Search Results for “j”

November 30, 2011

Sexy HQ Pics Of Rebecca Romijn

I have always been a big Rebecca Romijn fan. She’s a legend to me although I can’t really say why. I guess she just seems to have the sort of down to earth, girl next door, attitude I find so appealing. She also happens to be absolutely smoking hot so she has that going for her to. While many of the other model/actresses working in the industry today seem to buy into their own hype, Rebecca seems to have remained grounded. I like that. She also seems to be pretty happy in her home life which is also nice to see. I love Rebecca. It’s great to see new pictures of her and I look forward to more.

November 23, 2011

Jennifer Lopez Sexes It Up At The AMAs

Yes! This is how you work it on stage at the American Music Awards. Jennifer Lopez may only have recently made her return to the spotlight but it’s like the woman was born to be there. I always thought she was a mega-diva of the highest order but having seen her on “American Idol” I think I have a better idea of who she really is. She’s a strong, driven and confident woman who projects the image she needs to project to make people respect her. I know I do. She’s one of the most fierce woman in the industry today and it’s nice to see her working her way back to the top where she belongs.

November 23, 2011

Sexy Bikini Shots Of Jessica Jane Clement

To be honest, I’m apparently a little behind the times on my porn stars because I wasn’t aware that Jessica Jane Clement is also Jessie Jane, one of the most recognizable porn stars in the industry. It hardly matters to me. I have a pretty open mind when it comes to porn and porn stars. I figure if a girl is comfortable with her body, enjoys sex and wants to make a career out of it, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. It’s like the old saying goes – find something you love to do and find a way to get paid for it. Porn seems like a pretty good way to go there. I like Jessica. I think she’s a gorgeous woman. She definitely knows how to rock a bikini.

UPDATE: As it turns out, I was given some bad info on this one. Jessie and Jessica are two different people. Thanks to the person that pointed that out in the comments.

November 20, 2011

New Jessica Sutta Bikini Pictures

Here’s a bit of truth for you all to do what you want with. I have no idea what is considered ‘fat’ anymore. For example, I look at these bikini pictures of Jessica Sutta and see a gorgeous, curvy woman who looks like a woman should look. I’m skinnier than Jessica but I don’t think that’s a good thing. I look at myself and see bones. I look at Jessica and I see a real woman. Yet there are those who call Jessica ‘chunky’ or ‘chubby’. I suppose it’s a matter of perception but, speaking as a woman, I would absolutely love to look that good in a bikini.

November 16, 2011

Kristen Stewart On The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

Here’s my conflict over Kristen Stewart. I really, really want to like her. I really do. I loved the Twilight Saga books but the movies haven’t really been quite what I was expecting. I just don’t get the way the movies show Bella. She was a much different character in the books. Whatever. That’s beside the point. We’re talking about Kristen. As I said, I want to like her. She’s got the sort of outspoken attitude I love in an actress. She says what she wants and that’s gutsy. I just don’t really find her that attractive. I know, I know. It’s not a beauty contest but I’m not a huge fan of her acting either. She seems to play all of her characters the same way. Even I have to admit she looks pretty good in these pictures from “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in Los Angeles. I like the dress. I like her hair. Perhaps I’ve been entirely wrong about her this whole time. I’m looking forward to “Snow White and the Huntsman”. I guess I’m still up in the air on her. Time will tell, I suppose.

November 13, 2011

Mariah Carey For Jenny Craig

Mariah Carey is the new Jenny Craig Brand Ambassador. It makes sense. Much like brand ambassadors of the past, Mariah has very publicly struggled with her weight for years. She started off smoking hot and skinny. She was then a little meaty. Then she was more than a little meaty. Then she was skinny again. To be honest, I’ve always though Mariah was hot, regardless of her weight. She can pull off the bigger girl thing. She makes curves look sexy. At the same time, remember how freaking hot she was in the “Honey” video? In that gold bikini? Good heavens. I’m getting all warm just thinking about it. Anyway, it’s good to see Mariah is taking control of her weight. I just hope she has more success with the battle of the bulge than past Jenny Craig spokeswomen.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }