Search Results for “celebrity ass”

October 26, 2011
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Amanda Seyfried Walks The Dog

Oh Amanda Seyfried. Man, I can’t even. I have loved this girl for longer than I can remember – at least since Mean Girls but maybe even longer. She’s absolutely gorgeous. She has a fantastic body and the kind of eyes that stop my heart for a beat or two. She also has the sort of casual, laid back style I find most appealing in celebrity woman. My only complaint about these pictures – and it is a very small complaint – is the sunglasses. I love her eyes so it kind of sucks that she has to cover them up. That’s the sun for you though. Regardless, Amanda looks incredible. I don’t think it would be possible for me to love this girl more than I already do.

October 25, 2011

Miranda Kerr Stops By Fox & Friends

So I watched this porn flick about cheerleaders once and there was a girl in it with the craziest eyes. Her eyes actually distracted me from the action on the screen a little bit. I mention this because Miranda Kerr has the same kind of eyes and the same build as the girl in the video. I’m not saying Miranda was the girl in the movie or anything but she just kind of reminds me of her and I wanted to share that with you all. Anyway, here we see Miranda on “FOX & Friends” in New York talking about bras or something. This woman is smoking hot. She is definitely one of my favorite models – classy and sexy even in a relatively demure dress. Absolutely stunning.

October 24, 2011

Hot Vanessa Hudgens Takes A Stroll

I know I’ve given Vanessa Hudgens a hard time in the past but she really has made a fan out of me. It isn’t so much her acting or her singing I’m a fan of. I’m more a fan of Vanessa as a celebrity. I like the fact that she doesn’t seem to care about how she looks when she’s just going out to do her normal day-to-day things yet she somehow manages to still be incredibly hot. I think I like Vanessa most in her casual shots. She just looks like you’re average twenty-something but hotter. I will admit though, I don’t like the giant sunglasses but hey, to each their own.

October 7, 2011

Irina Sheik In New Photoshoot

I don’t really know how this photoshoot has anything to do with shoes but I don’t actually care. This XTi Shoes photoshoot staring the stunning Irina Sheik is so hot I’m frightened my eyes may actually melt. I love this woman – everything about her from the top of her head to the heels of her shoes I guess I’m supposed to be paying attention to. I’ll be honest – there are a few pairs of shoes here I’d actually buy assuming I had money to waste on such things. I doubt they’d make me look nearly as good as Irina but hey, a girl can dream.

September 30, 2011

Sexy Bikini Pictures Of Elena Santarelli In Milan

Oh how I hate to write this point because I know someone somewhere is going to be offended by it. Elena Santarelli has an incredible body but there is honestly something about her face I don’t find attractive. I’m a total package kind of girl – meaning I like a girl with the total package not am a girl with the total package. I’m a hypocrite like that. I think it’s Elena’s jaw that throws me off. I find strong, square jaws on women a little mannish, but hey, what do I know? Not much. I will say these shots of Elena in a bikini for Agogoa, Milan FW make it pretty hard to criticize. I mean, just look at that ass. She’s get a killer body. I’ll leave it at that.

September 29, 2011
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AnnaLynne McCord Is A Golf Course Bikini Babe

I don’t actually know where these pictures of AnnaLynne McCord in a bikini were taken but it looks like a golf course to me what with the golf carts and the lush green grass. This kind of makes me wonder why AnnaLynne is strutting around on a golf course in a bikini. How distracting must that be for the other golfers? I’m kidding of course. I’m sure this was for a photo shoot or a scene from her show “90210”. Even so, just imagine if it’s not. That right there is enough to make me start playing golf. Well maybe not, but it’s enough to make me think about it.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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