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June 4, 2013
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Peta Murgatroyd Is My Favorite Dancing With The Stars Newcomer

Well … Peta Murgatroyd isn’t exactly my favorite Dancing with the Stars newcomer. I think that honor has to go to Tristan McManus. I freaking love that guy. I hope he gets a decent partner soon so we can really see what he can do. Peta has had quite a bit of luck in the good partner department since she started on the show. That’s nice to see. She’s a gorgeous woman and a fantastic choreographer. I really like what she’s been able to do so far and of course, there’s the hot aspect that can’t be overlooked. Here at the annual Simon G. Soiree in Las Vegas, Peta is looking smoking hot. The dress is incredible. It’s a flattering yet classic design that makes her look both glamorous and sexy. Love this look and I love this girl. What a beauty.

June 4, 2013
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Heidi Klum Looks Pretty At The Airport

This may be the first time I’ve ever posted these words about Heidi Klum but here goes – I’m not really a big fan of these photos. I get that she’s at LAX Airport so she’s not at her most glamorous but, eh, I dunno. I’m just not really feeling these photos. She looks pretty and all but the whole set is kind of underwhelming. When I see Heidi’s name on my assignment list I prepare myself for what is guaranteed to be an incredibly hot set of photos. I guess the problem here was my own expectations. It’s ridiculous to think every woman is going to look her absolute best every second of every day and honestly, it isn’t that Heidi looks bad by any stretch of the imagination. She still looks great. The pictures just fall a little flat for me. She’s still a beautiful woman and these are still great pictures – just not what I was expecting.

June 4, 2013

Eva Longoria Takes A Stroll In LA

I absolutely love how many Eva Longoria photo sets are popping up on my assignment list as of late. It’s always such a pleasure to write about her. She’s stunning, smart, funny and is the kind of woman that really has the ability to look incredible without a lot of makeup. She’s just such a natural beauty and that really appeals to me. She also strikes me as a very self confident person who feels comfortable with who she is and comfortable in her own skin. In these photos, snapped in LA, Eva is looking adorable. I’m normally not a fan of bright yellow but Eva really makes it work. Although some might argue her career has stalled a little bit over the last little while, I can see that changing, even if she goes in a bit of a different direction. There has been some talk of Eva getting involved in politics and I’d love to see that. She’s a smart, strong woman I think could do a lot of good in politics … or could at least try.

June 4, 2013
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Iggy Azalea Is A Young Lady To Watch

You may not have heard of Iggy Azalea yet but you will. Trust me, you will. Iggy is a beautiful, talented young hip hop artist who has been generating considerable buzz in the hip hop community over the last few years and there’s a reason for that – she’s good. In these photos, we see Iggy performing at BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend in Derry where she performed on the In New Music We Trust stage and I think that was the perfect place for her. She doesn’t have the biggest following just yet but it’s only a matter of time. She has the chops to succeed and a look that is certainly going to help her get the attention she needs to launch her career. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her.

June 4, 2013
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Reese Witherspoon Surprises Me Sometimes

I have never been a big Reese Witherspoon fan. I’ve enjoyed her acting in some of her movies but I’ve never found her especially attractive. I know a lot of people out there disagree with me but she’s just never really been my cup of tea. Every now and then though, I must admit the girl surprises me. This would be one of those times. I think Reese looks incredibly sexy in these photos. She might have shown her diva colors during that whole drunk driving debacle with her husband a few weeks back but I liked the way she handled it. She didn’t run from the controversy. Instead, she acknowledged the whole thing, admitted she was kind of a nightmare and admitted she had too much to drink. I appreciated that candid response, genuine or not. There are a lot of celebrities out there that would’ve made excuses, tried to pin the blame on someone else or just hunkered down and waited for the controversy to pass but Reese took a much more mature approach and I thought that was admirable, even if the behavior itself was pretty terrible.

June 4, 2013
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Kelly Brook Celebrates Victoria Square’s 5th Birthday

For a long time, people were saying Kelly Brook was too curvy to be a lingerie model. I always felt that was hogwash. There has never been a time that I believed Kelly was anything other than stunning, even in photos I wasn’t exactly crazy over, rare as they may have been. As time has passed though, Kelly has really slimmed down a lot. I think that’s obvious in these photos showing Kelly celebrating Victoria Square’s 5th Birthday Bash in Belfast. I still really like the curvier Kelly we’ve been seeing over the last several months but I really like slimmed down Kelly as well. Kelly isn’t one of those women that is beautiful solely because of her body. She has gorgeous facial features and a smile that makes me feel all warm and tingly in my heart area. There is also this sort of magnetism about Kelly that really draws me in. I love this woman – curvy, slim … doesn’t matter. She’s beautiful at any size.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }