Search Results for “bikini”

July 19, 2012
Comments Off on Eva Longoria Goes Paddle Boarding And Is Almost Too Sexy.

Eva Longoria Goes Paddle Boarding And Is Almost Too Sexy.

So what is too sexy? I have no idea but when I opened this post and saw these photos, my breath caught in my throat for a moment. If there is such a thing as too sexy, I’m quite sure Eva is almost there. Just look at that woman. Her rear end is fabulous. That heavens she chose white bikini shorts because … okay. I need to take a moment. I’m a professional writer here and I’m having trouble formulating sentences here. See? Too sexy. She’s got my brain all scrambled. I adore Eva. Maybe that shows a little bit. She’s smart, funny, talented and of course, absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to see what she does with her career now that “Desperate Housewives” has come to an end. I think she could do bigger things. I hope that happens.

July 13, 2012

Kelly Brook And Thomas Evans Enjoy A Nice Day By The Water.

I know a lot of people like to give Kelly Brook guff for her weight but I think it’s entirely undeserved and these pictures only serve to further prove my point. While Kelly has clearly lost some weight since the whole weight debate began, she still has those beautiful feminine curves that really made me fall in love with her in the first place. I especially like these photos because they appeal to me on a variety of different levels. They aren’t just bikini shots of a pretty girl – something I obviously see a lot of writing for this blog. Instead, there is also a cute boy, Thomas Evans, and I definitely appreciate that. More than that though, Kelly looks legitimately happy and relaxed as she spends some time by the water with Thomas in Italy. Kelly has been through a lot so it’s nice to see her having a good day. I hope she has many more of them in the future.

July 12, 2012
Comments Off on Jessica Alba Has A Family Day In Italy.

Jessica Alba Has A Family Day In Italy.

Jessica Alba is such a beautiful woman. When I think about the most beautiful actresses, models and musicians currently working in the entertainment industry, Jessica Alba is pretty darn close to the top of my list. I like the fact that she doesn’t seem entirely comfortable with her position in the spotlight. That tells me she doesn’t have a typical Hollywood ego. Of course, I could be wrong about that but that’s how Jessica’s attitude comes across to me. She has been accused of being a little less than warm and friendly with photographers but I think that’s her right. Here in Italy, she spends a little time with her beautiful children playing in the water. I love these pictures because, for once, Jessica doesn’t seem fixated on getting away from the cameras. Instead she is ignoring them and enjoying her time with her kids. That really warms my heart. Plus, ya know, Jessica Alba in a bikini. Pretty hard to go wrong there.

July 11, 2012
Comments Off on Aubrey O’Day Looks … Busty?

Aubrey O’Day Looks … Busty?

I’m sorry. I try to be fair and balanced when I write these posts (no seriously, I do), but I really don’t get what everyone sees in Aubrey O’Day. She’s just not that good looking. I’ve seen a few pictures of her that have shown her in a more flattering light but those photos are few and far between. These pictures from Miami Beach have helped me develop a working theory behind the whole “Aubrey O’Day is hot” deal. It’s the boobs, right? It has to be. I do like her hair as well, to be fair. I especially like her hair in these photos. All the same, beyond the hair and the boobs, I don’t see much head turning about her. Maybe it’s just her attitude that bugs me. In any event, the boobs and the hair are nice so at least there’s that.

July 5, 2012

Melissa Satta And Kevin Prince Boateng Get Sexy On A Boat.

Melissa Satta is a babe. That’s pretty obvious. That ass of hers is amazing. Kevin Prince Boateng is a lucky, lucky man. I like these photos for many reasons. I obviously enjoy the fact that Melissa I get to look at Melissa in a bikini but beyond that Kevin is not too hard on the eyes either. I love a man with tattoos so Kevin is obviously appealing. More than both of those factors though, I like the fact that these two look so happy together. Of course looks can be deceiving but they seem to be having a nice day together. With so many celebrity break ups in the news these days, it’s nice to see a couple that seems to be in a good place in their relationship.

July 5, 2012
Comments Off on Amy Childs Is Looking Just As Classy As Ever.

Amy Childs Is Looking Just As Classy As Ever.

I really don’t know how I feel about Amy Childs. Sometimes I like her. Other times I feel she’s the epitome of everything that’s wrong with celebrity culture today. In this case, I guess my opinion falls somewhere in between. Here in Dubai, Amy looks pretty enough and I like her bikini but in truth, it’s all a little too trashy for me. That first photo just doesn’t quite sit right with me. I’m assuming that whatever is in her glass is what’s all over her face but boy it sure doesn’t look good. Ah well. She looks cute in the rest of the pictures so I guess that’s all that really matters.

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