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June 21, 2012

Miley Cyrus Looks Thin But Not Unhealthy.

A few weeks back, rumors were swirling that Miley Cyrus was anorexic. She denied the rumors but her denial did about as much good as her denials normally do – none at all. I have been hard on Miley in the past and haven’t exactly been a fan of many of her career choices but I’m a little distressed that magazines and websites are throwing around the word anorexic so carelessly. Miley does not look unhealthy. She’s clearly lost weight but that sometimes happen as women age. Sometimes it goes the other way and women gain weight as they age. Aside from that, Miley has been working out and doing yoga. Yoga is a great way to lose weight and tone up. She does have a wedding coming up. Maybe she just wants to get in shape. After seeing these pictures, I feel like she looks pretty good. I might be worried if she continues losing weight but as it stands now, she looks fine. Next controversy please.

June 20, 2012
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I Just Don’t Know About Olivia Munn

I have never been a big Olivia Munn fan. Well, that’s not entirely true. I sometimes like her personality and her sense of humor but as far as looks go, I’ve never seen what the big deal is about her. Men seem to go wild for this woman but I guess I’ve just never been able to wrap my head around why. Yes she’s cute but I wouldn’t exactly call her hot – well not until these pictures anyway. As Olivia takes a run in Battery Park in New York, she actually looks sexy. I’ve always found women who can pull off a casual, dressed down look more appealing than women who put on a pound of makeup to head to the gym. Have these pictures changed my mind about Olivia? I haven’t quite decided just yet. I guess it doesn’t matter. Olivia is doing just fine and doesn’t need my support.

June 20, 2012
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Katy Perry Lets Her Bum Hang Out

There are a lot of things Katy Perry could be accused of. Some say her music is a little lacking on originality. Some say she likes to use a lot of flash to disguise the fact that she isn’t all that talented. I disagree on both counts but that’s kind of beside the point. While people may throw a lot of accusations her way, one thing I doubt anyone will ever claim is that Katy is too modest. She proves why here at the Cirque du Soleil nightclub in London. Perhaps she was intending to wear a skirt and forgot or perhaps she just doesn’t care if people can see a bit of her butt. Katy has always been the kind of girl that does what she wants without caring what people will think. I’m guessing that’s the case here.

June 20, 2012
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Kate Hudson Isn’t Fat So Don’t Even.

Oh people. I saw a set of photos similar to the ones you’re seeing here on another website and the person who posted the photos said Kate Hudson has let herself go. That’s not true. That’s not even a little bit true. I remember a time not long ago when a magazine that shall not be named accused Kate of being anorexic, describing her as painfully thin. While she denied the reports and wound up being compensated for the false reports, I have to admit she was a little on the skinny side back then. I’ll take the curvier Kate we’re seeing on a beach in Mexico here in these photos to the skin and bones Kate of a few years back. It’s things like the article I mentioned at the beginning of this post that put pressure on healthy women to lose weight. I think Kate is gorgeous. I know people are going to disagree but I stand by my opinion. That’s the thing about opinions – everyone has their own and everyone has the right to express it.

June 11, 2012
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Kirsten Dunst Looking Adorable At The Beach

I’ve been a huge Kirsten Dunst fan since “Interview with the Vampire” and while she’s gone through some things, I’ve always respected her as a person and as an actress. She did the right thing. Instead of waiting to get arrested or waiting to have some sort of public meltdown, Kirsten went to rehab to get help and now all these years later, she looks healthy, happy and absolutely adorable. I know we feature a lot of bikini clad women around here and that is great and all, but I absolutely love seeing a young, beautiful woman rocking a one piece every now and again. It’s a refreshing change and Kirsten couldn’t have chosen a cuter swimsuit. I love these pictures and I love seeing Kirsten looking so happy.

June 10, 2012

Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Fantastic Ass In Miami

Let me start this by saying that I think Claudia Romani is beautiful. She’s a lovely women and before anyone brings this up in the comments, yes, she is far more attractive than I am and she is far more successful. I’m not jealous. I’m okay with who I am and where I am and that’s all that matters at the end of the day. I’m sure Claudia is perfectly fine with herself as well. With all that out of the way, I’ll confess there is something about Claudia I don’t find entirely attractive. I’m not even sure what that something is. I guess it’s something about her jawline. I have the same problem with Jennifer Carpenter. Anyway, that doesn’t really matter because there are a lot of things about Claudia I love and all of those things are on display in these photos from Miami. Claudia has a fantastic body with an incredible rear end. In all honesty, it’s hard for me to notice anything else.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }