Search Results for “work out”

May 17, 2011
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Jessica Alba And Her Baby Bump

I loathe the term ‘MILF’ not because of what it stands for or the general crass nature of the term but because it’s so very overused. With that out of the way, Jessica Alba is a total MILF. If the term fits, right? She’s sexy. She’s outspoken. I love her. I don’t always agree with the stuff she says, but that doesn’t really change my opinion of her. I’m not one of those woman that thinks pregnancy is beautiful. That could be because I’ve never had kids and never will. It just doesn’t look beautiful to me. It looks uncomfortable. Jessica does make it work for her though. With her daughter, Honor, at her side, Jessica takes a little time to relax as she prepared for the birth of baby number two.

May 13, 2011

Amy Childs Shows Off Her Body

Hitting the town in a form fitting red dress, Amy Childs does her best to remind us why we care about her. She’s hot. That’s pretty much it. I’m sure someone will defend her against this unfair attack, but I pretty much hold this opinion of any sexy reality tv celebrity who is famous only for being famous – and the UK is no exception. With that said, I don’t really have any problem with Amy. She knows what her biggest assets are (boobs and butt, of course) and she works them. I don’t think that’s any worse than Kim Kardashian doing the same thing.

May 11, 2011
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Julianne Hough In Pink Ruffled Bikini

I really, really miss Julianna Hough on ‘Dancing with the Stars’. She’s such a talented lady, but it is nice to see her branching out into other areas. Have you see ‘Burlesque’? Hough did a fantastic job as Georgia. If you haven’t seen it and want to watch a light hearted, fun movie with lots of women in skimpy costumes, I would recommend checking it out. It’s no masterpiece, but I liked it. And Christina Aguilera hasn’t looked as sexy as she did in that movie in quite some time. Here on Miami Beach, Julianna shows us what I like most about her (no, not her body although that is fantastic). I love Julianne because she’s not afraid to be a girl. She embraces the feminine. Her pink ruffled bikini couldn’t possibly be more girlie and it works for her. Love it and I love her.

May 11, 2011
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Kim Kardashian Does A Little Shopping

I just, not even two minutes ago, wrote a post about Kim Kardashian on a beach in Mexico. I stated that I’m not really her biggest fan but admitted I think she’s one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Now I’m writing this post about Kim out shopping in Beverly Hills at Harmes Paris and I think it’s a great contrast to the other post. Why? Because I think these pictures show why I’m not really Kim K’s biggest fan. There is just something so ‘diva’ about her. Mariah Carey is a diva. Madonna is a diva. Aretha Franklin is a diva. Diana Ross is a diva. I could go on, but here’s the point I want to make. I’m okay with those women being diva’s because they’ve worked hard and earned it. Kim Kardashian has not. She turned her reality show celebrity (and the whole sex tape thing) into a career and I admire that, but she has not earned the diva title. I could be wrong. The pictures aren’t really all that bad. She looks hot as hell and that’s fine, but there’s just this attitude in them. Am I reading too much into it? More than likely yes. If I am, my sincerest apologies to Kim.

May 3, 2011

Recent Bikini Pictures Of Mischa Barton

I’ve never seen ‘The O.C.’ but I remember what a huge fuss everyone was making about it when it was on the air – particularly young Mischa Barton. So… what happened with all that? Sure she’s had a few problems, but what happened to all that love? I really like Mischa. I’m not sure what it is about her I like. I saw her in ‘Homecoming’ and ‘The Beautiful Life’ and thought she was pretty good. More than that I like that she isn’t completely caught up with being Hollywood. Has that hurt her career? Probably not as much as her problems off camera, but I’m sure it has played some role in it. Regardless, I love her and I love these pictures. She has a sort of vulnerability about her that I think it really sweet. I hope she pulls herself together and gets her career back on track. With six projects in the works right now, it looks like she’s on her way to doing just that.

April 29, 2011
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Ana Beatriz Barros Catches A Fish

There is only one thing that prevents me from really liking Ana Beatriz Barros and I’ll tell you exactly what that is. Jealousy. This girl makes me jealous like you wouldn’t believe. Why? She’s gorgeous. She has a great modeling career working with Guess?, Jennifer Lopez’s ‘J-Lo’ fashion line, bebe, and Victoria’s Secret. She has such a natural, easy confidence in front of the camera. She was also born on May 29th, 1982. I was born on May 14th, 1982. We are only fifteen days apart in age yet light years apart in lifestyle. Somewhere Ana is probably sunning herself on the beach. What are my plans for the day? Finish these posts, work on an article about celebrity baby names and then possibly cry myself to sleep. Seriously though, I do love this girl. She’s stunning but not in the conventional sort of way. I think these pictures are a lot of fun. I’m glad to see her continued success.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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