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April 29, 2011
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Ana Beatriz Barros Catches A Fish

There is only one thing that prevents me from really liking Ana Beatriz Barros and I’ll tell you exactly what that is. Jealousy. This girl makes me jealous like you wouldn’t believe. Why? She’s gorgeous. She has a great modeling career working with Guess?, Jennifer Lopez’s ‘J-Lo’ fashion line, bebe, and Victoria’s Secret. She has such a natural, easy confidence in front of the camera. She was also born on May 29th, 1982. I was born on May 14th, 1982. We are only fifteen days apart in age yet light years apart in lifestyle. Somewhere Ana is probably sunning herself on the beach. What are my plans for the day? Finish these posts, work on an article about celebrity baby names and then possibly cry myself to sleep. Seriously though, I do love this girl. She’s stunning but not in the conventional sort of way. I think these pictures are a lot of fun. I’m glad to see her continued success.

April 24, 2011

Christina Aguilera Upskirt

I’m taking a stand on this one. I don’t care what she forgot the words to and where. I don’t care how much weight she’s gained. I don’t care what a drunken mess she’s become. Christina Aguilera still has one of the best voices in the business and I absolutely adore her. Aside from that, a few extra pounds or not, I still think she’s gorgeous. I love the sort of old Hollywood glamor feel she’s going for and I think she pulls it off – when she’s not falling down drunk, that is. I hope she pulls herself together. I can’t wait to see her on “The Voice”.

April 22, 2011

Rachel Uchitel On The Beach

I don’t give a rat’s butt about Rachel Uchitel. I don’t care how hot she is or how good she looks in a bikini, this woman pisses me off. She got famous for her affair with Tiger Woods and then whined and complained because everyone called her a whore. She scored some ridiculous amount of money out of that whole Tiger mess. Just take the money and disappear. Stop acting like a celebrity. When it was announced she was going to be on “Celebrity Rehab”, I wanted to laugh, but I was too busy weeping over what the word celebrity has become. There was a time when celebrities were people who had done something noteworthy to gain the attention of the public. Now any bimbo willing to polish Tiger Wood’s golf club can attach celebrity to their name. The definition of a whore in the true sense of the word is someone who exchanges sex for money. Rachel slept with Tiger and for a huge sum of money for it. Draw your own conclusions from that.

April 18, 2011

Sophie Turner Shows Off Her Pretty Body

I want to like Sophie Turner. I really do. This gorgeous Australian has most of the qualities I generally like in a model – a nice ass, gorgeous legs, a pretty face – but there’s something about her that’s starting to trouble me. We never really see any pictures of her just acting like a normal girl. She always seems to be posing for the cameras and that kind of gets to me after a while. Regardless, I love the fact that in the midst of her modeling career she took time off to get a degree in law. I have to wonder how she would dress for court though. As awful as this is to say, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable hiring her as my lawyer. She might be a bit of a distraction. Regardless, here Sophie is showing off the body that made her famous. I suppose I can’t hate on her too much for that.

April 18, 2011

Hayden Panettiere At The Grove

I’m not sure “Scream 4” was the best career move for Hayden Panettiere at this stage in the game. Not many people recognize her as a serious actress so if she really wants to stick around, she has to start showing people what she’s capable of. That said, I don’t think I could be more excited to see this movie. I grew up with the “Scream” franchise and have been anxiously awaiting a trip to the theaters to see the fourth. Here at an “Extra” Interview at The Grove in Hollywood, Hayden looks lovely as always in a gray one shoulder dress with her hair pulled back. I’m still pretty undecided on where I think Hayden will end up career wise, but with smart choices, I think she has the potential to stick around for the long haul.

April 18, 2011
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Alexis Bledel Looks Classy And Sexy

I’ve always been a big Alexis Bledel fan, even if I didn’t always admit it. There was a time when I considered myself too cool to like “The Gilmore Girls” and “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” but now I’m older and more mature. I don’t care about being cool and I like that I like. I like Alexis. I’ve never actually seen “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2” but I loved the first one. Sadly, I haven’t seen Alexis in much lately, so I was happy to see these pictures. I always liked Alexis because she didn’t seem like she was in a hurry to grow up. She usually dressed age appropriately, but still beautifully. I think these pictures show that she still does that. She looks sexy but not sleazy. I love that. Those shoes though – as much as I love them, how on earth do women wear shoes like that and not fall on their faces. It’s a mystery to me.

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