Search Results for “bikin”

January 9, 2011

Candice Swanepoel Even Looks Hot Clothed

I think I’ve mentioned how much I love Candice Swanepoel. There are few women in this world that would make me consider switching teams and this lady is one of them. Until now, I’ve really only seen her in lingerie and bikinis so I was pretty sure my affection for her mostly had to do with her smoking hot body. Then this pictures come along and I have to reevaluate that hypothesis. Here she is, fully clothed and she still looks crazy hot. I love the attitude she conveys in these pictures. Using nothing but the way she looks in the camera, Candice turns on the sass. Love her. Love everything about her. This is a name that is going to take the modeling world by storm. Someday, her name will be talked about alongside the Klums of the world and I can’t wait for that day.

January 6, 2011
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Avril Lavigne Reminds Us She’s Hot

Normally when you see Avril at the beach she’s dressed down in t-shirts looking like one of the boys. Every now and then, though, Avril decides to remind us that underneath her casual attire there’s a smoking hot body. Thankfully, there are usually cameras there to catch the hotness in glorious photographs. This is Avril in Hawaii lounging in the sun in a sexy black bikini. Sure that ugly trucker hat makes its appearance, but who really pays attention to what’s on her head. The only thing anyone pays attention to in these pictures is what isn’t covering her body. A nice change for sure. The thing I like most about Avril is that this isn’t an every day occurrence. Pictures of Avril in a bikini are actually a treat because we don’t get them all the time. Maybe some of the other starlets out there flaunting their bodies at every turn could take lessons from Lavigne.

January 4, 2011
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Jennifer Love Hewitt In Her Hawaiian Finest

Now, J-Love, I will admit, you and I have had our problems. I haven’t always been your biggest fan when it comes to your fashion choices but I am fully behind this one. A grass skirt and a white bikini top? I can’t see much wrong with that. These pictures from Maui show the fun, playful side I love so much about you – that Jennifer Love Hewitt charm I fell in love with back when ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ was in theaters and the whole weight was still way off in the distant future. What I love most about you, though, is that you don’t have the perfect body and you genuinely don’t seem to care. Most women in Hollywood would starve themselves to look stick thin if they were planning to leave the house wearing so little but you, on the other hand, look healthy. You don’t look chubby or chunky. You look like you don’t scream and run when confronted with food. That’s pretty sexy in and of itself.

December 21, 2010
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Megan Fox Is Back At The Beach

Ya know, everyone said Megan Fox was done in Hollywood when she got booted from Transformers 3 for being a dummy with no off button on her mouth and when Jennifer’s Body did a nose dive at the box office but… well, I’m not really sure where I’m going with this. I’m inclined to agree. That’s what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you and judging by these pictures of Megan in Hawaii, that’s about all Megan’s been biting into. Even so, the lady still knows how to rock a bikini so she’s got that going for her. Maybe she’ll have a huge comeback, win an Oscar and shock us all. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow morning with a million dollars on my doorstep and an unlimited supply of chicken McNuggets. I love those things. Probably why I don’t look as good in a bikini as Megan.

December 17, 2010

Alesha Dixon Shows Off Her Body

There really isn’t anything shy about Alesha Dixon, is there? While at first glance, she might seem to be dressed a little more conservatively than usual here in Miami, closer inspection shows us that it’s an illusion. Note the short shorts that display her toned legs and the cut out bathing suit that shows off her sides. Sure her belly button is covered and her boobs are covered by more fabric than usual, but the cleavage – which is really wasn’t important, isn’t it? – is still clearly visible. Celebs of the world should take note. This look Ms. Dixon is sporting is all about the power of mystery. Leaving something to the imagination can be far sexier than barely covering your body in a bikini that could pass for dental floss. Love this girl and look the look.

November 26, 2010
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Juliette Lewis Frightens Me In A Sexy Way

Juliette Lewis is pretty hot, right? But she’s not the typical, boring, bland sort of hot you usually see in Hollywood actresses. No, Juliette Lewis is a special kind of hot. She’s the kind of hot that makes me a little afraid. Sure she’s pretty but I’m also well aware that she’s also more than capable of kicking my ass. Probably with her hands tied behind her back somehow. I love the girl, but she plays crazy just a little too well. I mean, Kalifornia? Natural Born Killers? Classic roles and brilliantly acted but if she’s not a little crazy herself she is the most phenomenal actress I’ve ever seen because she played both of those roles perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that seeing her in her bikini in Los Cabos, Mexico makes me a little afraid. I’m scared she’s going to somehow know I’m ogling her hot body, show up at my door ‘My Name Is Earl’ bounty hunter style and knock my teeth out.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }