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June 11, 2013

Brooke Vincent Is Glorious

Brooke Vincent – man, what an absolute beauty. She has such an incredible body and such a beautiful face. I think I could stare at these photos of Brooke in Spain all day. I love her on Coronation Street and I love her in these photos. Outside of the legendary soap though, I have to admit I don’t know much about her. I have enjoyed her portrayal of Sophie Webster on the show though, so I guess that makes me a fan, even if I’d only really consider myself a casual fan. Give it time – and a few more sets of photos like this one – and I’ll be madly in love. What a beautiful young lady. One thing though: Is it my imagination or does she look a bit like Sammi Sweetheart from Jersey Shore in the second photo?

June 11, 2013
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Rihanna Hits The Stage At Stade De France

Ah, Rihanna – always so sexy. Gotta be honest though, I’m not loving these pictures either. This is becoming a disturbing trend. The last photos of Rihanna I posted left me feeling a little underwhelmed. Could it be my affection for this lady is cooling? Doubt it. She’s still one of the most beautiful women in the entertainment industry to me but even so, as she performs live at the Stade de France, I’m not quite as in love with her as I usually am. Never fear though. I’m sure the next set of photos we see of Rihanna will be so hot I’ll be forced to apologize. Stay tuned for that. It doesn’t happen often.

June 11, 2013
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Holly Madison Bends Over And Busts Out

Holly Madison is such a beautiful woman. Her body is ridiculous – surgically enhanced as it may be. In these photos, we see the lovely Playboy Bunny stretching before going jogging in Las Vegas and can I just say that I’m very glad there were cameras there to catch all this hotness. To think we may have missed out on all the scantily clad stretching if there hadn’t been a photographer there snapping away. Perish the thought. Am I being sarcastic? I’m not sure I know anymore. All the same, these are fantastic pictures. I’m not entirely sure Holly was ‘caught off guard” by the shutterbugs waiting for her – I’d be more surprised if she didn’t arrange for them to be there herself – but none of that matters. Holly looks incredible and these are among the hottest photos I’ve ever seen of her so I’m not going to complain.

June 11, 2013
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Paris Hilton Out With Her Man In LA

Gotta admit – I had a little bit of a crush on Paris Hilton’s boyfriend when we first saw photos of him but thought he was a little too primped for my taste. Now that I’m seeing him looking a bit more casual, I think I like him primped a bit more. He’s a pretty good looking guy either way though. None of that matters though. I’m supposed to be talking about Paris, not her boyfriend. If I’m being honest though, I don’t really have a lot to say about Paris in these photos (shot in Los Angeles) to be honest. She looks great, just as she always does. Her outfit is great. Her hair is great. It’s all great. If I’m being honest though, I find these pictures a little underwhelming – something I can’t typically say about Paris Hilton photos.

June 10, 2013
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Paris Hilton Looks Great At The Ivy

I know I’ve said this before but I can’t help saying it again. I really don’t want to like Paris Hilton but I just can’t seem to help it. I love her fashion sense. I love the way she always looks so put together every time she leaves the house. When other girls get all glammed up just to run errands I find it irritating but it fits so well with the whole ‘Paris Hilton’ persona that I just can’t be mad at her for it. In these photos, snapped at The Ivy in Los Angeles, Paris is looking almost red carpet ready. Maybe the outfit is a bit casual for a red carpet event but the hair and makeup certainly isn’t. I love the outfit though. It looks nice on her but also doesn’t look like something I could wear. A lot of celebrity fashion is completely inaccessible for the average woman. I don’t think that’s the case with what Paris is wearing here. I’m sure the top is worth more than I make in a month, of course, but it’s the feel of the outfit I like.

June 10, 2013
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Claudia Romani Always Looks Stunning

There are a few girls I write about here on a regular basis that I can write a post about without even looking at the photos. Claudia Romani is one of these women. Before I even open the photos, I know she’s going to look incredible. I also know she’s likely going to be wearing a bikini. I like that about her. I rarely see photos of this woman dressed in anything more than swimwear which leads me to believe she never wearing anything other than swimwear. If I looked like here, I doubt I would wear much more than a bikini either. Of course I always still look at the photos. It would be silly not to. Why deprive myself the chance to feast on my eyes on a lovely sight like this one? In these photos from Miami, Claudia is looking every bit as sexy as I always expect her to look. Another set of great photos of this exceptionally beautiful lady.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }