Search Results for “celebrity ass”

May 1, 2012

Sexy Amy Childs Outside A Nightclub In Essex

Sometimes when I’m coming up with these posts, I like to look back over past posts I’ve done about whichever celebrity I’m writing about. I just did that with Amy Childs and in retrospect, I feel I’ve been a little harsh on her. She’s not the classiest woman to ever walk the red carpet but when compared with some of the other celebs I occasionally write about, she’s far from the worst. She a very pretty woman and she has a great body. I suppose I just worry about her. All of the rumors about wild nights out may have colored my opinion of her a little too much. Rumors are, after all, nothing more than rumors oftentimes. Shown outside a nightclub in Essex in these photos, Amy looks nice. Her dress is cute and it flatters her nicely. It might be a tad bit revealing but I wouldn’t say its inappropriate for a nightclub. Perhaps I’ll stop being so judgy and just enjoy the photos. Seems like a good plan.

April 25, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Bares Her Belly While Walking Her Dog

It seems like it’s been a while now since the world has gotten a good Miley Cyrus scandal and I’m pretty happy about that. I think a lot of the scandals she’s been involved in have been way over played. The whole weed thing? Who cares. There are a lot of people her age that like to indulge in the stuff from time to time and if that’s the worst thing she’s doing, I’m fine with it. I don’t buy into the “weed is a gateway drug” hype. I know a lot of people who have smoked pot for years yet have never moved on to harder stuff. It’s all about the decisions you make. I personally don’t like weed. I don’t like the smell, I don’t like the taste and I don’t like the way it makes me feel, but if Miley wants to take a puff off a joint or take a hit from a bong, that’s her business. As for these photos, I gotta say I’m a fan. I’ve always been a fan of Miley’s candid pictures because they give us the chance to see a bit of who Miley really is. I’d also like to state for the record that I don’t believe for a minute that Miley is anorexic. Maybe she’s lost weight, but we’ve also seen pictures of her going into Pilates classes. Stands to reason that she might slim down with the whole working out thing. I think she looks healthy in these pictures. She might look a little slimmer than she used to be but not in an unhealthy way. Also, her dog is freaking adorable. Love these photos and wish Miley nothing but the best.

April 25, 2012

Who Is Leilani Dowding?

I saw these pictures and I’ll be honest, I was a little surprised I’ve never heard this girl’s name. She has the sort of body type and the sort of face I’m typically attracted to. I’ve also made no secret of my love for dark haired girls. She’s not skinny per say. She’s athletic. Her body is tight and toned and I appreciate a girl that works hard to stay in shape, and I think Leilani does. I looked into her story and found that she dropped out of college to pursue a career in modeling. She became a “Page 3” girl and has gone on to do a few different reality TV shows. It surprises me that she hasn’t amassed more modeling credits. Somebody get on that. I want to see more of this girl!

April 21, 2012

New Bikini Pics Of Sexy Leighton Meester

I’ve actually never seen “Gossip Girl”, Leighton Meester’s biggest claim to fame, but I absolutely loved her in “Country Strong”. She’s kind of a weird actress for me. I always love her in whatever I see her in but I’m never rushing out to see her movies. I like her but she doesn’t excite me. She is, however, one of my favorite members of the “Gossip Girl” cast so that has to count for something. Here in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Leighton looks beautiful as always. And before someone jumps on me for not mentioning it, yes, that is Leighton Meester’s butt crack but no, I don’t really care. It is a nice butt crack as far as butt cracks go but I guess that particular part of a woman’s anatomy isn’t at the top of my turn on list. Butt crack aside, Leighton looks like she’s having a great time and that’s always nice to see. I love these photos. Maybe I will check out “Gossip Girl” one day – assuming Netflix Canada ever gets around to carrying it.

April 17, 2012
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Sexy Maria Fowler At The Beach

The last time I posted about Maria Fowler, I may have been just a little bit harsh. In retrospect, I could’ve voiced my opinion a little more gently but at the time … okay, no. I stand by what I said about those last pictures. Do you remember the ones? Maria flashing her panties at the paparazzi (this was no upskirt shot of her getting out of a car, it was a very intentional panty flash) and then practically passing out in the back seat of a car? They certainly didn’t cast Maria in the best light. I prefer these ones. Maria looks sexy but not slutty and that’s a pretty big deal to me. I like these photos of Maria. They’ve made me reevaluate my opinion of her entirely.

April 14, 2012
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Leggy Liv Tyler In Paris

I remember back when Liv Tyler was just the smoking hot babe in the Aerosmith videos. I was a kid back then. I didn’t know Liv was Steven Tyler’s daughter. I didn’t know she was an actress. I just knew she looked absolutely stunning in those videos. As time has passed, I’ve come to appreciate Liv as an actress and as a celebrity. She has the sort of low key approach to fame I find appealing. She doesn’t really get mixed up in a whole lot of drama and I find that refreshing. Here in Paris, Liv shows off probably my favorite thing about her – her style. She’s so unique. She always looks so comfortable but still so stylish. If I could raid on star’s closet, Liv would be pretty close to the top of my wishlist.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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