Search Results for “hot body”

July 13, 2013
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Sexy Nicole Richie In A Mix And Match Bikini

There were rumors circulating not too long ago that Nicole Richie may have relapsed and might be struggling with her weight again. If these photos, shot in Santa Barbara, are any indication, that is most certainly not the case. The lady looks fantastic. She’s thin, yes, but she’s definitely not too thin. Sometimes I don’t know what the Hollywood types want. When Nicole was heavier, she was too heavy. Now she’s too thin. Ridiculous. There was a time that Nicole was too thin. If you remember that time or have even seen photos from that time, you know the body Nicole is showing off here is far, far from the body she showed off back then. She looks healthy, not to mention hot as hell. Why not leave her alone?

July 13, 2013
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More Paige Butcher Bikini Pics From Maui

Paige Butcher just has an incredible body, doesn’t she? Man, this lady looks good in a bikini. I love her toned, athletic figure and just the general shape of her body. I also love the fact that she really seems to have confidence. There is nothing sexier to me than a woman with confidence. I loved the first set of Paige Butcher bikini photos that were taken in Maui and I’m loving this second set just as much. This woman just has a way about her that I find really appealing. She just seems like such a laid back, fun loving kind of girl – my kind of girl. Of course, the fact that she’s hot doesn’t hurt in the least.

July 13, 2013
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There’s Just Something About Bianca Balti

I have to be perfectly honest. There’s a part of me that loves Bianci Balti and there’s a part of me that isn’t sure how I feel. This causes some strange internal struggle I’ve never encountered before. I really can’t figure out if I think this woman is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes on or if she’s just hot. She has a killer body, of course, but there’s something about her overall look that leaves me unsure. Maybe I’m just having another one of those weird days. It’s not at all that I find her unattractive. It’s more that I can’t decide how attractive I find her. I guess if you’re going to have a problem, that’s the one to have though.

July 12, 2013

Emily Shaw Perplexes Me

I haven’t heard of every single beautiful woman in the world or even every single beautiful woman in the entertainment industry so every now and again, I come across a celebrity I have to research. I typically make Wikipedia my first stop and if Wiki is no help, I head on over to Google. Here’s what I learned when I Wikied/Googled Emily: not a damn thing. I have no idea who this girl is even though she looks especially familiar. Is she an actress? Musician? Model? No idea. I’m leaning more toward modeling but I don’t know. So what do I actually know? I know I love these photos. Emily is a beautiful, beautiful woman with an incredible body. These are some smoking hot photos, even if I don’t know a thing about the woman in them.

July 12, 2013
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Julia Pereira Hits The Beach In A Black Bikini

Now these photos of Julia Pereira are exactly what I like to see in bikini shots. Julia has an incredible body, a beautiful face and she’s soaking wet. How could you go wrong? On top of that, these photos were taken in Miami which provides such a lovely backdrop. Finally, we get to see Julia looking like she’s having quite the relaxing day which is definitely nice to see. All told, I’d say this is a pretty great set of photos. Julia doesn’t seem all that concerned with the cameras snapping away at her and why should she? She looks fantastic. If I looked like her, I might want people to take pictures of me every time I went to the beach.

July 12, 2013
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Sexy Rihanna Bikini Pics

I think Rihanna is fantastic. If you’ve been reading my posts for a while, you likely already know I think Rihanna is fantastic so that opening sentence offers no new information. To be honest though, I’m not sure I have any new information to offer. This woman is pretty close to my ideal. I think she’s beautiful, talented and has a killer body. What more could I ask for. In these photos, we see Rihanna wearing bikini on the beach in Sopot looking just as sexy as ever. I love the mesh cover up she’s chosen to pair the bikini with. I’m also a big fan of the visor. It’s always nice to see Rihanna relaxing and having a good time. These shots are no exception. She’s a busy girl. It’s good that she schedules in a little R&R.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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