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September 27, 2011
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Hot Booty Shot Of Jennifer Lopez On Stage

Every time I write about Jennifer Lopez, I feel the need to mention my opinion of her changed completely after watching her as a judge on “American Idol”. Before I thought she was the diva to end all divas and that colored my opinion of her as a performer. After Idol, I started seeing her as less of a diva and more as a misunderstood woman whose strength and confidence comes off as something else in the press. I am still not the biggest fan of her music but I’ll admit, I’ve shaken my ass to “On the Floor” in my living room a few times. I actually really like that one – aside from the “get sick on the floor” line. Someone really should’ve thought about the visual that one gives. Anywho, here is a hot booty shot of Jennifer Lopez at the iHeartRadio Music Festival. Pretty sexy stuff. I have “On the Floor” stuck in my head now though and that’s kind of annoying.

September 16, 2011
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Jenny McCarthy Hits The Beaches Of Malibu

I’ve always been a big Jenny McCarthy fan. I don’t like her acting or her movies but I love her personality. She’s one of those super hot babes that can hang with the boys and fit in perfectly. That takes a special kind of girl and Jenny is definitely it. She gets a bit of a hard time in Hollywood for being a little less than ladylike and some people like to call her crazy, but she’s the good, fun kind of crazy and I love that about her. Here in Malibu, Jenny shows off her still buff body and looks to be having a great time while she does it. I’m not sure who the guy is although I feel like I probably should. It’s hard to say with Jenny, though. She doesn’t seem like the type of girl who gets all hung up on settling down and getting married. She’s a sexy girl enjoying her life and that’s pretty alluring. I love this woman – crazy or not.

September 8, 2011

JoJo At The 2011 MTV VMAs

From the front, this is a pretty great look for pop singer, JoJo. She has great legs and a unique, young and fresh style. What I wasn’t crazy about, however, was the side/rear view of the dress. I don’t like the giant puff of material on the back. It isn’t flattering and it distracts from an otherwise awesome look. I guess I just don’t understand the kids these days or something. I suppose it’s all fashionable and the MTV Video Music Awards are known for over the top fashion statements, but this look just doesn’t work for me overall. From the front though, JoJo looks awesome. It just would’ve been better without the puff.

September 7, 2011

Sexy Jeanette Biedermann Upskirt Pictures

One of the most successful German singers of this generation, Jeanette Biedermann has parlayed that success into a lucrative acting and television career; appearing as a judge on Germany’s “Star Search” and “Stars Auf Ice” and appearing on crime series “Tatort” and telenovela “Anna und die Liebe”. She’s clearly a gorgeous, talented woman who isn’t afraid to show off her lovely body. While I’m usually pretty hard on celebs for the upskirt shots, I can see how they could be difficult to avoid onstage, especially when wearing a short skirt or dress so I won’t give her a hard time about this one.

August 30, 2011

Sara Jean Underwood In Costume At Anime Expo

There are two names I think of when I think of G4’s “Attack of the Show” – Olivia Munn and Sara Jean Underwood. One of them is only kind of okay (in my always humble opinion) and the other is a smoking hot, super sexy babe who haunts my dreams. I won’t say that the first statement applies to Olivia and the second to Sara Jean but I will say I would give my left arm for a chance to even sniff Sara Jean’s hair (the hair on her head, guys). Here at the Anime Expo, Sara Jean looks so unbelievably hot I kind of want to cry. I don’t know what else to say about these pictures. Too. Much. Hot.

August 30, 2011

Victoria Justice Is A Smoking Hot Babe

The 2011 MTV Video Music Awards happened this past Sunday and, as usual, fashion took center stage. Nicki Minaj wore something crazy and colorful that sort of looked like it had been stolen from Lady Gaga’s closet. Lady Gaga, on the other hand, took her crazy in a different direction and appeared in drag as her alter ego Jo Calderone. Beyonce showed off her baby bump and announced her pregnancy to the world. Then, in the midst of all that craziness, there was Victoria Justice looking absolutely incredible. This woman is so incredibly beautiful it’s ridiculous. In these sexy bikini photos, Victoria shows off her gorgeous body in a way I’m not used to seeing from her. Normally more adorable than sexy, I like this new side of her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }