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October 30, 2013

Brenda Song Is Way Too Freaking Cute

So I love Brenda Song. On her worst day, she’s the kind of adorable that can make the whole world seem so much brighter. On her best day she just makes me want to burst into a horribly embarrassing giggle fit. Such is the case with these shots from Elyse Walker Presents The Pink Party in Santa Monica. Brenda Song wrapped up in pink? Too cute! Of course, Brenda is more than just adorable. Somehow, she manages to be nearly unbearably cute and super sexy at the same time. It’s a hard feat to accomplish but Brenda does it beautifully. Great shots of a lovely young lady.

October 29, 2013

Kate Beckinsale Is Still Incredibly Attractive To Me

A few hours ago, I wrote a post about Victoria Beckham in which I admitted I don’t find her all that attractive. Now we have the complete opposite of that with these shots of Kate Beckinsale. In terms of talent, attitude and appearance, Kate is everything I want to be. She’s stunningly beautiful with an incredible body and a beautiful face but she also has a very down to earth sort of vibe that just drives me crazy. To me, Kate is the ideal. While I look at Victoria Beckham and see her faults, I look at Kate Beckinsale and see nothing but flawless perfection.

October 29, 2013
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Victoria Beckham Is Still Kind Of Unattractive To Me

Perhaps the headline was a bit harsh but it’s kind of true. There is something about Victoria Beckham I don’t find attractive which is a little annoying as more than one person has told me I look like a blue eyed version of her. Maybe it’s my own poor self confidence that colors my opinion of her. There are some similarities there. She’s much thinner than me but we have the same overall face shape and the same prominent eyebrows – two of the features I hate most about my own appearance. I feel a little bad about it. Every time I look at Victoria, I see what I feel are flaws and it really isn’t her fault at all. If I ever meet her, I’ll have to apologize.

October 28, 2013

Kim Kardashian Sure Does Like Her Body

I have a lot of respect for women with confidence. I really do. So I should really respect Kim Kardashian because, say what you want about her, she definitely has a lot of confidence. Of course, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance and that is why I don’t really care for Kim. She doesn’t just cross that line, she does cartwheels over it. I love her and Kanye West as a couple because I don’t think they could possibly be more perfect for each other. Kim bugs me. She really does but I can’t deny she looks pretty damn good most of the time. Oddly enough, I don’t find that true in these photos. She looks alright, I guess, kind of but I’m not really loving the outfit. It seems ill fitting and a little desperate. Don’t worry, Kim. If your star starts to fade, you can always just pop out another kid. Seemed to do the trick last time.

October 27, 2013
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Eva Longoria Is Stunning

Eva Longoria is one of those women that people either love or hate. That rarely has anything to do with her talent or even her looks. No, Eva is not such a polarizing figure because of what she does or how she looks. She’s such a polarizing figure because of what she says. If I’m being completely honest, I’ll have to admit I can see where her detractors are coming from sometimes. I don’t always agree with the things Miss. Longoria says but I definitely respect her for having the guts to voice her opinions, even when she knows the opinion will not be a popular one. For me, Eva is the total package. She’s beautiful, talented and she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. I think the entertainment industry needs more women like Eva, although it would be nice to see a few beautiful women representing the other side every now and again. I wonder why on earth that doesn’t happen. Nope. Can’t see any reason for it at all.

October 27, 2013
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Petra Nemcova Is One Of My Favorite Models But …

yeah … not really loving these shots. I adore Petra Nemcova in ways that can’t be expressed with mere words yet these photos are leaving me feeling a little underwhelmed. It’s sad, really because I really want to like them and I can’t even say what it is about these shots that I don’t like. She looks pretty. I like her outfit yet something about these shots just feels off to me. I guess that’s the way it goes sometimes though. They can’t all be winners. I’m sure the next set of Petra Nemcova pictures I get will blow me away with all the hotness.

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