Search Results for “me”

May 8, 2011

Kat Dennings Busting Out On The ‘Thor’ Red Carpet

I adore Kat Dennings. I don’t often admit to liking ‘The House Bunny’ but I’ll say this, I didn’t hate it and I loved Kat as Mona in it. ‘Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist’? One of my all time favorite movies. Well, maybe not, but it was pretty damn good. I think Kat is fabulous. I’m going to get all Twilight on you for a moment. Okay, I was a big fan of the books and I think the movies are okay, but when I heard about the movies, my first thought was Kat Dennings should play Bella. She would’ve been fabulous. Awkward and a little clumsy but beautiful in her own way. I think that’s Kat to a tee. I know there are men out there that won’t agree with me, but I think Kat is one of the most beautiful actresses of her generation. After seeing her in these pictures from the arrivals at the Los Angeles premiere of ‘Thor’ held at the El Capitan Theatre, I only believe that more. I love everything about this look. Her body is gorgeous. I can’t wait to see Thor and I’m so glad she landed a part in it.

May 7, 2011

Gorgeous Kate Upton In Her Underwear

I’m sure someone will disagree with me on this one, but here it is – I think Kate Upton has a fantastic ass… perfect even. What I like most about her ass though, isn’t actually her ass – it’s the curve of her back just above her ass. For some reason, I find the small of the back one of the sexiest parts of a woman. Perhaps that’s because I’m a predominantly straight woman myself. Regardless, I love these pictures of Kate. She isn’t rake thin. She has curves. She also strikes me as a one-of-the-boys sort of girls. Then there are those legs of hers. And the belly. This woman is gorgeous – one of my favorite models.

May 7, 2011

Sexy Pictures Of Jennifer Ellison Working Out

I don’t really know much about Jennifer Ellison other than the fact that I loved her in ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. She’s a lovely girl and quite talented but for some reason, she just didn’t keep my attention after Phantom. That first picture of her stretching though… I don’t know. It just looks weird to me. Am I the only one? Anyway, I like these pictures (aside from the weird first one) because this is a girl that genuinely looks like she’s having a good time. In most pictures of celebs working out, they don’t look like they’re actually enjoying themselves but Jennifer really does. I would imagine that’s how she manages to keep her body in such great shape.

May 7, 2011

Bikini Photoshoot Candids Of Miranda Kerr

Motherhood has been very kind to Miranda Kerr. I thought she was hot before but she was always just a bit too skinny for my tastes. She’s filled out a little bit since having baby Flynn and I think she looks sexier than ever. She has curves now. She has a shape and I really like that. Here in these Victoria’s Secret bikini photoshoot candids, you can really see that Miranda is in fantastic shape for someone who had a baby only a few months ago, but you can also see that she has a more womanly figure than she did before getting pregnant. She seems very comfortable with herself and I love that about her.

May 7, 2011

Christina Milian With Daughter Violet

Remember all that drama between Christina Milian and The Dream, her ex-husband and the father of her baby? There were rumors that he cheated and everyone, myself included, wondered why in the hell anyone would cheat on Christina Milian? We might remember the drama, but Christina sure seems to have put it behind her. She looks gorgeous and more than that, she looks happy. Hitting the beach with daughter, Violet, she looks comfortable and she looks like she’s having fun – enjoying her day out and enjoying her time with her daughter. I love this girl and also, kudos to her for bucking the celebrity trend and naming her child something normal.

May 6, 2011

Miley Cyrus On Stage In Quito

Miley Cyrus is on Twitter again! Are you excited? I dunno… Miley… sort of bothers me. I think I’ve mentioned this before. Yes, I definitely have. I much prefer seeing candid, casual Miley pics – the ones where we can see who she actually is. I am starting to feel a lot of sympathy for her though. I think there’s a tremendous amount of pressure on her to be someone she isn’t. I hope she makes it through the next few years intact. The world has had enough popstar trainwrecks. Here Miley performs at the Atahualpa Stadium in Quito and she’s still doing the wearing next to nothing thing on stage. I just don’t find that appealing for Miley. It’s such a radical change but hey, if it’s her call, kudos to her for doing things her way. I sincerely doubt it is though.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }