Search Results for “hot body”

July 26, 2012

Miley Cyrus Goes Shoe Shopping Wearing This …

I get it Miley. You’ve been working out, lost some weight, toned up your body and now you want to show that body off. Even so, maybe this wasn’t the best choice fashion wise for a day of shoe shopping. People are worried about you, honey. They think you’re going off the rails. I personally think you’re just fine and are proud of how you look. Nothing wrong with that. I’m just not sure why you’d want to give the haters more to hate on. In these photos, taken in New York, Miley Cyrus is wearing something I would actually consider wearing if I thought I could pull it off. I would probably only wear it to the beach but hey, that’s just me. I think she looks great but I know someone is going to rip her a new one over the choice. I feel a little bad for the girl, especially since I’ve done the new one ripping a time or two. My opinion of her has changed though. She seems more mature and more in control of her life. I think that’s exactly what she needed. I hope I’m right but I have been wrong before. I wish nothing but the best for Miley and I hope there are bright things in her future.

July 25, 2012

Kate Upton Is Not Freaking Fat.

If Kate Upton is fat, I demand to see photos of someone who is skinny. I mean that. I don’t believe a skeleton with skin stretched over it is sexy. You know who I think is sexy? Kate freaking Upton. Look at this woman! I demand to know where the fat is on that body. For those of you that have no idea what the heck I’m talking about, let me tell you all about it. A few weeks back, a blogger posted a rather scathing review of Kate’s body. In this post, the woman called Kate a whole lot of extremely unpleasant names, fat probably being the nicest of them. I would link to the blog but it doesn’t deserve more traffic than it already gets. Let me be clear. There is nothing in the world wrong with being skinny. I am a very skinny girl. The skeleton with skin stretched over it? That’s pretty much me. I’m okay with that. Kate has a bit of meat on her bones but that does not mean she’s fat. The blog in question said it’s designed to help skinny women feel comfortable with who they are. That’s fine. I agree that skinny women sometimes get picked on just as much as heavier women and that’s wrong. My problem is the idea that you have to tear someone else down to make yourself feel better. I can be harsh on celebrities sometimes but I’m not here to make anyone feel good and I would never call out a woman on her body type unless she looked unhealthy – heavy women and skinny women alike. People need to learn how to be cool with who they are or work toward looking how they want to look in a healthy way. It’s about respecting yourself but that doesn’t mean disrespecting other people in the process.

July 24, 2012

Nicole Coco Austin Flashes Her Bald Vag, Proving She’s Just As Classy As Ever.

There is no way anyone will ever be able to convince me Nicole Coco Austin did not intentionally flash her bald vagina to the photographers that snapped these pictures. When I think of desperate women who will do anything to stay relevant, Nicole tops my list. She’s hot, sure, but she’s so sleazy I can’t enjoy her hotness. I mean, come on, at least pretend it was an accident. It’s cool to be proud of your body but this isn’t pride in your body. This is obvious insecurity. It’s almost like she’s afraid she’ll cease to exist if the cameras stop flashing. It doesn’t matter though. Men love her and will continue to love her as long as she continue to have not even a trace of modesty. Baring it all for Playboy is one thing. I have no problem with a woman taking her clothes off for the camera but flashing your vagina on the street corner? In my always humble opinion, that’s just one step away from being a prostitute.

July 22, 2012
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Roxanne Pallett Is A Stunning Bikini Beauty.

In my always humble opinion, Roxanne Pallett is pretty close to my ideal woman, at least physically anyway. I love the bangs. I love the body. I love the face. I just flat out love the girl. I haven’t seen a whole lot of her work but what I’ve seen I’ve enjoyed. I guess that’s enough to say I think she’s not just beautiful but talented to. Perhaps it’s the bangs and the build but she sort of reminds me of Bettie Page. While her red dress photos from the “Magic Mike” premiere are still my favorite photos of her, I have to say these ones come pretty close. There’s just something about these photos (other than the bikini) that grabs my attention. I can’t wait to see more of this girl. She’s fabulous.

July 19, 2012
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Aida Yespica Looks Stunning In A Bikini.

How many of you have heard about the whole “thinspiration”/Kate Upton controversy from a few days ago? If you haven’t heard, basically it went something like this – some blog about skinny girl pride posted an absolutely cruel diatribe against Kate Upton (whom I think is gorgeous, for the record) and got in all sorts of trouble. Here’s the thing about that and here’s how it relates to these pictures of Aida Yespica. I don’t think there is anything wrong with Aida although I’ve heard other people talk about her being too skinny. Some women are just naturally very thin. Other women prefer to strive for a thin frame. I don’t see a problem with either of those things as long as the woman is healthy and takes care of herself. I’m a naturally thin woman myself – probably about as thin as Aida although I have much less muscle definition than her – and I look in the mirror and feel too thin. That doesn’t mean I think Aida is too thin. I think she’s a stunning woman that looks great in a bikini. At the same time, Kate, who is a little curvier, is more what I would like to look like myself. What bugs me about the skinny versus chubby debate is the fact that it exists at all. Every woman has her own body type and should be able to feel good about how they look. Shaming them for their body – if they’re healthy – is cruel and completely unnecessary, especially when the cruel comments are made by a nameless, faceless individual who isn’t risking having their own appearance picked apart.

July 14, 2012

Olivia Munn Hits The Red Carpet At The ESPY Awards.

So here is Olivia Munn looking like Olivia Munn usually looks – kind of hot but kind of not at the same time. I think she’s pretty enough but I really don’t understand why men are so crazy about her. Perhaps it’s her “I’m a geek too!” persona. She does have a fantastic body, which she’s showing off in her body hugging dress in these photos from the 2012 ESPY Awards in Los Angeles, but I honestly don’t find her face all that attractive. I guess it all comes down to personal preference. I do like her personality on occasion but even that can be a bit irritating in large doses. I guess I’m just not really sure how I feel about her overall. I’m sure it doesn’t matter to her in the least though. She seems like a very confident, self-assured young woman which is one of the things I do find incredibly appealing about her. It’s just the rest of the package I’m not so sure about.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }