Search Results for “work out”

December 30, 2013
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Holly Hagan Makes Me Feel All Warm And Fuzzy

I’m fairly certain I’ve posted about Holly Hagen before but I can’t recall her at the moment. That’s the biggest problem I have with working for this website. I post about a whole lot of women on a regular basis and it can be a bit difficult to keep them all straight in my head. Without looking over my past posts to try to find Holly posts, I’m just going to post about these photos and hope I don’t contradict myself (again). These photos are fantastic. I know that much for sure. I love the look she’s got going on here. I don’t typically love blue hair on a woman but it works for Holly. Plus, of course, the woman has an incredible body. Great shots from start to finish.

December 29, 2013
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Sexy Selena Gomez Bikini Shots

Selena Gomez is certainly no child but for some reason, I have a hard time not thinking of her that way. To me, Selena Gomez is still a child. I don’;t know if it’s her adorable baby face or something else, but something about her makes it hard for me to see her as an adult even though that’s clearly what she is. I don’t fault her for it. That sort of innocent little girl vibe really works for her, even when she’s wearing a bikini in Miami and looking all  kinds of sexy.

December 28, 2013

Katy Perry Shows Off Her Panties – No One Is Surprised

I’m just gonna be blunt. I love Katy Perry and in my eyes, she can do no wrong. She could hop up on stage, strip completely naked and cover herself in mustard and I wouldn’t say a word about the whole thing being a publicity stunt. There are few women in the entertainment industry I give a pass in that department but Katy is definitely one of them. Why? I have no idea. Something about the woman just gets me. In these shots, we see Katy performing on Rise at the Sydney Opera House and yeah, her outfit is a little “look at me” for my usual taste but Katy is a “look at me” kind of woman so it works.

December 27, 2013
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Rita Ora And Her Very Interesting Look

So here we have Rita Ora at the Angel Ball in NYC and she’s looking … hot? I’m not really sure I know how I feel about these photos, to be honest. I don’t really dig the blond locks on Rita. They don’t look bad by any stretch of the imagination but I think she’s look better with a nice chestnut brown color instead. In any event, I’m really loving the dress Rita’s wearing here. It’s a different sort of look for her but I really think it works. It shows off her killer body but it isn’t quite as loud and showy as her typical wardrobe choices.

December 26, 2013
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I Have Desperately Missed Kelly Brook

I was here, then I was gone. I was here again, then I was gone again. Such is life in the working online world. What matters is that I’m back now and can resuming writing about one of my all time favorite lingerie models – the outrageously gorgeous Kelly Brook. Kelly Brook. I don’t even know what to say about her any more. She’s so beautiful and so sexy – everything I could ever want in a woman in the looks department. These pictures are flawless. There isn’t a thing about this girl that doesn’t drive me wild. Absolutely perfect in my book.

December 21, 2013
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Jessica Simpson With Her Boobs Pushed Up To Her Chin

I always wonder why women choose to push their boobs up so unnaturally high when they want to look good.  I know this is only my opinion and it’s likely one not shared by many of you people out there in cyber space but I don’t think the jacked up boob look works for, well, any woman. I’m normally a big fan of Jessica Simpson’s looks but … not so much here. She just looks uncomfortable in her skintight, low-cut dress in these shots of her night out in Los Angeles. At least she looks good aside from the chin rest boobs.

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