Search Results for “actres dress”

August 18, 2012

Candace Bailey Looks Gorgeous.

I usually try to think up a snappy title for these posts but in honor of Candace Bailey, I decided to keep it simple. Why? Because that’s what Candace has chosen to do in these photos. Her bikini isn’t especially revealing and the blue and white stripped pattern is far from bold but that’s really what I like about it. It doesn’t look like Candace was dressing to grab attention here. It looks like she was dressing to be comfortable and that’s not something I’m used to seeing. She looks fabulous, of course, but her low key style actually makes her stand out more. I haven’t yet seen Candace in her new gig as co-host of “Attack of the Show” but I remember her from “Jericho”, a show I loved dearly and miss terribly. After “Jericho” (unfairly) got the ax, Candace worked as a waitress and a babysitter, making her more appreciative of the opportunities she had as an actress. It really shows. She seems to be so grounded. Love this woman. I hope there are big, big things in her future.

July 23, 2012

Rebecca Ferdinando Bares Her Nipples.

Have I ever mentioned that I hate actors and actresses that are so desperate to get their name in the headlines that they wear something completely inappropriate to someone else’s film premiere? I haven’t? Well I do. It just comes across as so desperate, not to mention disrespectful. The cast and crew of the movie worked hard to make the film playing at the premiere. It should be their night to shine. Maybe put your boobies away and let the cast and crew have the spotlight. Here at the ‘Dark Knight Rises’ premiere in London, Rebecca Ferdinando has decided to wear a dress with a completely sheer top so that her nipples are clearly visible. That bugs me. Worst of all, Rebecca has legitimate talent. This sort of publicity stunt should really be beneath her. I guess that’s showbiz for you though.

May 17, 2012
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Charlize Theron Is A Babe And I Don’t Care Who Disagrees

Honestly though, does anyone actually think Charlize Theron is anything other than stunning? She’s easily one of my favorite actresses working in the industry right now but her looks have nothing to do with that. Well, they have almost nothing to do with that. She’s an incredibly talented actress and she isn’t afraid to hide her beauty if the role calls for it. She’s fearless and she really showed that off – and a lot more – at the “Snow White And The Huntsman” world premiere by rocking a nearly completely sheer dress. If you’ve read some of my other posts about red carpet fashion, you know I’m not typically a fan of dresses that leave so little to the imagination but there are two exceptions to that rule for me. I am okay with daring fashion at awards shows if the person attending is nominated, presenting or performing. I am also okay with daring fashion at premieres if the person is actually involved with the movie. Charlize falls into the latter category in this case so I’ll give her a pass. With that said, although she looks gorgeous, I’m not a big fan of the dress. What do I know, though? I regularly leave the house wearing my pajamas.

January 18, 2012

Sexy Jennifer Ellison On Loose Women

I kind of lost track of Jennifer Ellison after “Phantom of the Opera” but it seems she’s been keeping herself quite busy. Now a popular model, actress, singer, dancer and television personality it seems there’s very little Jennifer hasn’t tried out with all of her various ventures offering her a fair level of success. These pictures show Jennifer in an appearance on ‘Loose Women’, a popular lunchtime chat show she sometimes appears on as a guest panelist. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the dress she’s wearing at first but the more I look at it, the more I like it. It doesn’t look terribly comfortable but she seems to have been okay with it. It flatters her body and I love the bold color. I think she looks lovely. I’m glad to have been catch up on what she’s been up to.

December 23, 2011

Gorgeous Sandra Bullock On The Tonight Show

Sandra Bullock is the kind of woman the new generation of Hollywood starlets should really be looking to for inspiration if they want long and successful careers. While Sandra’s really made her name in romantic comedies, let’s not forget the lady has an Academy Award for her brilliant performance in “The Blind Side”. More than that though, Sandy is the epitome of grace and class. She got through one of the most explosive cheating scandals in recent Hollywood history virtually unscathed. Why? Not just because her ex is a d-bag of the highest order but because she had the good sense to stay out of the spotlight and only address the scandal briefly and after an appropriate amount of time. She is also a woman completely capable at laughing at herself. I’ll admit, some of her career choices have baffled me. Anyone remember “All About Steve”. When the film was awarded multiple Razzies, the film industry’s highest dishonor, Sandra not only showed up to accept her award for “Worst Actress”, she showed up with a wheelbarrow full of “Steve” DVDs. It’s that kind of thing that shows this isn’t a girl that takes herself too seriously, despite being a huge name in Hollywood. I missed her appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in Burbank but I’m going to go ahead and assume Sandy was as funny and charming as she was beautiful. This lady was my very first girl crush. Perhaps it shows a little.

November 16, 2011

Kristen Stewart On The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

Here’s my conflict over Kristen Stewart. I really, really want to like her. I really do. I loved the Twilight Saga books but the movies haven’t really been quite what I was expecting. I just don’t get the way the movies show Bella. She was a much different character in the books. Whatever. That’s beside the point. We’re talking about Kristen. As I said, I want to like her. She’s got the sort of outspoken attitude I love in an actress. She says what she wants and that’s gutsy. I just don’t really find her that attractive. I know, I know. It’s not a beauty contest but I’m not a huge fan of her acting either. She seems to play all of her characters the same way. Even I have to admit she looks pretty good in these pictures from “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in Los Angeles. I like the dress. I like her hair. Perhaps I’ve been entirely wrong about her this whole time. I’m looking forward to “Snow White and the Huntsman”. I guess I’m still up in the air on her. Time will tell, I suppose.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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