Search Results for “Paris Hilton”

February 6, 2008
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Paris Hilton Promotes “The Hottie & The Nottie”

At the premiere of “The Hottie & The Nottie”, at Hollywood’s Egyptian Theater, Paris Hilton showed off what a rich diva she was. She had an expensive gown made in the style of Marilyn Monroe’s dress that appeared in “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.” She looked fabulous and stole the limelight away from her co-star, Christine Lakin. She even managed to strike an hour glass figure in her pose. Indeed, Paris had previously revealed that she was a fan of Marilyn Monroe, and would try to emulate her success as an actress.

Paris Hilton

January 16, 2008

Fila Girl Paris Hilton

Guess who’s the newest face of sports wear company Fila? Duh, why it’s the heiress (I’m not sure if we should already call her ex-heiress just because her grandpa decided to give his billions to charity) Paris Hilton herself! Here she is at a photo shoot for Fila in Marina del Rey. I must say, she does look believable in these photos! Believable in the sense that you’d really think she’s an active sportswoman and not a party girl. What do you think of Paris as the new Fila girl?

Paris Hilton Fila

December 14, 2007

Paris Hilton Pole Dancing

Paris Hilton performed her sexy pole dancing while promoting her canned wine called Rich Prosecco. She slid down to her ass and offered a delicious crotch view for everyone. The men, as well as women, were equally turned on by the charisma of the charming Paris. She’s a natural at getting attention from everyone.

Paris Hilton Pole Dancing

December 1, 2007

Paris Hilton Parties With Avril Lavigne

And here we have our Paris Hilton whooping it up with her chum Avril Lavigne. The two were partying the night away at the new club Goa. Gosh, do you think she has enough of the blue shadow thing going? But the pair are kind of interesting to see together. On one hand we have Paris who is trying to pull off the sleek sophisticated look as she hangs with the ever-so edgy Avril Lavigne. Interesting combo! And I am sure putting the two together in one bar on the same night must be very entertaining.

Paris Hilton Avril Lavigne

November 30, 2007

Paris Hilton Shows Off New Boyfriend

Well, it seems that our Paris Hilton has some new arm candy. And here she is with oh-nameless one on a little road trip out to Mama H’s house. Yes, those nervous smiles of trepidation are only ever seen on the faces of boys about to meet the GF’s mother. And of course Paris is decked out in full ‘meet the parents’ regalia, looking almost, well, dare I say decent? Could lose the fishnets, but hey, just me. Looks like the new BF was welcomed warmly, so hopefully that remained a theme for the rest of the night. Who is this dude anyway? He looks like Ken. As in, ‘and Barbie’. No really, he’s a walking Ken doll. Am I wrong??

Paris Hilton Boyfriend

November 28, 2007

Paris Hilton In Her Underwear

And speaking of women walking around in their underwear…were we even? Who knows, well, the boys were at some point I am sure so let’s just leave it at that. Here we have Paris Hilton doing just that, on the streets of L.A. no less just yesterday. Someone needs to tell the sweet thing that pairing opaque tights with a lace slip doesn’t make it any less a lace slip. Not to mention that if you are going to wear a slip, AS YOUR OUTFIT I mean, then work on concealing the underthings a little bit more. Yes, we see London, Paris, France, and the girl’s underpants, and honestly, the too much information alert is going NUTS about now. The bag is pretty though, good thing it’s bigger than the outfit, it does work to make the whole ensemble only slightly less distasteful.

Paris Hilton Lingerie

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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