Search Results for “kim”

September 18, 2011
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Kim Kardashian Shines In Vera Wang

I was a little bit disappointed with Kim Kardashian’s MTV VMA dress because it lacked a lot of the things I like about Kim Kardashian’s style. Sure it was glamorous but it seemed to fit poorly and wasn’t at all flattering. I don’t really like Kim in general but I can usually count on her to really bring it in the fashion department so yeah, her MTV dress let me down. The gorgeous gown she wore to the Vera Wang Fashion Show in New York really made up for that. It fits her beautifully and compliments her body in every way. In addition, I love the color of the gown and her choice of hairstyle. All in all, she looked great.

September 7, 2011

Kim Kardashian At The MTV Video Music Awards

Fresh off her honeymoon, Kim Kardashian hit the red carpet at the MTV Video Music Awards in a clingy silver dress with an open back putting her most famous asset on display. Here’s the thing. I don’t really like Kim Kardashian. She’s one of those celebrities that’s famous for no good reason but I’ve always really liked her red carpet style. That isn’t true in this set of pictures. While her ass looks good, the fit of the dress seems off. It doesn’t really seem to compliment her the way most of her fashion choices do. This was a real disappointment for me. Perhaps she was too busy with her wedding and honeymoon to really take the time to work with her stylist on a nice dress so I’ll give her a pass on this one.

August 28, 2011

A Girl’s Night Out With Kimberley Walsh

As a member of Girls Aloud, Kimberly Walsh sometimes fades into the background but in these photos, she’s front and center – or rather her rear is. That is a nice ass and it’s pretty obvious she’s well aware of that. Shown here for Girls Night Out at NUBAR Loughton, Kimberly has chosen the perfect outfit to show off her wonderful backside. She’s clearly having a great time and that’s always something I like seeing. Am I the only one that thinks she looks a bit like Leah Remini in some of these pictures though? I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I like Leah Remini. I’m just pointing out the resemblance.

August 3, 2011
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Lady Gaga On Jimmy Kimmel Live

You’ve gotta hand it to Lady Gaga. She’s never afraid to push the envelope and she does that once again with her performance on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’. I love the woman. Her music is infectious and I love her “love yourself” message. She might not always be the best role model but in terms of today’s pop music, she’s the closest thing we have to inspirational. Sometimes when I’m having a hard day (I have a lot of those), I’ll crank “Born This Way” and dance around my living room in my underwear. It’s the little things in life, people.

June 30, 2011

Kim Kardashian Upskirt Candids

You gotta give Kim Kardashian credit. She really has turned her sex tape and the infamy that came along with it into a multimedia empire. Here on “Project Runway” in New York, Kim reminds us, though, that the days of flashing her junk for the camera aren’t entirely over. Sure she’s wearing panties, but you’d think that someone who so constantly whines about her sex tape and how embarrassing it was would be a little more careful when sitting down in a short skirt. Ah well. Where would the fun in that be. With the confirmation that her famous ass is in fact real, I guess she needed something to keep people talking about her. It worked I suppose. With that said, I wouldn’t be surprised if another sex tape pops up one day. Kim seems smart, but is she smart enough to not make the same mistake twice? I hope not.

May 16, 2011

Kim Kardashian In Sexy Black One Shoulder Dress

Sarcasm doesn’t read well on the internet and to be honest, I’m not entirely sure if the statement I’m about to make is even sarcastic, but here goes – life must be hard for Kim Kardashian. It seems like every day there’s some new event she has to attend. This time it’s the Midori Melon Liqueur Trunk Shows in Los Angeles, California. Tomorrow it could be some other time of high end product launch in another city. She must travel a lot, and I’m going to throw her a little sympathy. That must be exhausting. She must spend a fair amount of her time sitting in a hair and makeup chair because she always looks so put together. Is that a life? I guess it is for a celebrity. Regardless, I’m not a big fan of Kim’s dress here, but she looks fabulous as always.

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