Search Results for “Se”

April 18, 2011

Rosie Huntington In A See-through Dress

I wonder if Rosie Huntington knew her dress was see through when she went shopping wearing it. I know it sounds like something you’d know as soon as you got dressed, but speaking from experience, that isn’t always the case. Finding out that your dress is see-through – especially if you find out from a stranger, as I did – is embarrassing, the say the least, so I want to assume for Rosie’s sake this was on purpose. If I looked like Rosie, I don’t know if I’d own anything that covered me up at all. Rosie doesn’t seem all that happy here. I can’t help wondering why. With an apparently happy love life and a blossoming movie career, you’d think she’d have plenty to smile about. Then again, maybe she just discovered the revealing nature of her dress and is a little bummed out about that.

April 15, 2011

Christie Brinkley Loses A Shoe

See, Kirstie Alley? It can happen to anyone. With a lost shoe and a hole in her stockings, Christie seems to have having a bad night in the wardrobe department. Hardly matters though because that red dress she’s wearing is smoking hot. Christie is proof positive that models of a certain age aren’t necessarily washed up. This woman is still so beautiful and fresh faced. She’s never been one of the super skinny, needs-a-sandwich models, which is a big part of the reason I’ve always loved her so much. She still has a killer body and a smile that can light up the room. The greatest thing about Christie is that she’s not just beautiful for her age. She’s just plain beautiful.

April 11, 2011

Is Serena Williams Fat Or Muscular?

People like to give Serena Williams a lot of crap about being a little too masculine, but I don’t think that’s entirely fair. I mean, come on – she’s a professional athlete. Of course she’s a little on the muscular side. People like to point out Anna Kournikova and her ultra feminine body, but aside from the fact that they both play tennis, I don’t think it’s fair to compare the two. Anna is widely considered mediocre in tennis. Serena, on the other hand, is seen as one of the best female tennis players in the world today. I like Serena. I like that she is who she is and doesn’t seem to worry a whole lot about what other people think of her. So, is Serena Williams fat or not?

April 8, 2011
Comments Off on Denise Richards In The Bahamas

Denise Richards In The Bahamas

It can’t be easy to be Denise Richards right now. Her ex, Tiger blood and winning enthusiast, Charlie Sheen is well, “winning at every turn”. Despite a shaky start to his “Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option” tour, Charlie’s last two shows have been stark raving successes. I bet that has little impact on Denise, honestly – aside from the fact that Charlie seems to like badmouthing her again. She looks hot and in the Bahamas, she is far away from all of the drama at home. More importantly, she’s got the children she shares with Sheen away from the drama. I like Denise. I like Charlie. I like the fact that those kids are as far away from all of the drama back home even more.

April 4, 2011

Sexy Pictures Of Audrina Patridge In A Bikini

I don’t normally like to point out cellulite on celebrities (or even the friends of celebrities) but it’s a little hard to ignore this time around. I mean – that is a lot of cellulite on Audrina Patridge’s beach buddy. It’s not as defined in later pictures, so maybe it was just a bad angle, but holy cottage cheese in that first one. Anyway, on to the ‘star’. I haven’t really been hearing much about Audrina since she was voted off “Dancing with the Stars” but she looks pretty good in these pictures. She has a sort of wholesome look. Maybe wholesome isn’t the right word. Maybe just less slutty than many of her contemporaries. Either way, nice to see her out and about enjoying the last of her fifteen minutes of fame.

March 29, 2011

Taylor Momsen Upskirt… Again

When last I spoke of Taylor Momsen I said she was looking almost normal. I had high hopes when I saw her name come up again. I hoped for maybe a pair of jeans and a tank top or hey, even just a skirt with a hemline lower than mid-thigh. I opened this photo set and rolled my eyes. Again with the lingerie on stage. Again with the underwear showing. Again with the raccoon eyes. It’s all getting a bit old now, isn’t it? It isn’t shocking anymore. It’s boring. Her performance at the VIP Room in Paris show more of the same old Taylor. Shock us all, Taylor! Make our jaws drop! Put on some real clothes, wash off the Courtney Love makeup and act your age. Now that would be shocking.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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