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April 20, 2014
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Reese Witherspoon Gets Her Hair Done

Yeah… I don’t get Reese Witherspoon but more importantly, I don’t get why I don’t get Reese Witherspoon. It’s like I have all these super complex feelings about her for no reason at all. I react to Reese on a purely emotional basis but sometimes it a good emotion and sometimes it’s a bad one. Here, I’m kinda annoyed with her for absolutely no reason at all. Maybe it’s something to do with my mood. I am an exceptionally moody person. Ah well, here’s Reese Witherspoon at a hair salon in Beverly Hills. She looks good. I’m just bothered by her. I’m sure I’ll adore her next time I see her. Welcome to my mood swings.

April 19, 2014
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Naya Rivera Apparently Went Nuts Or Something

Way back when Naya Rivera’s Santana Lopez was nothing more than a background character on Glee, rumors circulated that Naya was dating her dreamy Glee co-star Mark Saling (Puck, for those who were never as Glee-sessed as me). Rumors also circulated that the two had a nasty split and Naya either busted the windows out of his car, keyed her car, slashed his tires or tried to run him over. I don’t think any were true but there are a whole lot of people out there that believe it was probably all of the above, relishing in painting a strong woman like Naya with the psycho brush. Now… Naya is going through a new breakup and we’re starting to hear some of those rumors again. I’d like to think the rumors were false then and are false now. It wouldn’t be the first time a guy has used previous bad press to hurt his famous ex but, well… I’m just gonna leave it at that.

April 19, 2014
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Mollie King Looking Hot

I’m not especially familiar with Mollie King. I know I recognize her and I’m sure I used to be a fan but I can’t quite place her now for some reason. Maybe it’s old age creeping in. In any event, I think she looks absolutely stunning in these shots from the Aqua Shop opening in London. I love the dress. I love the belt. I love her makeup. I love her hair. Of course, the star of these photos? Why, Mollie’s side boob, of course. Very nicely done, Mollie. All eyes are on you for sure.

April 17, 2014

Angie Harmon Is Still A Total Babe As Far As I’m Concerned

I am the last person that has any room to complain about people being too picky as I can be a pretty damn picky myself (see my comments about Kate Upton a few days ago, for example) but when people say Angie Harmon is long past it, I have to wonder what the heck they’re seeing. The woman has a beautiful body, a beautiful face and she really seems to have a great personality. She doesn’t seem all hung up on herself and I really appreciate that. I love these shots of Angie. She looks like she’s relaxed and having a good time. Plus, ya know, the smoking hot legs and all.

April 16, 2014

Brooke Vincent: Hot Or Not

Yeah, I can’t really decide so I thought I’d let you all cast your votes to make up my mind for me. Sometimes I think she’s incredibly hot. Other times, I think she’s okay at best. The weird thing about these shots from the CelebBoutique store Westfield London is that I’m having both of those reactions to different photos in this set. Some of them are gorgeous. Some of them are pretty alright. I don’t get it. I do like the first one though. There’s just something about the look on her face that makes me smile and hey, I like smiling so it works for me.

April 15, 2014
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Malena Costa Slays Me Big Time

There is no logical reason these Malena Costa photos get me going the way they do. Lust is not a logical thing. It just happens and boy is it happening. I love this woman like you wouldn’t believe. Her body is incredible and I love, love, love the way she looks into a camera. She just has that something special about her that draws me in. It’s that indescribable thing that makes someone destined to be a star. Or…. maybe she’s just super hot and has a smoking hot body. I think that’s the more likely explanation but the other one sounds better so maybe we’ll go with that.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }