Search Results for “pus”

November 9, 2011

Lady Gaga’s Ass And Some Other Gaga Pictures

You know, I really should’ve known. I saw pictures of Lady Gaga on the red carpet at the MTV European Music Awards in Belfast and thought she looked surprisingly normal. Her dress wasn’t really all that outrageous and she actually looked pretty hot. Then I opened these pictures to begin writing my post, saw Gaga’s caboose and some of the crazy hats she was wearing and breathed a sigh of relief. Clearly Gaga is still being Gaga. I love this woman. She knows how to push the envelope and while I think she goes too far sometimes (much of the time), I love the fact that she’s got the guts to go further than many other performers. Gaga excites me even if I’d still like to see her really shock us all and be completely normal just once.

August 23, 2011

Bikini Pics Of Brooke Hogan

Not long ago, I was writing a post about Brooke Hogan in which I talked about her need to wear less makeup. This is why I said that. She looks so much better in these pictures than she did in the set from her PETA poster launch. Here in Miami, Brooke looks fresh faced and natural. She has a nice enough body and most importantly, she doesn’t look like a woman pushing forty. I want to like Brooke but it’s hard. These pictures make it easier though. She looks like a normal girl relaxing with some friends. I like that. Hopefully the next time she hits the red carpet or attends some sort of event, she’ll leave some of the makeup at home and stick to a more natural, more appealing look.

August 3, 2011
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Lady Gaga On Jimmy Kimmel Live

You’ve gotta hand it to Lady Gaga. She’s never afraid to push the envelope and she does that once again with her performance on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’. I love the woman. Her music is infectious and I love her “love yourself” message. She might not always be the best role model but in terms of today’s pop music, she’s the closest thing we have to inspirational. Sometimes when I’m having a hard day (I have a lot of those), I’ll crank “Born This Way” and dance around my living room in my underwear. It’s the little things in life, people.

June 29, 2011

Sexy Pics Of Julianne Hough And Ryan Seacrest

Of all the celebrities I get to write about on this site, Julianne Hough is one of my absolute favorites. I love this girl. She has such a feisty personality and the fact that she’s smoking hot doesn’t hurt. I love pictures of Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough even more. These two seem to have such a normal, functional relationship. I like seeing that. I also have to admit, I find Seacrest kind of sexy in a weird way. Sure he’s just a little guy, but he has some sort of strange charm. They seem like a great match. Here in Miami, Julianne and Ryan seem to be enjoying a nice day out on the beach. Am the only one that thinks Ryan could stand to do a few push ups, though? Perhaps the one shirtless picture we have of him is just taken from a bad angle. Who cares though? With Julianne in that little black bikini, it’s hard to even pay attention to Ryan. That girl is fit!

June 13, 2011
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Nicole Scherzinger Shakes Her Ass

You gotta hand it to Nicole Scherzinger. She definitely knows what her audience wants to see and what her audience wants to see is Nicole shaking her ass for all she’s worth. I have high hopes for Nicole and her solo career. She’s long been my favorite Pussycat Doll, I loved her on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and I can’t wait to see her on ‘The X-Factor’ but I’m far more interested in seeing what her solo career holds. She hit the ‘American Idol’ stage a few weeks back to perform her new single and I honestly didn’t care for it. Here at the Summertime Ball at Wembley Stadium, I am liking how the music looks as far as performances go, but I’m a little nervous about how it’s going to sound. After all, this isn’t the first time Nicole has attempted a solo career and it didn’t go so well for her the first time around. Hopefully she has better luck this time.

June 8, 2011
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Carmen Electra Is A Real Woman

Aside from Sandra Bullock, Carmen Electra was my very first girl crush. She exudes this sensual, sexual confidence that makes her so incredibly sexy. She knows how to move and she knows how to give an audience what it wants. Here at the grand opening of the Pussycat Dolls Burlesque Saloon, Carmen takes the stage and shows the audiences she knows how to put on a hot burlesque show right alongside the professionals. I love her curves. I love that she isn’t a tiny girl trying to strut her stuff on stage the way only a real woman can. Carmen is a real woman from top to bottom and I love that she was asked to be part of the opening.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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