seem entirely aware her underwear is showing and one has to assume, had she been planning this, she would’ve chosen something a little sexier to flash. Paulina is known for her sexy performances. These panties just don’t fit in with her rep. Who knows, though? Anything’s possible these days.

November 7, 2010
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Kelly Brook Upskirt Shots In London

I really like Kelly Brook. There’s something about her that makes me smile. It has nothing to do with these upskirt shots. I swear. I liked Kelly when she appeared on Strictly Come Dancing (Brittan’s ‘Dancing With the Stars). I also liked her all too brief role in The Italian Job. As much as I love Kelly, though, nothing – and I mean nothing – could make me see Piranha 3D. It’s a shame, too. I’d like to see her in more. I suppose for now, I’ll have to settle for these pictures of her in London. She does look lovely in that dress – panty flashing and all.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }