Search Results for “ ASS ASS ”

November 21, 2011

Lisa Edelstein In Best Friends Magazine

I haven’t watched “House” since the end of season two despite my deep, and somewhat disturbing, love for everything Hugh Laurie but I am aware that Lisa Edelstein (Cuddy) is no longer on the show. I just can’t imagine how it works without her. I love Lisa. She’s sexy but not in the traditional sense of the word. She has a lovely smile and I like that in a woman. Here in her shoot for Best Friends magazine, Lisa poses with an assortment of cute and furry things, officially melting my icy heart. I think this is a great set of pictures for her. She looks incredible and is clearly doing something she loves. There is such real warmth in her expression. Love the woman.

November 20, 2011
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Lauren Pope Wore This In Public

Now, I am by no means a prude and I really admire Lauren Pope’s willingness to do what it takes to stand out, but I’m not sure it would be possible for a woman to look more desperate for attention. Lauren showed up at the Breaking Dawn UK premiere wearing a ‘dress’ that actually sort of shocked me. Were this dress worn by someone that had some connection to the movie, I may feel differently about it but Lauren is in no way connected to the film. It was a completely classless move. In wearing that thing she wore, she completely upstaged all of the people in the actual movie. I guess I have to credit her for getting noticed but I also have to call her out for being trashy and sleazy. With that said, her body looks incredible so hey, there’s that.

November 15, 2011

CoCo Austin Has Giant Boobs

I get why people are so in lust with CoCo. She has giant boobs, a giant ass and she doesn’t mind showing either of those things off. At the same time, I can also see why people don’t like her. I happen to be one of those people. CoCo just seems to be so incredibly into herself. Her entire life seems to be a photo op. I guess that’s not really all that unusual. Look at almost any of the reality television celebrities and you’ll see the same thing. I guess my problem with CoCo is that she seems to over exaggerate. I love big boobs as much as the next girl (all girls like to look at big boobs, right) but CoCo’s are just a little too big. Her ass is a little too round. She looks like someone’s over inflated everything. It just doesn’t look natural to me, but whatever. People like here so here are some pictures of her half naked on the beach. Enjoy!

November 13, 2011

Mariah Carey For Jenny Craig

Mariah Carey is the new Jenny Craig Brand Ambassador. It makes sense. Much like brand ambassadors of the past, Mariah has very publicly struggled with her weight for years. She started off smoking hot and skinny. She was then a little meaty. Then she was more than a little meaty. Then she was skinny again. To be honest, I’ve always though Mariah was hot, regardless of her weight. She can pull off the bigger girl thing. She makes curves look sexy. At the same time, remember how freaking hot she was in the “Honey” video? In that gold bikini? Good heavens. I’m getting all warm just thinking about it. Anyway, it’s good to see Mariah is taking control of her weight. I just hope she has more success with the battle of the bulge than past Jenny Craig spokeswomen.

November 13, 2011

Sexy Jennifer Lopez Upskirt Shot

It really doesn’t matter how much time passes. Jennifer Lopez was one of the sexiest women in the business when she first hit the scene and she remains one of the sexiest women in the business to this day. Jennifer’s backside was teh hottest thing in Hollywood long before big butts were considered a good thing for a mainstream artist. I had a problem with Jennifer for many years because she gave off a diva sort of vibe but after watching her on “American Idol” I started to see her more clearly. She is who she needs to be to survive in a very tough industry. In these pictures from Argentina, we not only get a closer look at that famous backside but we also get to see Jennifer being who she is – a confident and classy babe who knows exactly what to wear to show off her body without looking trash. I love this woman.

November 12, 2011

Sexy HQ Bikini Pics Of Eva La Rue

I have always been a big Eva La Rue fan. I am not a big “CSI: Miami” fan (David Caruso irks me with those stupid sunglasses and the dumb as dirt one liners) but I tune in every now and then to get an Eva fix. Here in Mexico, Eva shows off many of the qualities I love most about her; her incredible body and sexy smile being at the top of the list. She has a sort of natural sexiness about her. Sometimes bikini pictures like these can look overly posed or rehearsed but it really seems like Eva’s beauty just flows naturally. I love everything about this girl. She’s an absolute stunner.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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