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June 1, 2013
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Laura Vandervoort Makes Me Proud To Be Canadian

I gotta be honest – a lot makes me proud to be Canadian but somewhere close to the top of the list is the quality of talent we sometimes turn out. Laura Vandervoort is a great example of what I mean by that. She’s beautiful. She’s talented and she doesn’t seem to have that “I’m going to be a star” ego about her. This is a young lady who has put a lot of time and effort into building a solid career. I don’t think that’s paid off just yet but I don’t doubt it will one day. In these photos, we see Laura walking around Vancouver looking casual yet sexy. I love the outfit she’s opted for here. It compliments her but doesn’t make her look like she’s trying to stand out and get attention.  Very lovely young lady with a great career ahead of her.

June 1, 2013
Comments Off on Barbara Palvin Makes A Bold Makeup Choice In Cannes

Barbara Palvin Makes A Bold Makeup Choice In Cannes

Over the last few days, I’ve been getting a lot of Barbara Palvin photos to write about and have had nothing negative to say about the vast majority of those photos. I guess the streak had to come to an end sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, Barbara still looks incredible in these photos from Cannes but that eye shadow! It’s just so … distracting. I’m not against choosing bold colors when it comes to eye makeup but the bold color she’s chosen here just doesn’t work for her. It’s too … something. I’m not entirely sure what that something is. Maybe it’s too light? Too dark? Too … whatever color it is. I don’t know. I just know that she’s wearing a killer dress, is walking the red carpet like she owns it and is striking some seriously sexy poses yet all I can seem to focus on is that stuff she has on her eyes. She still looks great. I just think she’d look even better if she’d chosen a different color shadow.

June 1, 2013
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Vanessa Hudgens Makes Messy Sexy

There was a time, not even that long ago, that I wasn’t really the biggest Vanessa Hudgens fan. In fact, I really didn’t like the girl at all. I’m not entirely sure I know what changed. All I know for sure is that something did. Vanessa is quickly becoming one of my favorite young actresses in Hollywood, even if I’m not sure she’s always made the best career choices when going for roles. I think she has a lot of potential. I think what I love most about her though is her willingness to be photographed looking a little less than glamorous, like in these photos that were snapped as she was leaving the gym after a workout session in Los Angeles. Sure Vanessa’s hair is a mess and she clearly chose her outfit for comfort and not fashion. I don’t care. She still looks fabulous in my opinion. If I went to the gym ever, I can guarantee I would look nowhere near as good as Vanessa does in these photos after my workout. Kudos to her for having the guts to keep things casual. It reminds us regular girls that even stars don’t look their best every second of every day. It just so happens that even when Vanessa isn’t looking her best, she’s still one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes on.

May 31, 2013

Maria Menounos Is Like A Rainbow On A Rainy Day

Good Golly – how much do I love Maria Menounos? That’s an unfair question. I’m quite certain my love for this lady could not be measured. I’m having a rough go of it lately. In the last month, I’ve lost my father-in-law and my uncle (my father-in-law passed away suddenly while my uncle passed away after a short battle with cancer) but when I look at Maria, I can’t help but smile. She’s just such a positive, upbeat person. She parts the rain clouds that hang over this crappy month and lets a little bit of sunshine in. Just look at these photos of Maria in New York. She’s so freaking adorable. I know there are other people in these photos I should be talking about but honestly, I barely see anyone other than Maria. This lady is like the smell of fresh baked cookies. She’s a big blanket and cup of hot cocoa on a cold day. She just makes the world a little bit brighter.

May 31, 2013
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Gisele Bundchen Shows Us Her Nipples

I like Gisele Bundchen and I therefore like these photos. This is one of those photoshoots that seems a little off the beaten path for this particular supermodel but I think that’s part of the appeal of them for me. We’re seeing a bit of a different side of Gisele here. The photos have a grimy, gritty feel and I really like that. Of course, the sheer top photo is going to get the most attention but the first photo is likely my personal favorite. It shows off Gisele’s incredible body but the slicked back hair also accentuates her incredible cheekbones. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been a sucker for a woman with great cheekbones. I’m not sure how new or old these photos are but I honestly couldn’t care less. New or old, Gisele looks incredible and that’s all that I’m concerned with.

May 31, 2013
Comments Off on Lauren Pope Relaxes Poolside In An Itty Bitty Bikini

Lauren Pope Relaxes Poolside In An Itty Bitty Bikini

I keep meaning to catch up on this series, The Only Way Is Essex but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Lauren Pope is one of the reasons I keep meaning to check it out, even though it isn’t exactly the kind of show I’d normally be interested in. For those that don’t know, TOWIE is a ‘reality show’ similar to The Hills and Jersey Shore – two shows I didn’t love but seem to be great at making stars out of average people. What I like about Lauren though is that she is more than just a typical reality star.  She’s also a DJ, a producer, a designer and a model. I appreciate the fact that she seems to have put some effort into becoming something more than what she became famous for. In these photos in Marbella, Spain, we see Lauren taking a little time out to enjoy a nice day by the pool and I have to say, she looks terrific. While she may not be some people’s idea of ‘beautiful’, she’s certainly mine. I like the fact that she isn’t typical. I’m not sure what will happen with her career after her time on TOWIE comes to an end, which it has to eventually, but I hope for nothing but the best.

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