Search Results for “teen”

January 7, 2013

Courtney Stodden Is One Trashy Girl.

Another day, another chance to dress like a complete skank and strut around like being a skank is some kind of accomplishment. If ‘Teen Bride’ Courtney Stodden wasn’t married to a 50-some year old man (she married him when she was 16, if you haven’t heard the story) I’d almost feel bad for the guy. It’s clear she’s married to him for fame and not anything remotely resembling love. I wanted to give them a shot but hearing her say things like “sometimes I forget I’m married” cements the belief that she’s just some wannabe starlet bimbo that’s willing to do anything it takes to be famous. This is what she wears strolling around her home in the Hollywood Hills. Her husband looks happy enough, I guess. Clearly having a hot wife is more important to him than having a wife that loves him, respects him or has even the tiniest sliver of respect for herself. This is a woman even Playboy wanted nothing to do with. In ten years, I can’t even imagine where this girl will be. I guess it’s better not to think about it.

January 4, 2013
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LeAnn Rimes Looks Great In A Bikini, Still Really Bugs Me.

It isn’t just the home wrecking. It really isn’t. Don’t get me wrong. That still really bothers me (and not just with LeAnn – I blame Eddie just as much as I blame LeAnn) but it’s LeAnn’s entire attitude that rubs me the wrong way. I loved her when I was a teenager. I thought she was phenomenally talented, beautiful and had a bright future. Then she decided she wanted to take on a more mature image and I supported her through that. Then the cheating thing happened and she lost a lot of respect in my eyes. The last bit of respect I had for her went out the window when she showed up on The X Factor and staggered her way through her performance with Carley Rose. That little girl is talented but she had what could’ve been a beautiful moment she’d remember the rest of her life ruined by the train wreck she was performing with. The worst part though? The very next day LeAnn blamed the whole mess on the little girl! Come on, LeAnn – take a little responsibility for your actions. I know that’s something you’ve never been good at but maybe it’s time to start. When you start blaming children for your inability to stay sober long enough to sing one song, you know times are tough. All the same, LeAnn looks pretty hot in her bikini in Cabo but no amount of sex appeal will ever be enough to rinse out the bad taste this woman leaves in my mouth.

December 18, 2012

Aisleyne Horgan Wallace Is One Classy Lady.

Aisleyne Horgan Wallace is one of those women I will just never understand. I mean, I just don’t get what her deal is. I know she wants to keep her name in the headlines and extend her fifteen minutes of fame but isn’t there a better way to do it? It seems like every time I see photos of her, the first words that come to mind aren’t hot or sexy. No, the first words that come to mind when I look at photos of Aisleyne are trashy and desperate. In these photos from the Lipsy Party in London, Aisleyne once again puts everything she has to offer on display and it’s kind of gross. I’m sure she looks hot to some people but to me, she just looks sad and desperate. Am I too hard on her? Probably but without any obvious talent, I can’t see why we’re supposed to care about this girl anyway.

December 12, 2012

Heidi Montag Still Exists.

Oh look! It’s a brand new Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt (I think) publicity stunt. That really takes me back. I was pretty sure Heidi and Spencer were done clinging to the very last seconds of their fifteen minutes of fame but apparently I was wrong. It’s been known to happen from time to time. I have to be honest. I’m having a little trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. These pictures of the Gruesome Twosome in Beverly Hills are not helping. Something about the posing and forced smiles makes me think of everything I hate about this time of the year. The phony sentiment. The polite conversations with relatives you avoid the rest of the year. I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Bah humbug.

December 12, 2012

Courtney Stodden Sincerely Bugs Me.

Is this girl’s 15 minutes of fame up yet? We’ve gotta be at 14:59, right? Ugh. There is absolutely nothing about Teen Bride Courtney Stodden I like yet here I am writing about her. Why? Because it’s my job. Believe me, if I had a choice, I wouldn’t be. The last thing this ‘lady’ needs is any more attention. This girl is famous because she’s young, hot, blond and married to a man who could almost be considered famous. Well anyway, here’s Courtney out and about in Beverly Hills with her husband/father figure dressed in an outfit almost too ridiculous for words. I’m being harsh now. I apologize. I just really have such a strong distaste for this girl and everything she stands for, it’s hard to be objective. Moving on.

November 23, 2012
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Courtney Stodden Is Thankful For Attention.

I really don’t want to hate on these photos because I respect PETA and everything they stand for (although I think they go a little too far sometimes and that takes away from their message) but by allowing ‘Teen Bride’ Courtney Stodden to pose half naked for them does more damage than good, as far as I’m concerned. It just doesn’t seem like PETA has any standards anymore. I don’t believe Courtney has the moral convictions that PETA represents. As an organization, PETA can occasionally come across as a little too pushy but at least the intentions are usually good. It feels like Courtney saw this as just another chance to get her name and face in the headlines and that bothers me. I could be wrong entirely. Maybe Courtney is a passionate supporter of animal rights and really believes in what PETA stands for but until now, the only thing Courtney has shown any passion for is being famous.

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