Search Results for “young”

March 18, 2011

Minka Kelly Sexy Lady In Red

Minka Kelly is, in my humble opinion, one of the sexiest young actresses in Hollywood. I loved her on “Friday Night Lights” and even liked her in “The Roommate” even though I didn’t care much for the movie although my favorite role of hers to date is Gaby on the tragically underrated “Parenthood”. I’m haven’t really been a big fan of all of the remakes hitting the airwaves over the last little while, but I’m looking forward to seeing “Charlie’s Angels” – Minka’s upcoming TV movie remake of the classic TV show. Will it be anywhere near as fun and campy as the series it’s based on? Only time will tell, but I definitely hope so.

March 4, 2011

Taylor Momsen Hits The Stage In Her Panties

It seems like it’s been forever since last we heard about little Taylor Momsen. I missed her and her crazy antics. Taylor and her band, The Pretty Reckless, hit the stage at the Tattoo Rock Parlour in Toronto and these are the pictures from that performance. I’m not the least bit surprised to see her in what look like leather panties paired with a black ‘Satan’ tank top and black thigh high tights. The problem with Momsen is that you can’t really call her sexy. I mean, she’s so young it would just be inappropriate. I was kind of growing tired of her half naked antics, but only now am I realizing what a void was left in my life when Taylor apparently decided to put on clothes. I don’t know, folks. I’m so back and forth on this girl, I get dizzy writing about her.

March 2, 2011
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Hayden Panettiere Has An Interesting Day Out

Hayden Panettiere has been receiving some rather unfavorable comparisons to Hilary Clinton ever since she chopped off her beautiful blond locks, and while I can see the point, I still think she’s beautiful. She looks like a young girl that knows how to have fun, but knows how to have fun responsibly. I like that about her. Unlike many of her peers, Hayden seems like she could actually be a pretty good role model. A while back, I was starting to hear rumblings of her private partying habits but those have long since died down. Although many in the industry are questioning her future, I think Hayden has the class and style to stick around for the long run, assuming of course she puts the nipple pasty dresses back in the closet.

February 16, 2011

Emma Watson Upskirt Shots

Congratulations paparazzi of London. You managed to get upskirt shots of Emma Watson despite the fact she’s clearly trying pretty hard to avoid letting that happen. I feel bad for her. I really do. Getting in and out of a car in a short dress isn’t easy to do without flashing a little bit of panty. I can’t imagine how awful it would be to have a flock of photographers waiting for it to happen. I don’t think I’d ever wear anything but long dresses and pants. Anyway, Emma looks as adorable as always. I loved the short hair from the beginning and I love it more every time I see it. It really compliments her and makes her delicate features stand out even more. This girl is one of my favorite young actresses in Hollywood. I can’t wait to see where life takes her.

February 7, 2011
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Rihanna In Black And White

For a woman known more and more for her outrageous fashion choices, the black and white outfit Rihanna chose to wore in this shoot is actually pretty tame. The clothes are not my problem with these pictures. Rihanna – what have you done to your hair? Sure, I was growing tired of the fire engine red and that massive frizz fest you were sporting recently didn’t do you any favors but I have never, ever seen a look less flattering than this one. I’m going to stop short of comparing this hair style to another rather famous hairstyle sported by a much younger male pop star (mainly because I try my hardest to avoid ever mentioning his name anywhere at any time for any reason at all) but the similarities are pretty obvious. The black streak does little to change it. I don’t know, Ri Ri. I love you and I love your music, but your style has really been slipping lately. Bring back to the lovely long hair you had when the world first met you. You looked so much better.

February 3, 2011
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Amanda Seyfried And Her Sexy Legs

Amanda Seyfried is one of my favorite young actresses in Hollywood right now. I’ve been a big fan of her work since Mean Girls and love that she’s finally starting to get some of the attention she deserves. While it’s true that I didn’t really care for ‘Dear John’ or ‘Letters to Juliet’, they got her name out there and got people looking at her as a realistic leading lady. I think she has real talent which she gets to really put on display in Big Love. While I’m sad to see the show ending, I’m excited to see where Amanda’s career takes her. I am disheartened, however, to see her getting mixed up with notorious womanizer Ryan Phillippe. Hopefully things work out better for her with him than they did for Reese Witherspoon and Abbie Cornish.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }