Search Results for “preg”

March 16, 2013
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Penelope Cruz Shows Off Her Baby Bump In Barbados

I love Penelope Cruz. I think she’s classy, beautiful, talented and she looks damn good in a bikini, baby bump or no baby bump. I have always had a special place in my heart for pregnant women who aren’t ashamed of their bulging bellies. With that said, I find it a little … bizarre, we’ll say, when a woman feels the need to pose naked with the exposed baby bump for magazine covers and glossy photo spreads. It was inspiring when Demi Moore did it. She took control and proved that a woman can be pregnant and sexy. But it’s been done now. It’s been done and done and done. We get it. You’re proud of your belly and that’s cool but do we need to see a naked photo spread to be convinced? No! And Penelope Cruz has proved that in these shots from Barbados. She’s just out enjoying a nice day in a bikini. I think that’s fantastic.

December 29, 2012

Kim Kardashian In Her Workout Clothes

By now you’ve probably heard the rumors that Kim Kardashian is carrying a mini Kanye in her womb but I’ve never been one to listen to rumors, especially rumors about celebrity pregnancy. If I bought into that sort of thing, Jennifer Aniston would have several children by now. Even so, these photos of Kim do make one wonder. In some of the photos, she seems to be taking care to hide her belly. Or, perhaps, I’m just reading way too much into it. In any event, it’s always nice to see photos like these of Kim – the less glamorous photos that show what Kim probably looks like when she’s just strolling around the house with no cameras pointed at her. I think Kim is a beautiful woman and while I also think she’s an indication of everything that’s wrong with celebrity culture in this day and age, I have to give credit where credit is due. Hey, remember when you actually had to be good at something to be famous? I miss those days.

March 21, 2012

Jennifer Jwoww Farley And Snooki Vacation In Cancun

Here are some pictures of “Jersey Shore” stars Jennifer “Jwoww” Farley and Snooki vacationing in Cancun. What are they on vacation from? I have no idea. The bigger question for me is how they actually know they’re on vacation. Oh, and Snooki’s pregnant so you can just go ahead and insert your own “Snooki’s pregnant” joke here. I have to be honest. I don’t typically like the reality show celebrities but I actually like Jwoww. I stopped watching the show after Mike knocked himself out with that wall, but when I was still watching, Jenni was always my favorite. She got caught up in the drama sometimes but she usually seemed to have at least somewhat good intentions. And yes, I admit I like Snooki too although I can’t explain why. I feel like I should really dislike her but I just can’t quite do it. I don’t think she’s nearly as bad as people like to make her out to be. The actual show though? Yeah – pretty bad.

January 8, 2012

New Sexy Bikini Shots Of Rosie Huntington

Rosie Huntington and boyfriend, Jason Statham are getting 2012 off to a good start, enjoying a relaxing afternoon at a beach house in Miami, Florida on January 2. I’ve been hearing rumors lately that Rosie may be pregnant but after looking at these pictures, I have to assume those rumors are false. I suppose it could be early (very early) in the pregnancy but I sincerely doubt it. Funny story: when my mother gave birth to me, she drove herself to the hospital, told the nurse at admissions that she was in labor and the nurse didn’t even believe Mom was pregnant. My mother is a tiny, tiny woman but she barely showed at all. Not saying that’s the case with Rosie because there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that she’s not pregnant. I suppose I just wanted to share a little bit about me. So there that is. Enjoy the pictures.

December 13, 2011

Teen Mom’s Farrah Abraham And Her Man

I don’t like Teen Mom. I don’t like anything about it. I’m not a super conservative person. In fact, I’m about as far from a super conservative person as people can get. I didn’t get the big deal about Janet Jackson’s nipple at the Super Bowl. I don’t think a performer dropping the occasional f-bomb on live TV is anything to get all worked up over. Sex and violence on television isn’t an issue for me. Teen Mom, however, really irks me. When I was a teenager, I knew a lot of teen mothers. My best friend got pregnant when she was fifteen. She was terrified to tell her guardian so I went to her doctor’s appointment with her. I saw the look on her face when the doctor told her she was pregnant. She’d been with the same guy – a guy I had been firsts with since first grade, longer than I knew her, actually – for two years. I was the one she came to when he left her because he said he was too young to be a father. More than all of that, I saw what a mess her life was after she had her baby. I can’t help thinking about that friend everything I see Farrah Abraham or any of her Teen Mom cast mates. They make it look glamorous. You know what’s missing from these pictures? Her freaking child. She’s living the dream now and why? Because she popped out a baby when she was still a baby. There are now stories hitting the news of girls that are fifteen or sixteen years old getting pregnant to get a spot on Teen Mom. Does anyone else see something wrong with that picture?

October 4, 2011
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Kim Kardashian At Bowlmore Lanes In New York

Kim Kardashian just got married. She was spotted out at the Bowlmore Lanes in New York appearing to hide her stomach. Let the pregnancy rumors begin. I would like to state for the record, I don’t deal in rumors. It doesn’t look like she’s pregnant to me – or even really hiding her stomach for that matter. I think it’s kind of silly that people go so nuts with these pregnancy rumors but I don’t think it’s just a celebrity thing. When a woman gets married, people start watching her belly. Heaven forbid you have a big meal. I don’t really like Kim’s choice of outfit here but I guess she looks pretty hot. One thing I hope we can all agree on though is that the last thing this world needs is another Kardashian.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }