Search Results for “car”

May 21, 2013
Comments Off on Super Sexy Carmen Ortega Bikini Shoot

Super Sexy Carmen Ortega Bikini Shoot

I know I’m going to get ripped to pieces for this one but I gotta be honest. It’s just who I am. I’m not really all that attracted to Carmen Ortega and I have absolutely no idea why. All the elements are there. She has a great body, a beautiful face and seems to know how to turn it on for the photographer but for some reason, I’m just not feeling particular Carmen Ortega bikini photoshoot in Beverly Hills. They’re sexy, yes, but I’m not really jumping up and down in my seat over them. Okay, so I never actually do that but I don’t even feel the desire to here. Maybe I’m just having an off day. She’s a beautiful girl with a killer body so I should be all over these ones. Instead, I’m just sort of yawning and asking what’s next. Maybe it’s the makeup. I’m not always a fan of heavy makeup. I dunno. I’m sure we’ll see her again and I’ll probably have a completely different opinion next time.

May 17, 2013
Comments Off on Keira Knightley Is Skinny And I Don’t Care

Keira Knightley Is Skinny And I Don’t Care

I know some people like to say Keira Knightley is too skinny but I am not one of those people. I never have been. Yes, she is very slender but I don’t think she looks unhealthy and I’ve always been fairly unconcerned with celebrity body types unless the celebrity in question appears to be unhealthy. In all honesty, for a long time, Keira Knightley was my biggest celebrity crush. There’s just something unnaturally beautiful about her, in my eyes anyway. I don’t know if I love the first photo from this set taken in Corsica but that has more to do with the sunglasses than Keira herself. I love Keira’s eyes so I’d really like to see them. Despite the sunglasses covering one of my favorite features, I think these photos are fantastic. I hope to see more of Keira soon. It’s always a pleasure to write about her.

May 14, 2013
Comments Off on Selena Gomez May Or May Not Be Single And I Don’t Care Either Way

Selena Gomez May Or May Not Be Single And I Don’t Care Either Way

Selena Gomez really is a pretty girl, isn’t she? She seems to get prettier and prettier every time I see her. There’s just something so refreshing about a young woman that isn’t trying to appear older or more mature than she actually is. As Selena grows, we are seeing a more mature look, yes, but it seems to be a natural thing. Some of her contemporaries are trying so hard to prove that they’re older that they’re mistaking trashy for mature and that’s frightening to me. When I was Selena’s age, I was taking my time to enjoy my youth. It doesn’t last forever, after all. It seems Selena is taking that same approach. Is she single? Is she dating you-know-who? I don’t care in the least. Let her have her privacy. Let her enjoy her life and her youth. She’s a talented, pretty young lady who could really make a great career for herself if she continues on the path she’s on. I hope that happens.

April 5, 2013
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Jenny McCarthy Parties It Up By The Pool

I know there are a whole lot of people out there who don’t like Jenny McCarthy. I suppose I can see why but it’s not a feeling I share. I love this babe. I think she’s absolutely fantastic. Sure she’s loud and brash but I think that’s what I like most about her. You don’t see a lot of stunningly beautiful women with personalities like Jenny’s. She’s weird but that’s what makes her unique. That’s what makes her Jenny McCarthy. In these photos from the Encore Beach Club at Wynn Las Vegas, Jenny is, well, being Jenny. She looks like she’s the life of the party just like she usually is. I don’t think I’d want to spend a lot of time with her because I’m pretty sure it would be exhausting but I’ll stare at her pictures any time. Love this woman … just in case I wasn’t clear about that.

March 6, 2013
Comments Off on Lana Del Rey Is A Hot Chick In A Hot Car.

Lana Del Rey Is A Hot Chick In A Hot Car.

I love Lana Del Rey. I know there are a whole lot of people out there that don’t but I’ve never been one to side with popular opinion just because it’s popular opinion. I think she has talent. I also think she’s gorgeous. I have to be honest though. I’d paying far more attention to the car in these shots. Posing for the Jaguar F-Type Photoshoot for Burning Desire, Lana looks great and all but she’s being way upstaged by the vehicle. I also find it hard to look at her and not wonder if she’s still with Axl Rose. I mean, that was all a little weird, wasn’t it? Ah well. She’s still a very talented young lady. I can’t wait to see where the future takes her.

March 2, 2013
Comments Off on Morena Baccarin Looks Stunning In Behind The Scenes Vanity Fair Shots

Morena Baccarin Looks Stunning In Behind The Scenes Vanity Fair Shots

I have been a big Morena Baccarin fan for quite some time now. It all started with ‘Firefly’ and that love has grown a little more each time I’ve seen her in a new role. In these photos, we see Morena at a Vanity Fair photoshoot in Los Angeles and she looks stunning. I love behind the scenes shots as you likely know if you’ve been reading my posts for any amount of time but I especially love these ones. We don’t often get to see behind the scenes shots for publications like Vanity Fair. It’s nice to see her showing up (or possibly leaving) in her jeans and jacket and then see her all glammed up for the photo shoot. These are great shots. I’m thrilled we got to see them.

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