Search Results for “curvy”

December 31, 2012
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Jessica Jane Clement Is Almost Too Hot.

I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I honestly can’t see how anyone can look at Jessica Jane Clement and not see an absolutely stunning creature that is about as close to flawless as a human being can be. Physically, at least. I don’t know her personally so she could be a raging bitch but that’s kind of beside the point. Breaking the old cliche and judging this book solely on its cover, I’d say Jessica is pretty close to perfect. Her body is unreal – curvy in all the right places but still fit and toned. Then, of course, there’s that face. I look at her and I see a work of art. Some of my favorite photos to date.

November 24, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence Looks Fabulous In Hawaii.

Jennifer Lawrence recently said that she is considered obese by Hollywood standards and I was sincerely disturbed by that. This woman is nowhere near obese and shame on those who would tell her otherwise. She isn’t stick thin but she doesn’t have to be. What kind of a world are we living in when the young lady in these photos from Hawaii is considered obese – not curvy, not chunky, not even fat but obese. Obesity is a huge problem in the United States. Calling women like Jennifer obese makes a total mockery of the problem. Obesity is unhealthy and there is nothing unhealthy about the way Jennifer looks. Am I missing something here?

November 7, 2012

Bad Poetry About Kim Kardashian And Her Ass.

I will forgo the attempts at a haiku this time and instead, will focus on a more abstract kind of poem. I don’t kknow much about this sort of thing but I promise, it will be just as bad as my Nicole Trunfio haiku. This bad poem of course focuses on Kim Kardashian’s ass thanks to these photos of the curvy babe that were snapped in Miami. I hope you all enjoy it.

Roses are red,

Violets smell awesome.

Is that Kim K’s ass,

Or is she smuggling a possum?

That thing is so big,

It gets all the boys going.

Kim looks fantastic

With all the trunk junk she’s towing.

One more verse for Kim’s ass,

This is taking forever.

My poem sucks but the point,

Is Kim’s ass is a treasure.

Wow. I don’t even want to admit how long that took me to write. You can all thank commenter Dweeb Malloy for my repeat performance. I am to please … or disappoint. Seriously though – enjoy these great close ups of Kim Kardashian’s behind. The lady sure knows how to rock a pair of stretch pants.

October 6, 2012
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Kelly Brook Is My Dream Girl.

Okay, I have a lot of dream girls but Kelly is definitely one of them. She’s sexy, curvy and so incredibly beautiful. I know some will argue she’s not as thin as she used to be but I like that. I do like skinny models but I like curvy ones as well. I’m not really on the “real women have curves” team because, as far as I’ve been able to tell anyway, all a woman needs to be considered a “real woman” is a vagina, but hey – what do I know? Maybe my skinny body means I’m not actually a woman after all. Won’t my husband be upset with that. Anyway, beside the point. I am a firm believer that beauty really does come in all sizes and I think Kelly is a great example of that. She looked killer thin and she looks killer with a little more meat on her bones. Love this lady – always a pleasure to get new pictures of her to write about.

October 6, 2012

Christina Aguilera At The George McGovern Leadership Award Ceremony

I love Christina Aguilera. When I was growing up, I listened to Christina’s songs on repeat, floored by her incredibly voice. While she’s had her share of ups and downs in her career, I have never stopped being a huge fan of everything she does. Here at the George McGovern Leadership Award Ceremony in Washington DC, Christina tones down her usually over the top look and opts for something a little more appropriate for the occasion. While the dress may be a little low cut, it’s still very classy and stylish. I mostly love her makeup here. She’s gone for a far more subdued look and I really enjoy it. This woman is beautiful, skinny or curvy. I adore her and I will miss her terribly next season on “The Voice”.

September 14, 2012

Oh Doutzen Kroes, You Phenomenal Bikini Babe!

People like to occasionally get down on Doutzen Kroes’ back about being too thin but I think that’s a little ridiculous. It’s one thing to love curvy women and support curvy women but it’s another thing to put down skinny women to further your cause. Yes curvy women can be beautiful but skinny women can too and Doutzen is just more proof of that. She doesn’t look unhealthy. She looks like she works out and takes care of herself. There’s nothing wrong with that. You know what bugs me? The “real women have curves” movement. As if skinny women aren’t real women? Women can be beautiful regardless of their size or shape. Isn’t that a better message to send out?

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }