Search Results for “young”

October 26, 2013
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Kimberley Garner Looking Sexy In London

Kimberley Garner is one of those women whose name I always recognize but can still never quite remember. She’s a lovely woman, of course – beautiful face, incredible body … all that – but for some reason, I can never place the name when I see her pop up on my assignments list. I actually kind of like that. When I open up her photos, it’s always a nice surprise. Take these shots from the Herve Leger shop launch in London we see here. Kimberley looks stunning. I was sure that I remembered Kimberley was beautiful and now I can see I was not wrong. Great shots. Perhaps I’ll remember this lovely young lady next time. More than likely though, I will not.

October 25, 2013
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Demi Lovato Makes Me Giddy

I want to be best friends with Demi Lovato. Sure she’s a bit younger than me but I think we’d have a lot of fun together. We could talk about music and … whatever it is people her age talk about with their friends. It’s kind of weird though. I have some weird older sister instincts when it comes to Demi. I’m very protective of her. Perhaps I feel like I know what she’s gone through or perhaps I just know what it’s like to struggle through the troublesome teenage years. Either way, it irks me when people talk trash about someone who has clearly had a rough go of it at certain points in her life. I respect Demi in a way I respect few young celebrities. She owned up to her problems and took steps to try to improve herself. That takes guts. I appreciate that. I think more entertainers should be like her. She’s an excellent role model in a world where there are few excellent role models to be found.

October 24, 2013

Malin Akerman Shows Off Her Legs

I’m a big Malin Akerman fan. I think she’s a beautiful, talented young woman that has a unique approach to the entertainment industry I think will pay off big time in the long run. Malin seems like the kind of actress that chooses her roles carefully. The benefit there is that she gains credibility and gets the chance to really show off what she can do. Some young actresses seem to focus solely on the jobs that will get them the most attention and put the most money in their bank account but Malin seems willing to take smaller, more artistically fulfilling roles as well. I think she’ll have a great career, even if she has to wait a while to become a household name.

October 23, 2013

Hayden Panettiere Looks Lovely Here But I’m Still Sad

Why is it that the vast majority of television watchers always seem to choose to watch the worst shows out there while really solid shows like Nashville struggle to draw people in? I just don’t get it. Nashville has everything a show should need to draw people in. It has drama, romance, comedy and of course, it also has hot people. It has a lot of hot people including the lovely young lady in these photos, Miss. Hayden Panettiere. This lady is gorgeous. She’s so talented and she seems so down to earth. I don’t think it would be possible for me to love her more. Sadly, it doesn’t look like her show is going to be around for a third season and that makes me ragey. Come on people – watch Nashville. For me. This show needs a third season!

October 22, 2013
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Serinda Swan Shows Off Her Body But Stays Classy

Serinda Swan is definitely one of my favorite young ladies working in the entertainment industry today. She’s beautiful, talented and doesn’t seem to be letting the spotlight go to her head. The outfit she’s chosen for this red carpet event is perfect, in my opinion. It shows off her body and makes her look extremely sexy but it’s still classy and formal. Sometimes young performers miss the mark in the classy department in an attempt to get noticed but Serinda doesn’t seem to fall victim to that. Lovely young lady. I can’t wait to see more of her.

October 9, 2013

Jessica Gomes In Sexy David Jones Swimwear

Oh man – what can I even say about Jessica Gomes? The woman is gorgeous from toe to tip. I look at her and I see an absolutely flawless beauty. In these shows, we see Jessica modeling a few swimsuits at the David Jones S/S 2013 Collection Launch in Sydney and I have to say, I’m a pretty big fan and not just of Jessica but of the suits themselves. The suits Jessica is modeling are the kind of suits just about any woman could feel comfortable wearing. While I’m sure Jessica looks incredible in a two piece, it’s nice seeing her rocking a one piece. She’s a stunning young woman and these are great photos of her.

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