Search Results for “cannes”

May 27, 2013
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Heidi Klum Makes An Interesting Choice With Her Earrings

This is the second set of photos of Heidi Klum we’ve posted from Cannes and while I was a big fan of the first set, I’m not sure I’m as in to this one. She looks great and all but I find those earrings incredibly distracting. I’m also not a big fan of the dress. I guess I’m just kind of up in the air about this look overall. I think the entire look would’ve worked much better with a slightly less loud pair of earrings. I guess I can’t complain too much. She’s still Heidi Klum which means she still looks fantastic. I just think she would’ve looked even better with some slightly altered fashion choices.

May 27, 2013
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Nicole Kidman Looks Like A Pretty Porcelain Doll

People like to talk a lotta smack about Nicole Kidman but I think she’s fantastic. She’s a talented actress and a beautiful woman. I have never understood why people dislike her so very much. It just doesn’t make sense but I guess that’s the way it goes sometimes. There is always someone that becomes a popular target to hate on and I guess for people of a certain age, that person is Nicole. I just never bought into that. In these photos from Cannes, Nicole looks beautiful. Here’s something though. I had no idea she was pregnant. Congrats are in order for Nicole and her also gorgeous and talented husband, Keith Urban. I love these two as a couple. Thrilled to pieces for both of them!

May 25, 2013
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Izabel Goulart Is Quickly Making A Name For Herself

Izabel Goulart was one of those models I always thought looked beautiful but never really paid a lot of attention to. That is starting to change. The last few photos I’ve seen of her have really made me start taking more notice of her. These photos from Cannes are a great example of why. She seems to have so much fun, even when she’s just walking the red carpet. There’s this lighthearted air about her and I love that. It’s not something I often see in models outside of photoshoots when a lighthearted vibe is one of the goals of the shoot. I don’t know what the future holds for Izabel but if the past is any indication, her future is a very bright one indeed.

May 25, 2013

Melanie Brown Is Such A Sexy Woman

I was over the moon when I heard my favorite Spice Girl, Melanie Brown, would be joining the panel of judges on America’s Got Talent for the upcoming season and I really hope she sticks around. I’ve seen her as a judge in the past and have always felt she’s everything it takes to be an entertaining and helpful addition to any panel. She’s honest but fair and I think that’s important. She’s also incredibly hot. Just look at these photos from Cannes as proof. I mean, this woman has such a fantastic body it’s a little ridiculous. My favorite thing about Melanie always has been, and probably always will be, her personality but she certainly isn’t hard on the eyes either.

May 24, 2013

I’m Normally A Big Irina Shayk Fan But …

I’m not really sure I love these photos as much as I’d like to. Irina Shayk is a beautiful lady but in these photos from the “All Is Lost” Premiere in Cannes, I’m not feeling the same spark as I usually feel when I see her. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s the heavy makeup with the dramatic dress. In a photoshoot for a magazine cover, that would make sense but it’s all a little too much here. I find the makeup distracting, especially in the first photo. That isn’t to say I don’t like the photos. I think the dress is outstanding and compliments her body in every way. I’m just not sure these are the best photos I’ve ever seen of this incredibly beautiful woman.

May 19, 2013
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Paris Hilton And Some Guy I Feel Like I Should Know

No really, that guy looks so familiar but I can’t quite place him. After a quick Google search, I discovered his name is River Viiperi and Wikipedia tells me River is a model. Apparently Paris has said she wants to marry her 21-year-old boyfriend of eight months and have children with him. I wonder if River would take her last name? River Hilton sort of has a ring to it, doesn’t it? I honestly have a hard time keeping up with the men in Paris’ life but these two kind of seem happy, don’t they? Who knows. The age difference might seem a little weird to some (Paris is 32 now) but they’ve only got one more year between them than my husband and I do. While some might say he’s just using her to further his career – these photos were taken at Cannes, after all – he was already a fairly accomplished model. Does that mean he absolutely isn’t using her? Not at all. I guess time will tell. Call me crazy, but I’m really hoping it works out for these two, even if the odds (and Paris’ dating history) are against them.

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