Search Results for “jenni”

January 5, 2013

Jennifer Lopez Plays A Little Football.

Okay, I can’t possibly explain why but for some reason, these photos of Jennifer Lopez all dressed up in football gear are some of the sexiest photos I’ve ever seen of this woman. Ever. I mean that. She isn’t showing a whole lot of skin but those legs and that ass? Please. I think I like them so much because they’re so fun and playful. Jennifer looks like she’s having such a great time. Sometimes I worry that Jennifer takes herself too seriously. That’s not the case in these photos. She’s just a girl having a good time and looking hot while she goes it. Hard to hate on that. I love her smile in these photos. It’s such a real, genuine smile. She had a tough year. I really hope this one is much, much better for her.

January 4, 2013

This Is How Jennifer Nicole Lee Stays Fit.

Ah, Jennifer Nicole Lee – always good for a few sexy shots wearing next to nothing. I’m guessing these photos, shot in South Beach, are behind the scenes shots for a new workout video but I could be wrong. They just have a sort on ‘not casual’ vibe to them that makes me think she hasn’t just decided to do her daily workout in the park for a change of pace. I’m not going to complain either way though. Jennifer looks as gorgeous as always and it’s nice to get a little glimpse of what she goes to keep her body in such incredible shape. I’d definitely say these photos have win written all over them.

January 3, 2013
Comments Off on Jennifer ‘Jwoww’ Farley Rings In The New Year With Her Butt Hanging Out.

Jennifer ‘Jwoww’ Farley Rings In The New Year With Her Butt Hanging Out.

Well, no one’s ever accused the ladies of “Jersey Shore” of being classy and Jennifer ‘JWoww’ Farley has never been an exception to that rule. I’m quite certain class is a word rarely attributed to this woman and I’m quite certain she’s just fine with that. It might sound like I’m giving her a hard time but I honestly really do like the girl, ass hanging out and all. I like a woman that isn’t afraid to be who she is regardless of whether or not people look down on her for it. These ass-baring photos from New Year’s Eve 2013 in Times Square, NYC are a great example of that. With that said, I really don’t like the dress she’s chosen here but that’s more of a personal taste issue. I think she looks good and looks like she’s having a great time. I wish nothing but the best for Jenni in 2013.

December 21, 2012

Jennifer Nicole Lee Is Nearly Nude On South Beach

Once again, Jennifer Nicole Lee has opted to show off the results of all her hard work by wearing next to nothing for a little time in the sun on South Beach. I can’t get mad at her for that. This is a woman who wasn’t happy with the way she looked and made a concentrated effort to change, working hard to get herself in killer shape. I have to give her serious credit for that. I sometimes don’t like how she chooses to show off her body (wearing as little as possible to head out for groceries, for example) but all is fair at the beach. These photos are great. I love absolutely everything about them, even if the bikini bottoms do look astronomically uncomfortable.

December 13, 2012

Jennifer Nicole Lee Shows Off Her Bikini Body Again.

Jennifer Nicole Lee is a stunning woman. I don’t think anyone could argue that. She has a fantastic body and definitely isn’t shy about showing it off. I sometimes take issue with how she chooses to do that but I guess it’s her body, her choice. Regardless, none of that has anything to do with these photos. Jennifer looks fantastic in a bikini and I definitely have no complaints a gorgeous woman showing off her body on the beach. Jennifer is inspirational and I give her a lot of credit for that. She wasn’t happy with the way she looked and she worked hard to change that. I would totally do the same if I wasn’t so incredibly lazy.

November 24, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence Looks Fabulous In Hawaii.

Jennifer Lawrence recently said that she is considered obese by Hollywood standards and I was sincerely disturbed by that. This woman is nowhere near obese and shame on those who would tell her otherwise. She isn’t stick thin but she doesn’t have to be. What kind of a world are we living in when the young lady in these photos from Hawaii is considered obese – not curvy, not chunky, not even fat but obese. Obesity is a huge problem in the United States. Calling women like Jennifer obese makes a total mockery of the problem. Obesity is unhealthy and there is nothing unhealthy about the way Jennifer looks. Am I missing something here?

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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