Search Results for “no bra”

July 25, 2011

Maria Menounos Has A Killer Body

I’ve always been a Maria Menounos fan. She’s gorgeous. She has a killer body and she’s also generous and giving with her time and money to support causes she cares about. There’s something sexy about a woman that genuinely seems to care about what’s going on with the world around her. Here at the Renew Bracelet Beauty Bungalow at Shay Todd Retreat in Miami, Maria is her usual stunning self – striking a sexy pose for the cameras and having a little fun playing in the pool. What I like most about Maria – aside from her support of important causes – is the fact that she’s often considered one of the most beautiful women in the entertainment industry but that doesn’t seem to have gone to her head. She seems down to earth and fun. The fact that she’s super sexy doesn’t hurt her case either. I love Maria.

July 8, 2011

Janice Dickinson Celebrates The 4th Of July

The world’s first supermodel has definitely seen better days. I have to give her serious credit for looking as good as she does in a bikini and for having the balls to wear a bikini at 56 years old, but I’m not entirely sure this is something the world needs to see. I love her patriotism though. As she’s seen celebrating the 4th of July on a beach in Malibu, Janice doesn’t exactly look like a woman that’s knocking on 60’s door, but she doesn’t look far from it either. It’s one of those weird situations where you look at the pictures and think, “Holy cow! I can’t believe she’s almost sixty. Well….” and then you trail off uncomfortably admitting, without actually saying, that yeah, you can kind of see it. Still a gutsy move from a woman known for being bold and outrageous.

July 7, 2011

Katie Holmes Celebrates Tom Cruise’s Birthday

Can we all get over that whole jumping on the couch thing now? Tom Cruise may have been momentarily insane, but he seems to have pulled himself together. I love these pictures. Katie Holmes is gorgeous, but I’ve always thought that. I liked her body a little more when she had a little meat on her bones, but I’m not ready to say she’s scary skinny just yet. She also just seems like a normal Mom celebrating her husband’s birthday with her daughter by spending a little time at a pool in Miami. I love that Tom and Suri got their faces painted although it would’ve been pretty cute to see Katie participate in that part of the festivities as well. All the same, these pictures make me feel all warm inside. I love these guys.

June 2, 2011

Playboy Playmate Karissa Shannon

I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m not a huge fan of Playboy Playmate/Hugh Hefner ex-girlfriend Karissa Shannon but I have to give credit where credit is due. I love these pictures. Although she is a bit on the skinny side, it looks more like an athletic kind of skinny and I like that. More than that though, I love this woman’s rear end. It’s pretty near perfect. I know there are a lot of people that are giving her a hard time about the braids, but I actually really like them. I think they work for her. She looks lovely and that kind of disturbs me. If this trend keeps up, I mind wind up being a Karissa Shannon fan and I don’t like that idea at all.

May 24, 2011

Khloe Kardashian Shows Off Her Bra

Yeah, I’m just gonna put this out there right up front. I don’t find Khloe Kardashian remotely attractive. Not even a little bit. I’m not sure what it is about her I’m not really into, but there’s definitely something that just doesn’t sit right with me. That awful red lipstick and those awful red jeans aren’t doing her any favors. I’ll say this for her though – she does have nice boobs which she seems perfectly fine with showing off outside the Dash store she owns with her sisters. That’s one thing all of the Kardashian sisters seem to have in common – they know how to play up their strengths.

May 13, 2011

Miley Cyrus Shows Off Her Bra

I’m pretty sure I’ve spoken of my feelings about Miley Cyrus in the past. I’m running out of creative ways to voice my opinion on her. It seems like every time she hits the stage, she’s wearing less and less. That’s a problem for me. I’m sure the guys of the world won’t agree, but I was pretty sure Miley’s fan base was composed mostly of tween girls. Is this the message she wants to send them? Like it or not, Miley is a role model. Eh, whatever. At this point, I don’t even care. The girl bugs me to no end. When you see candid shots of her just hanging out, she looks like a normal girl and, in my ever so humble opinion, she looks a heck of a lot better. Here at the Paraguayo stadium, Asuncion, Jockey Club, Miley does her best to prove to everyone that she’s not a little girl anymore. Mission accomplished?

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }