Search Results for “celebrity ass”

August 1, 2012

Rihanna Goes Sexy Snorkeling.

What is sexy snorkeling you ask? Glad you did. Sexy snorkeling is just like regular snorkeling except it’s done by Rihanna in a leopard print bikini and is therefore sexy. I freaking love Rihanna. That ass of hers is just ridiculous. The rest of her is also pretty damn incredible. I don’t know what it is about Rihanna I like so much. Of course she’s beautiful and of course she’s talented but so are a lot of people. There’s just something about her that’s special to me. I remember I worked in a music store back when her first album came out. Someone came in looking for her CD and I had no idea who this Rihanna person was. The customer told me Rihanna was the next big thing so I decided to check her out. I fell in love and I haven’t wavered in that love since. I don’t imagine that will change any time soon, either.

August 1, 2012

Nicole Trunfio Is So Hot She Hurts My Eyes.

I’m not kidding. I might have to write this post with sunglasses on because I can’t bring myself to look directly at the hotness that is Nicole Trunfio. She is pretty much the walking, talking epitome of my ideal woman. The fact that she happens to be with an also gorgeous woman, Jessica Gomes, in these photos from Miami only makes matters worse. I’m having a hard time concentrating on writing this post. I just keep going back and looking at the pictures. Okay. Focus. So here we have Nicole Trunfio and Jessica Gomes being crazy hot in Miami as … nope. I just can’t do it. There is too much sexy in these photos. I can’t take it.

July 31, 2012

Candice Swanepoel Get Naked And Looks Gorgeous Surprising No One.

There are many, many things I love about Candice Swanepoel. The fact that she looks absolutely incredible wearing next to nothing (or nothing at all, in this case), is pretty high on that list. This woman is just phenomenal looking, isn’t she? Simply stunning. I love the hair in this photo as well. It adds a little something extra to an already fantastic set of photos. I also like the tone of the pictures. They’re racing but still classy somehow. I’m sure class isn’t easy to pull off when you’re standing naked in front of photographers. Sure these photos have a very ‘posed’ vibe but that’s not always a bad thing. They almost look like works of art. I can tell you without a trace of doubt I would frame these and hang them on my wall any day of the week.

July 30, 2012

Lisa Rinna Gets A Spray Tan.

At least I think Lisa Rinna is getting a spray tan. I’ve never had one myself so I don’t really know what the whole thing looks like. It is merely what I assume is happening based on the context. Anyway, that’s really beside the point. I know a lot of people like to pick on Lisa about her lips and her various plastic surgery procedures but I don’t think any of that is really a huge deal. I think she looks beautiful, especially for a woman her age. I’ve always said I don’t think there’s anything wrong with accepting a helping hand if you want to keep the hands of time under control. Some women prefer aging gracefully while others don’t. Either is fine with me. I hope to look half as good as Lisa does when I’m her age and if I had the means, I wouldn’t be above asking for a little nip or tuck to make that happen.

July 25, 2012

Audrina Patridge Plays DJ

I have a weird kind of thing going on with Audrina Patridge. I didn’t like her, then I liked her, now I’m just kind of bored by her. I think she’s a good looking woman but I feel like there’s something about her that just falls a little flat for me. I guess the problem is that there is never anything new with pictures of her. The same can be said for a lot of the women I post about on here but they hold my attention more than Audrina does. It’s not really that I don’t like her. It’s just that I don’t really get excited when I see her name on my assignment list. To be honest, I had to struggle to even write this post because I just had nothing to see. Audrina Patridge is hot. What’s next?

July 25, 2012
Comments Off on Avril Lavigne Continues Her Vacation In Mexico.

Avril Lavigne Continues Her Vacation In Mexico.

So “American Idol” producers have foolishly ignored my suggestion to bring Avril Lavigne on as a judge for the show’s next season. They chose Mariah Carey instead. I’m going to go ahead and call that a massive mistake. Mariah is a nutcase – a talented nutcase, but a nutcase none the less. Crew members have said she was a nightmare to work with during her stint as a guest mentor a few seasons back. The same crew members have said Jennifer Lopez was a delight. I’m not sure what they would say about Avril, but I guess we’ll never know. None of that matters though. What matters is the fact that Avril Lavigne is on vacation in Mexico which means we can expect at least another set – maybe more – of gorgeous Avril Lavigne bikini pictures similar to this one. I can’t complain about that. I think Avril is gorgeous. More than that, she’s unique. She does things her own way – her hair for example – and I think that’s just fantastic. I think she would’ve been a great judge but hey, can’t win ’em all, I suppose.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }