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August 24, 2012

Kelly Brook Is Looking As Sexy As Ever.

Kelly Brook has curves. Get over it. Seriously. I don’t get why people have to be so hateful. It’s insulting and not just to the celebrity in question but to women in general and hey, that goes both ways. People should quit with their negativity whether it’s directed towards curvy girls or skinny girls. And yes, skinny girls to get a lot of that negativity as well. We get told to eat a sandwich. We get told real women have curves. It ain’t true, my friends. Real women have breasts and a vagina. The size of the breasts doesn’t matter. In the past, I’ve been guilty of saying Kelly is a real woman because she has curves but that wasn’t fair to myself or all the other skinny girls out there. We’re real women too and I know that. I just happen to find women with curves a little more appealing. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I’m skinny. If I want to see a skinny girl in a bikini, I’ll put on a bikini and look in the mirror. Whatever though. The point I am trying to make here is that I look at these gorgeous photos of Kelly Brook and I can’t fathom how someone can be heartless enough to call her fat. She’s not fat. There are fat celebrities in Hollywood. There’s a big difference between fat and full figured and Kelly is full figured. And that’s the end of my rant about that. Moving on.

August 24, 2012

Rita Rusic Is 50+ Years Of Total Babe.

People love to say Rita Rusic looks incredible for her age and while that’s definitely true it’s also true that Rita looks incredible for a woman of any age. There are women a good twenty – even thirty – years younger than her that don’t look that good in a bikini. I freely admit to being one of them. Rita continues to surprise me when I see new photos of her though. She always seems to look even better than she did the last time I saw her. In these photos, she’s looking just as confident and sexy as ever. I can’t find anything to complain about here. I love this woman.

August 24, 2012

Denise Richards Doesn’t Get A Fair Shake.

Sometimes it feels to me like Denise Richards has been found guilty by association in the eyes of the general public and I think that’s a shame. She’s a beautiful and talented woman who should get a lot more credit than she gets, regardless of who she’s chosen to day (or marry) in the past. We get it. Charlie Sheen? Probably a bad idea but I admire how far they’ve come as a divorced couple. Their split was nasty in the beginning but the fact that they’ve buried the hatchet for the sake of their kids is truly worth celebrating. There was so much bad blood there and that really seems to have come to an end. Denise even appeared on Charlie’s new show “Anger Management” (which I happen to love, by the way). Denise isn’t the greatest actress that’s ever lived and she’ll probably never do anything Oscar worthy but she’s always enjoyable in the roles she plays and I think that counts for a lot. I’d like to see her have her own successful sitcom someday. I think she could do it if she was given the chance.

August 24, 2012

Michelle Hunziker Plugs Her Nose And Dives In.

Oh Michelle Hunziker – how I do adore thee. Such a beautiful woman. Of course, her beauty is only part of the reason I love her so much. Michelle just seems to be the type of person that enjoys life no matter where she is or what she’s doing. Of course, it’s probably not hard to enjoy life when you’re vacationing with your significant other in beautiful Italy. There are few places in this world I would rather be than where I am right now. Italy is one of them. Australia is the other, if you were curious. The only thing better than relaxing in Italy like Michelle is doing here would be relaxing in Italy with Michelle. I’m sure she could teach me a thing or two about relaxing.

August 23, 2012

Sexy Behind The Scenes Shots From The New Ciara Video Shoot.

I am so conflicted on Ciara. I love some of her songs and hate others. She’s talented but I don’t always thinks she lives up to her potential. One thing I’m not conflicted on is how beautiful she is. She’s just absolutely stunning. You know what convinces me that Ciara is one of the most beautiful women in music today? Pictures of her without makeup. She looks every bit as good without makeup as she looks with makeup. I recently did an article focusing on celebrities without makeup and Ciara really surprised me. There are few women in the entertainment industry that benefit from a little makeup but don’t need it to make themselves beautiful. Ciara is one of those women. In these pics from her new music video shoot in Malibu, Ciara looks incredible. Her body is just ridiculous. Of course she’s wearing makeup but trust me, she looks just as good without it. Love this woman. I hope the new song does this talented babe justice.

August 23, 2012
Comments Off on Lindsay Lohan And Her Brother Cody In Malibu

Lindsay Lohan And Her Brother Cody In Malibu

So if you read TMZ, you probably already know that Lindsay Lohan has been getting back into old habits. No, I’m not talking about the alleged jewelry theft because that is so obviously complete pucka and doesn’t even make any sort of logical sense. I’m talking about her recent shopping sprees. It seems Lindsay’s brother Cody has taken an interest in surfing so Lindsay dropped a pretty big chunk of chance on new things for Cody at a surf shop. This is apparently news. I have to tell you, the Lindsay bashing is getting a bit old. She’s working again and seems to be looking healthier and happier than she has in a long time. If she wants to spend money on her little brother to encourage him to pursue something he enjoys, that’s her business. He’s family. If I had more than $3.00 in my bank account at any given time, I’d do the exact same thing for my brothers. Here in Malibu, it’s clear Lindsay and her brother are close. Family is important and people should be encouraging Lindsay to focus more on her family and less on more negative influences in her life. Of course, in Lindsay’s case, her parents are among those negative influences which to me is all the more reason for Lindsay to step up and be there for her siblings. Perhaps I’m naive, but I think Lindsay is on the right path. I hope she keeps it up. I love this girl like I love puppies. I want to see her make the comeback so many doubted she’d ever make.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }