Search Results for “hot teen”

February 6, 2012

Geri Halliwell Brings Back The Jack

I’m a huge fan of Geri Halliwell and all things Spice Girl. I have been since I was but a little things, probably about thirteen or fourteen years old. What to I think of when I think of the Girls in their heyday? The “Wannabe” video, the Pepsi commercial, “Spiceworld” but more than any of that, I think of Geri and her Union Jack dress. For that reason, I’m absolutely thrilled Geri has launched the Union Jack Clothing line. These pictures from the line’s launch in London are absolutely fabulous. In my always humble opinion, Geri looks better now than she did when she wore the original dress. I also like the updated version of the dress a lot more. These pictures make me feel nostalgic for a time when things were better and that makes me feel good. Love this woman and love these pictures.

January 30, 2012

The Always Classy Tila Tequila

I know sarcasm doesn’t always come across on the internet so let me clear up any confusion the title of this post might’ve caused. There is nothing – and I mean nothing – classy about Tila Tequila. She’s is pretty much the walking, talking definition of trashy but for some reason I will never be able to explain, I find her absolutely fascinating. It makes no sense. Generally, people like Tila – women and men who would do anything, say anything and exploit anything to become famous or stay in the spotlight – irk me beyond words. While Tila is no exception, I can’t help finding her interesting. Here in Santa Monica, California, Tila straps on a pair of roller blades and little else and shows off for the camera. Her fifteen minutes of fame was up about half an hour ago but she still manages to get people to take her picture and still gets people like me to write about her. Like I said, fascinating.

January 28, 2012

Sexy Mena Suvari Shows Off Her Body

Mena Suvari has been one of my favorites since staring as the teenage temptress in ‘American Beauty’. She’s not only beautiful but she’s also an incredibly talented and severely underrated actress. Her stint on ‘American Horror Story’ as the Black Dahlia? Far, far too short but so awesome. I love everything about Mena. I also like the fact that, although skinny, she doesn’t look unhealthy. She looks like a girl that works out but doesn’t starve herself and that’s always nice to see in the entertainment industry. To be honest, there’s very little about this girl I don’t like, if there’s anything at all. Although it’s been said that next season ‘American Horror Story’ will have a whole new cast, it’s also been said that some people will be returning in new roles. Jessica Lange, Evan Peters and Mena Suvari are at the top of my wish list. Hope my wish comes true!

January 25, 2012

Sexy Selena Gomez In Recent Performance Pics

In my always humble opinion, Selena Gomez really got it right. While a teen face base is great and surprisingly loyal, they also have a notoriously short attention span. Selena (or more likely, her team) recognize that and she’s now moving toward a more mature audience. What she isn’t doing, however, is turning her back on the fans that got her to where she is. Instead of bursting back onto the scene with a super sexual new image that often alienates younger fans, Selena is gradually evolving. Here in Puerto Rico, we see a sexier side of Selena but no a sleazy one. She looks stunning but most importantly, she still looks classy. She’s leaving something to the imagination and to me, that’s far sexier than letting everything hang out. It’s also not compromising her morals or relying on her body and her looks to sell her work. I respect this girl more and more every day.

January 22, 2012

Sexy Vanessa Hudgens And New Boyfriend Austin Butler In Hawaii

There was a time when I wasn’t a big fan of Vanessa Hudgens but that time has passed. I may be perhaps the only person in the world that enjoyed “Suckerpunch” but that doesn’t change the fact that I did enjoy it and that had a lot to do with Vanessa Hudgens. I haven’t been a fan of her more teen targeted work like “High School Musical” and the related films/music but I really think Vanessa has what it takes to have a bright career. She’s talented and she’s beautiful – two things that will get you far in the industry. Here in Hawaii, Vanessa seems to be having a great time with her new boyfriend, Austin Butler. I think they make an absolutely adorable couple and I love the fact that they don’t try to hide their affection for each other from the paparazzi. I hope these two stay together. They seem very happy and Vanessa deserves the happiness.

January 21, 2012

Blue Haired Katy Perry Filming An Adidas Commercial

So I suppose I have to mention Katy Perry’s impending divorce from Russell Brand. There, I’ve mentioned it. Let’s move on. I think Katy is an absolutely adorable young woman that is complete, one hundred percent in control of her public image and how she wants people to see her. She can play up the sex appeal when she wants to but she can also play it down and look like the cute girl next door. She can be edgy. She can be outrageous and, as these photos of her filming a commercial for Adidas show, she can be just another normal girl working out. Sure she has blue hair but a lot of people like to play with their hair color. When I was in my teens, I used to dye my hair all sorts of crazy colors just to change things up. I love Katy and wish her nothing but continued success.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }