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July 4, 2013
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Audrina Patridge Spends A Day At The Beach

Audrina Patridge is certainly a beautiful woman and I know that. Her fine physical attributes are very clearly highlighted in these photos from her day at the beach in Miami. Even so, I sometimes have a hard time really recognize Audrina as a beautiful woman. It isn’t that I ever find her unattractive, of course. It’s really more than I sometimes find her rather boring. That isn’t the case here. I think I’ve decided that instead of trying to decide how I feel about Audrina, I’m going to judge her photos on a set by set basis. I think these photos are fantastic. Who knows – or cares – what I’ll think of the next ones. It’s nice to see her relaxing and having a good time. I’ll figure out how I feel about the next photos when the next photos come along.

July 4, 2013
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If It Weren’t For Naya Rivera, I Wouldn’t Bother With Glee

Seriously, Glee? No more Mark Salling? No more Harry Shum Jr.? No more Jenna Ushkowitz? No more Heather Morris? Screw that. This news has made me a very unhappy Gleek. Well, to be fair, I understand Heather Morris. As I understand it, she wants to take some time off from her career to focus on being a mom which is certainly admirable but as for the rest? Nope – not happy. I know last season featured very little Puck so it shouldn’t make a huge difference but I wasn’t happy with the lack of Puck so there’s that. Mark Salling was one of my favorite Glee cast members. There is only one reason I will be tuning in next season and that reason is pictured here in Malibu. Naya Rivera is a stunningly beautiful, extremely talented young lady and I will continue to tune into Glee as long as Naya is on the show. Keep that in mind Glee people. You can’t afford to lose viewers at this point.

July 3, 2013
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Audrina Patridge … Argh!

No really, Audrina Patridge. You have to stop confusing me so. A short time I wrote that I was becoming a fan and now these photos show up and I’m all ‘meh’ over them and I don’t even know why. I like the darker hair. I like the dress and I think it makes your body look fantastic but I don’t know … something about these photos just feels … off to me. Maybe it’s the super dark eye makeup? That look works for some people but I don’t know if it’s working for you. Maybe – more likely, even – it’s the ridiculous headache I’ve had for nearly three days now. Maybe it’s screwing with my vision and you actually look very lovely. Let’s go with that one. It just makes more sense. There is no way I can have such dramatically different reactions to the same person. It’s gotta be me. As you were, Audrina. Carry on, as you were.

July 3, 2013
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Rashida Jones Keeps It Simple And Keeps It Sexy

Rashida Jones makes me smile from my heart. I just love everything about this girl. She’s sexy, she’s sophisticated, she’s laid back and she’s talented. As far as I’m concerned, she’s pretty much perfect. I love the fact that she doesn’t feel like every red carpet event is the chance to show off as much of her skin as she can without getting arrested. She doesn’t need that kind of attention and I find that refreshing. In these photos, we see Rashida looking fabulous without any of the theatrics. She doesn’t need them. She is a natural beauty and that shines through. She’s wearing makeup, of course but it’s not over the top. I love these photos and I love, love, love this woman. She is definitely one of my favorite women to write about.

July 2, 2013
1 Comment

Isla Fisher Is My Ideal Woman

While I totally get that Isla Fisher is not everyone’s idea of a sexy woman, she’s my idea of a sexy woman. More than that, she’s my idea of the ideal woman. She’s beautiful. She’s adorable. She’s sexy. She’s talented. Of course, above all that, she also seems to have a terrific sense of humor off screen as well as on screen. There are some comedic actresses that don’t seem to be nearly as funny off camera but Isla isn’t one of them. In these photos, snapped as Isla arrives at the London Studios, we get a good look at her killer legs and we also get to see the unique sense of style that makes her so appealing to me. She’s a stunner, for sure. I think she’s going to have a very long, very successful career in the entertainment industry.

July 2, 2013
1 Comment

Audrina Patridge Makes Me A Fan

Audrina Patridge confuses me. I don’t like being confused. Sometimes I look at this woman and respond with a resounding yawn and other times, like now, for example, I look at this woman and I get a little excited. She’s always hot. That’s just a fact. I just sometimes find her a bit on the boring side. That is not the case here. I like what Audrina’s wearing. I like what she’s done with her hair. I like the way she’s posing on the red carpet. All in all, I’d call this particular set of photos a win for Audrina. Maybe I’m becoming a fan after all. Stranger things have happened, my friends. Take my word for it. Gotta be honest though – I doubt Audrina cares one way or another. This lady seems quite confident and has lots of fans. She doesn’t need me to be one of them although I may be soon.

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