Search Results for “ian”

June 5, 2013
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I Am Not A Big Fan Of Khloe Kardashian

I’m not a Khloe Kardashian fan. I’m not really a fan of any member of the Kardashian family (except Kendall Jenner but I’m not sure I count her as a Kardashian). To me, the Kardashians represent all that is wrong with today’s celebrity culture. No one with the Kardashian name has ever shown any kind of discernible talent, yet you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t heard of them. With all that said, I actually really like these photos of Khloe Kardashian at The Today Show in New York. I think she looks fantastic. I love the outfit she’s wearing. It compliments her beautifully and shows off her killer legs. Khloe fan or not, I have to give credit where credit is due and it’s due here. Khloe has made an especially great fashion choice here – or her stylist has at least – and the result is a great set of photos. If this trend continues, I may have to reconsider my position on this particular Kardashian.

June 1, 2013
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Laura Vandervoort Makes Me Proud To Be Canadian

I gotta be honest – a lot makes me proud to be Canadian but somewhere close to the top of the list is the quality of talent we sometimes turn out. Laura Vandervoort is a great example of what I mean by that. She’s beautiful. She’s talented and she doesn’t seem to have that “I’m going to be a star” ego about her. This is a young lady who has put a lot of time and effort into building a solid career. I don’t think that’s paid off just yet but I don’t doubt it will one day. In these photos, we see Laura walking around Vancouver looking casual yet sexy. I love the outfit she’s opted for here. It compliments her but doesn’t make her look like she’s trying to stand out and get attention.  Very lovely young lady with a great career ahead of her.

May 18, 2013
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Adriana Lima Always Looks Incredible

I’ve said it time and time again: Adriana Lima is one of the hottest models working today. The first picture in this set is absolutely adorable but still so sexy. That whole adorable/sexy thing isn’t something a lot of women can pull off but Adriana does it beautifully. I was asked recently what it is about Adriana I like so much and I found the question pretty difficult to answer. I eventually settled on “I don’t know” because, really, I don’t know. There’s just something about her that appeals to me. She doesn’t look like 100 other women in the modeling industry and I suppose that’s part of my attraction to her. I like women that have their own thing going on and Adriana really does. These photos are great. It’s always a pleasure to write about this stunning model.

May 17, 2013
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Adriana Lima Could Kill A Person With Those Eyes

I know there are some people who visit this site on a regular basis who don’t get my Adriana Lima obsession. I won’t name names but let me assure you, I will not let these people steer me away from my love of this beautiful woman. It’s all about the eyes for me. She just has those kind of deep, soulful, thoughtful eyes I find absolutely irresistible. Of course, her smoking hot body doesn’t hurt either. To be honest though, I think my favorite shot out of this entire set is the shot where she’s wearing what appears to be an oversized t-shirt. There is just something so sexy about a woman in a big baggy t-shirt. Yup, I like these photos which should come as a surprise to absolutely no one.

March 24, 2013
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Sexy Brazilian Model Julia Pereira Looks Smoking Hot In Miami

I’m not all that familiar with Julia Pereira aside from a few photo shoots here and there but I have to say I’m a fan of what I’ve seen and am most definitely a fan of what I’m seeing here. In these photos from Miami, Julia is looking absolutely stunning. I love the bikini and I love how the bikini looks on her. She’s the kind of woman I could look at all day. She has a fantastic body, a beautiful face and she exudes such a confident sort of vibe. I find that incredibly appealing. If she’s bothered by the cameras snapping away at her every mood, she doesn’t let on in the least. If that were me, I’d be far too uncomfortable to even be able to consider relaxing. She doesn’t appear to have that problem. Fantastic pictures. I hope we see more of her soon.

March 16, 2013

So I Had This Dream About Adriana Lima …

A few nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night after what I like to call “the hamburger dream”. When I was little, my mother didn’t have a lot of money and that sometimes meant we had to go without food. I’d go to bed after not eating all day and I’d dream of a big, fat hamburger sitting on a plate right in front of me. I’d open my mouth to take a bite and wake up just before I could sink my teeth in. I’d look around confused, wondering where my hamburger went only to have the crushing realization that my subconscious was a jerk and had played a cruel joke on me. Now that I’m older, well, okay – I write online for a living. That often means I don’t have food because this isn’t a job you do if you’re looking to get rich – or pay the bills, for that matter. Anyway, I still have the hamburger dream on occasion (although now it’s usually a Tim Horton’s Chicken Wrap or chicken nuggets) and it’s still just as disappointing to wake up and find I’m trying to eat my pillow. What does all this have to do with these photos of Adriana Lima in Los Angeles? Well let me tell you. The other night, I had the hamburger dream, as I mentioned. This time though, I wasn’t alone in my dream. I was on a beach relaxing in a beach chair when Adriana Lima came over to me. She said she’d seen a post I wrote about her and wanted to buy me dinner. I wasn’t going to turn that offer down so I got up and suddenly we were in our bikinis in some fancy beach restaurant. Everyone else was in full black tie garb and I felt self conscious. Adriana told me it was okay because we were just a little early for bikini time. Suddenly I looked around and everyone had changed into bikinis – including the men, which was weird. Anyway, we laughed for a bit and Adriana asked what I wanted to eat. I, for some reason, suddenly felt panic because I was with Adriana and although I was starving, I didn’t want to eat more than she was eating. Then for some reason, we were in the kitchen of the restaurant and all of the food was in front of us. Adriana started eating everything in sight and I was just about to take a bit of a chicken nugget when I woke up. It was like the disappointment of a hamburger dream multiplied by a number I can’t even calculate but I couldn’t really feel the full weight of that disappointment. I was too busy trying to wrap my head around what was by far the weirdest dream I ever had – and I once had a dream my ex-boyfriend turned into a bucket of chicken my family wanted to eat. Yes. These are the things I dream about. A shrink would have a field day with me!

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