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December 21, 2012
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Photos Of Kesha I Don’t Hate.

Heez, maybe the world really is ending because here we have a set of photos of Kesha that she doesn’t look terrible in. Who would’ve guessed? I know there are people out there who think Kesha is a stunning woman who gets more and more gorgeous all the time, but I don’t happen to be one of them. She bugs me. I don’t think she’s all that attractive but more than that, her recent lyrics scandal has made me think she’s also spineless. After a tragedy like the one at Newton, Connecticut, songs that once barely raised eyebrows suddenly seem offensive or at least insensitive. Such is the case with Kesha’s “Die Young” which was pulled from radio stations across the US following the elementary school shooting tragedy. The song features the lyrics “Let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young/We’re gonna die young/We’re gonna die young” which probably wasn’t considered insensitive at all until twenty children were murdered in their classrooms. Even so, in light of the tragedy, they came across that way and it was decided it was best to pull the single from radio stations for a while. Other artists had their singles pulled as well. None of those artists responded the way Kesha did. She took to Twitter and said she was “forced” to sing the lyrics, odd considering only a short time earlier, she said she was proud of writing her own lyrics and said she would never sing something she didn’t believe in. She’s since backtracked, saying her Tweets were the result of feeling emotional about the tragedy. I don’t believe her. I think she was faced with a tough situation and decided to be a coward, trying to pin the blame on someone else. Here’s the deal though. If that shooting hadn’t happened, no one would’ve batted an eyelash at those lyrics. It would’ve been better for Kesha to choose not to comment or to try to understand where radio stations were coming from. After something like Newton happens, there is a lot of shock, anger and sadness. Try to understand that and handle the situation with grace instead of coming off like an insensitive, whiny brat. Anyway, that’s my rant for the day.

December 19, 2012
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Lady Gaga Wears Something Shocking And It’s All Getting A Little Old.

Now before I even start writing about why I find these photos yawn worthy, I want to make something clear. I love Lady Gaga. I love her music. I love her personality and I love her honesty. I think she’s more complicated than the average pop star and is probably more complicated than she’d have us all believe. With all that out of the way, these pictures just feel like more of the same to me. She’s wearing weird outfits, has weird stuff going on with her hair and it’s all stuff we’ve seen before. Are these pictures old or new? I have no idea but it doesn’t matter because they could’ve been taken when she first burst onto the scene or they could’ve been taken yesterday. Nothing has changed. My favorite shoots of Gaga have been the ones where she leaves the dramatic looks behind and goes for something more simple. She’s not an unattractive woman. You just wouldn’t know it thanks to her typical hair and makeup choices. Look up her more natural photos shoots. You might be surprised.

December 14, 2012

Anne Hathaway Flashes Vag At The Les Miserables Premiere.

I was wondering if I’d have to write about these photos and now, here we are. I’m writing about them, you’re reading about them and Anne Hathaway is out there somewhere shaking her head at all of us. She doesn’t get why her crotch shots are such a big deal. To be honest, I don’t really either. It’s not like you can see full vag. It’s just a little puff of hair. I’m far more impressed by the rest of the photos from the Les Miserables premiere, New York. Anne looks fabulous. I love the dress. I love the shoes and while I prefer her longer hair, I do like the shorter hair as well. I think this is a beautiful, classy woman – crotch shots or not.

December 12, 2012

Heidi Montag Still Exists.

Oh look! It’s a brand new Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt (I think) publicity stunt. That really takes me back. I was pretty sure Heidi and Spencer were done clinging to the very last seconds of their fifteen minutes of fame but apparently I was wrong. It’s been known to happen from time to time. I have to be honest. I’m having a little trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. These pictures of the Gruesome Twosome in Beverly Hills are not helping. Something about the posing and forced smiles makes me think of everything I hate about this time of the year. The phony sentiment. The polite conversations with relatives you avoid the rest of the year. I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Bah humbug.

December 6, 2012

Rihanna Gets Fun And Flirty In Sexy Photo Shoot.

It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve publicly declared my love for Rihanna so I’m glad these photos came along. I wouldn’t want anyone forgetting that I absolutely adore this woman. I have to admit that I’m a little bit worried about her though. I’m not sure I’m in love with the idea of whatever is happening between Rihanna and Chris Brown. In the end, it’s her choice to make and I support her completely. If they’re back together, as it certainly seems they are, then she has her reasons and maybe he really has changed. His public temper tantrums and general behavior make me think otherwise but I don’t know him. It’s hard to go by what the press says as they like to spin things in whatever way will sell more newspapers and generate more clicks on their website. Regardless, we can’t look down on Rihanna for choose to let Chris back in her life. It is her life to live, not ours. Is she sending a bad message to her fans? That doesn’t matter. Kids shouldn’t be looking up to pop stars and celebrities as role models. You want your children to make smart decisions? Teach them to make smart decisions. Rihanna isn’t raising your children. You are. Even so, I do worry about this girl. I hope everything turns out well for her.

December 5, 2012

Shauna Sand Looks Like She’s Made Of Plastic.

Nope – just not loving these photos. I’m not even liking them. Perhaps I’m biased because I really, really dislike Shauna Sand. I think she’s almost become a parody of herself which is a shame. I used to think she was so absolutely stunning but plastic surgery has rendered her almost unrecognizable. Who is this woman with the weird lips and the vacant stare? I don’t know but I know it’s not the Shauna Sand I once knew and loved. I don’t get why someone so beautiful would do this to themselves. It just makes no sense. I get that aging can be frightening but you know what’s more frightening? Those lips. How can she look at herself in the mirror and not feel sad over what she’s done to her face. Breaks my heart.

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