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March 14, 2011
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Katy Perry In A Pink Tu-tu

Katy Perry performed live at Le Zenith in Paris wearing a pink tu-tu. Anyone else would look ridiculous, but Katy actually pulls it off – even though I know people are going to disagree with me there. I think everything about her outfit speaks for who Katy is as an artist. She’s the ultra-girlie sexpot and I love her for playing that role. The thing I like about Katy is that while making pure, unapologetic pop music and dressing in these incredibly over the top girlie outfits, she’s still outspoken and speaks her mind. She is a hybrid of the tough tomboy and super-feminine wannabe princess, and she really makes that combination work the way few others could. Katy made it cool to be girlie again and that is one of the things I appreciate the most about her. That and her boobs. Those things are incredible.

March 14, 2011

Vanessa Hudgens And Brittany Snow Hit The Town

Vanessa Hudgens and Brittany Snow headed out to Boa Steakhouse looking lovely. I know I can be a little rough on Vanessa sometimes, but who can really hate on a gorgeous girl that dresses up and hits the town with her also gorgeous friend in search of a little meat? Sometimes these stories just write themselves, don’t they? Anyway, I’m warming up to the idea of Vanessa a little more every time we see her. She might not be quite what she portrays to the public, but these days, who really is? I guess I can’t really be mad at her for that. As far as Brittany goes… well, I really don’t have much of an opinion about her either way. She’s a very pretty girl, but I don’t find anything about her overly special. She’s a pretty blond in a sea of pretty blonds. Her Twitter feed is good for some laughs, though.

March 13, 2011

Gemma Massey Lets It All Hang Out

If you’re not familiar with porn or porn stars, you may not know the name Gemma Massey but she is definitely one of the rising stars of the industry and when you look at these pictures, it isn’t hard to tell why. Most porn stars are only moderately attractive and it’s long been said that if you aren’t pretty enough to be a model, you can also work in porn. That may very well be true, but that isn’t the case with Gemma. She’s a total knockout. Her body is incredible, but she’s also got a beautiful face and a magnetic smile – not something you often get with porn stars. The fact that she’s willing to take her clothes off for the camera is only an added bonus.

March 13, 2011

Elizabeth Hurley Has Seen Better Days

Just the other day I was talking about aging gracefully in Hollywood and how few celebs do it these days. As with most things, I’m fairly back and forth on the subject. I like to see women who aren’t afraid to get old. At the same time, when I look at these pictures of Elizabeth Hurley in London, I can’t help but feel sad. I remember a time when Liz was my biggest girl-crush. She was beautiful and has that sexy accent. I’m not saying she isn’t beautiful anymore. She definitely is still attractive and her body is ridiculous, but she’s definitely showing her age. I say kudos to Liz for being proud of who she is, even if I’m not quite as attracted to her quite as much as I used to be.

March 6, 2011
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Lady GaGa’s Nipples

At this point, I would’ve been far more shocked if Lady Gaga showed up to Paris Fashion Week wearing something normal. I really think after the whole giant egg thing, that’s about all she could do to take anyone by surprise. Imagine the headlines: “Lady Gaga leaves the house looking like a normal human beings.” It would be complete madness. I’d like to see that, actually. That said, I still love me some Gaga. I like the new song and can’t wait for the new album. Just the whole fashion-as-a-statement thing is a little old. I’m sure she’ll find some new way to complete floor us again, though. She is Lady Gaga after all.

March 6, 2011

Vanessa Hudgens In Fishnet Stockings

I’m very back and forth on Vanessa Hudgens. My problem with her is that I really don’t think she’s anything like the image she sells the public and that always bothers me. She’s the mirror image of Taylor Momsen. I think Momsen’s actually much more innocent than her image would have us believe – Vanessa Hudgens public image sweet. I think Vanessa is much more like Taylor’s public image in her real life. I think she’s a wild girl and that’s more or less confirmed by many of the sources close to her. Then again, in the Hollywood gossip game, it’s hard to say which sources you can believe. Maybe she’s as sweet and innocent as a newborn baby. I’m guessing that isn’t the case though. Call it a hunch.

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